
  • Member Since: September 30th, 2014
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  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Joost I think i will wait for the official release :) regards Patrick

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost Thanks for your effort. Since we have "ref. transactions" enabled i think its…

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost I just opened a ticket via "request-support". I think it would be good…

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost I will defn. email you because i think i stepped into something bigger…

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost I am still struggling figuring out the issue why PayPal is not capturing…

  • Posted a reply to TOC visible on BLOG Grid page, on the site Forums:
    Hello Please download Screenshots here: I am using the Free version Further is it…

  • Created a topic, TOC visible on BLOG Grid page, on the site Forums:
    Hello team Amazing plugin so far!! I enabled the plu…

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    update: i had to go through a couple paypal verifying questions. after that the mentioned…

  • Posted a reply to WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Thank you sooooo much. That helps a lot. I will check with Paypal and come…

  • Created a topic, WC Subscription + PP Gateway, on the site Forums:
    Hello team Currently in the process of figuring out a…

  • Posted a reply to verfiy users by email, on the site Forums:
    Hello thanks for the quick reply. It works. However this is the activation by the…

  • Created a topic, verfiy users by email, on the site Forums:
    hello team quick question: is it possible to verify u…

  • Created a topic, Amazing Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Works like a charm plus super quick support team. Hap…

  • Posted a reply to error trying to edit a cron, on the site Forums:
    Thanks John I actually could EDIT the setting of a cronjob. Tried several times and…

  • Created a topic, error trying to edit a cron, on the site Forums:
    hello team I have several cron entries in the Cron Ev…

  • Created a topic, Amazing Plugin and developer support, on the site Forums:
    Feature rich plugin with which you can filter almost a…

  • Posted a reply to grid layout 3 col/1 row -> 5 items get loaded, on the site Forums:
    Thats exactly how i think it should be ;) FURTHER ... i configured to load…

  • Posted a reply to grid layout 3 col/1 row -> 5 items get loaded, on the site Forums:
    hey zapata this topic is still not "resolved" :) i still dont understand why you…

  • Posted a reply to grid layout 3 col/1 row -> 5 items get loaded, on the site Forums:
    hey zapata any idea on this? thanks

  • Posted a reply to grid layout 3 col/1 row -> 5 items get loaded, on the site Forums:
    Hey Zaapata do you want me to answer in the FB group or here? ;)…

  • Created a topic, grid layout 3 col/1 row -> 5 items get loaded, on the site Forums:
    Hello I set the grid layout to display 3 columns and …

  • Created a topic, featurerequest, on the site Forums:
    Hello I am just amazed how cool this plugin is! thou…

  • Created a topic, amazing! just a great plugin, on the site Forums:
    you will love it. easy to create blogpost grids!

  • Posted a reply to Grid layout – shortcode on “page” not working, on the site Forums:
    so sorry! I checked asset-cleanup settings - CSS was blocked there. now its working. i…

  • Posted a reply to Grid layout – shortcode on “page” not working, on the site Forums:
    here we go {"related_post_active":"1","fieldset_design":{"panels-design":{"title":"","where_show":"shortcode","content_location":"below-post-content","content_appende_and_order":{"location_priority":"10"},"content_appende_paragraph_order":{"location_paragraph":"2"},"template":"yuzo","template_type":"grid","template_colours":"set-1","template_color_1":"#f1f1f1","template_color_2":"#2f7eff","design_text_font_size":{"width":""},"design_text_line_height":{"width":""},"design_text_font_weight":"400","design_text_color_hover":{"color":"#000","hover":""},"design_screen":"desktop","design_screen_mobile":{"design_screen_mobile_columns":"2","design_screen_mobile_rows":"1"},"design_screen_tablet":{"design_screen_tablet_columns":"3","design_screen_tablet_rows":"1"},"design_screen_desktop":{"design_screen_desktop_columns":"3","design_screen_desktop_rows":"1"},"design_show_excerpt":"0","design_text_length":"80","design_text_content":"from_content","template_show_imagen":"1","design_thumbnail_size":"full","design_image_size":"4-3","design_metas":{"disabled":{"meta-date":"Date","meta-date-update":"Date last update","meta-category":"Category","meta-view":"View","meta-author":"Author","meta-comment":"Comment"}},"design_box_margin":{"top":"","right":"","bottom":"","left":"","unit":"px"},"design_box_padding":{"top":"","right":"","bottom":"","left":"","unit":"px"},"design_box_background":"","design_post_spacing":{"width":""},"design_html_above":"","design_html_below":""},"fieldset_design_preview":{"design_screen2":"desktop"}},"related_type":"list","list_post":"z-a","related_to":"object_related","order_by":{"order":"desc","by":"modified"},"relation_no_result":"random_based_cpt","time_and_space":{"range":"all-along"},"cpt_to_related":["post","page"],"include_taxonomy_hierarchical":{"category":{"all":"all|category"}},"include_taxonomy_hierarchical_operator":{"include_taxonomy_relation":"or"},"taxonomies_cat_tag_relation":"or","related_taxonomy_no_hierarchical":{"post_tag":""},"include_taxonomy_not_hierarchical_operator":{"include_taxonomy_no_relation":"or"},"exclude_taxonomy_no_hierarchical":{"post_tag":""},"exclude_post_id":"","not_appear_inside":"","related_post_only_add_metabox":"","show_only_in_type_post":["page"],"show_only_in_taxonomy_hierarchical":{"category":{"all":"all|category"}},"display_as_list_template":"","display_only_specific_postid":"","group_list":"","group_related":"","group_exclude":"","exclude_taxonomy_hierarchical":"","group_strict":"","yuzo_msg_show_cpt1":"","show_only_in_places_on_the_page":"","post_id":6670}

  • Posted a reply to Grid layout – shortcode on “page” not working, on the site Forums:
    we use Startit - Fresh Startup Business Theme thanks for your effort!

  • Created a topic, Grid layout – shortcode on “page” not working, on the site Forums:
    Hello amazing plugin, have to honestly tell. thumbs u…