Sentinel Ally
ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance sentinel squad member
You need to complete five missions while Kaidan Alenko, the Alliance Sentinel squad member, is in your party.

Despite what the trophy description says, you don't have to complete only five tasks listed under the Missions headline. Those listed under Assignments will work as well. With proper planning, all ally trophies can be earned in the same playthrough. For a complete list of Missions and Assignments, see Gold Completionist.

In order to count towards the trophy, the squad members must be in your party at the time the mission is completed. Some players report that missions ending on the Normandy don't count towards the required five.

Note: It's recommended to finish this trophy before landing on the planet Virmire, as story related choices may lock you out of this.

First Achievers

1 radagons
11th May 2021
11:28:42 PM
2 Couga83
12th May 2021
7:57:28 AM
3 Lachlankid
12th May 2021
9:00:56 AM
4 CodeVampire
12th May 2021
12:57:16 PM
5 calmackenzie14
12th May 2021
2:16:27 PM
6 DarknessDK
12th May 2021
3:59:28 PM
7 linkenski
12th May 2021
4:05:55 PM
8 SchimmelGorgon
12th May 2021
5:02:52 PM
9 kinsella272727
12th May 2021
6:02:45 PM
10 Ninja--IRL
12th May 2021
7:11:48 PM
11 levinoah11
12th May 2021
8:13:00 PM
12 ooIIaaff
12th May 2021
8:40:10 PM
13 xxJimbo94xx
12th May 2021
9:25:58 PM
14 Joniwan
12th May 2021
10:41:21 PM
15 simcard7
12th May 2021
11:09:45 PM
16 bleached_steve
13th May 2021
12:17:24 AM
17 audreyetjeremy
13th May 2021
12:18:40 AM
13th May 2021
12:59:50 AM
19 Avondales
13th May 2021
8:17:22 AM
20 waeiourd
13th May 2021
9:46:20 AM
21 syarith-
13th May 2021
10:58:24 AM
22 smart_brazileiro
13th May 2021
11:40:52 AM
23 Hard_Snow
13th May 2021
12:25:56 PM
24 pirulobolador
13th May 2021
1:39:45 PM
25 Lohtuz
13th May 2021
1:41:08 PM
26 ptitony29
13th May 2021
2:05:56 PM
27 Geridian
13th May 2021
2:17:58 PM
28 CLauDio_89N
13th May 2021
2:24:53 PM
29 SentientToilet
13th May 2021
2:26:07 PM
30 dupes25
13th May 2021
2:32:59 PM
31 darkboen
13th May 2021
2:38:49 PM
32 Creedy_Killer
13th May 2021
2:42:13 PM
33 troy332
13th May 2021
2:42:16 PM
34 DojimaNoRyuN7
13th May 2021
2:54:25 PM
35 Limnear
13th May 2021
2:55:13 PM
36 RaiOcean
13th May 2021
3:13:51 PM
37 Azz_Tegatti
13th May 2021
3:17:26 PM
38 starzgamer
13th May 2021
3:37:19 PM
39 WonkierStarnut
13th May 2021
3:57:55 PM
40 lost_phoe
13th May 2021
4:09:10 PM
41 speedy-poland
13th May 2021
4:15:56 PM
42 lockinkev
13th May 2021
4:18:34 PM
43 Rienzu
13th May 2021
4:19:35 PM
44 knojo
13th May 2021
4:50:57 PM
45 Sophie-Erslied
13th May 2021
4:52:57 PM
46 RepulsiveNugget
13th May 2021
4:58:15 PM
47 Jolly_17
13th May 2021
5:08:11 PM
48 Quixoma
13th May 2021
5:09:21 PM
49 breakingthegreen
13th May 2021
5:24:54 PM
50 MisFortune_Prink
13th May 2021
5:35:39 PM

Latest Achievers

1 smoczy1983
12th Jul 2024
5:22:38 PM
2 Spookjekat
12th Jul 2024
3:06:28 PM
3 TerminatorTasman
12th Jul 2024
6:51:02 AM
4 KelvinTheFelix
11th Jul 2024
8:16:16 PM
5 CobaltCrescent
11th Jul 2024
7:14:17 PM
6 Sayanore
10th Jul 2024
10:06:37 PM
7 stefant2002
10th Jul 2024
7:57:27 PM
8 Vanix1492
10th Jul 2024
6:21:18 PM
9 MahreOnMars
10th Jul 2024
11:17:55 AM
10 CDR_N7
10th Jul 2024
2:41:28 AM
11 Nicokete
9th Jul 2024
10:28:02 PM
12 Neosss19
9th Jul 2024
1:53:49 PM
13 Di_Pablos
8th Jul 2024
4:44:23 PM
14 adol_819
8th Jul 2024
3:40:23 PM
15 Freshpac1994
8th Jul 2024
12:02:58 PM
16 Fokathepingvin
8th Jul 2024
9:54:30 AM
17 DudemanDan
8th Jul 2024
3:03:42 AM
18 ChaosBoxHades
7th Jul 2024
10:29:06 PM
19 squallpr66
7th Jul 2024
10:07:57 PM
20 Interlobby
7th Jul 2024
6:35:38 PM
21 Jigsaw1532
7th Jul 2024
4:40:36 PM
22 Quinnnaldo7
7th Jul 2024
3:41:09 PM
23 MrDrPink
7th Jul 2024
7:58:26 AM
24 elanorthewise
6th Jul 2024
10:14:12 PM
25 Birdman_man
6th Jul 2024
9:54:41 PM
26 ffxiii_is_pretty
6th Jul 2024
7:52:12 PM
27 marnessa
6th Jul 2024
9:20:24 AM
28 shivallon
5th Jul 2024
7:13:31 PM
29 BlaackkLabel-
5th Jul 2024
5:58:06 PM
30 toomey94
5th Jul 2024
4:54:51 PM
31 Malfdo
5th Jul 2024
12:35:40 PM
32 Sure-Bleedsalot
4th Jul 2024
10:43:31 PM
33 Seanh614
4th Jul 2024
9:35:26 PM
34 Rikske54
4th Jul 2024
8:39:09 PM
4th Jul 2024
8:28:35 PM
36 Wind_Knight_DX2
4th Jul 2024
7:25:07 PM
37 HicKryze
4th Jul 2024
7:12:10 PM
38 Bliz974zard
4th Jul 2024
6:34:58 PM
39 doc_octogon
4th Jul 2024
2:37:06 AM
40 ZR-Shah
4th Jul 2024
12:00:38 AM
41 LysFair_
3rd Jul 2024
4:22:49 PM
42 SoulVomitor
3rd Jul 2024
4:28:04 AM
43 gavinmacd
3rd Jul 2024
3:50:13 AM
44 juancruz91192
3rd Jul 2024
1:32:18 AM
45 Dreibear
3rd Jul 2024
12:49:53 AM
46 BUBBA7013
2nd Jul 2024
8:47:16 PM
47 ar-canines
2nd Jul 2024
8:19:14 AM
48 AllForKnott
2nd Jul 2024
12:31:40 AM
49 Sagar__here
1st Jul 2024
6:25:56 PM
50 ODIN-969
1st Jul 2024
5:40:16 PM