

T-Shirts from Mauritius, SEO, and ScreenPrintingNow

  • Member Since: August 18th, 2012
  • Location: Mauritius
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  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Yea, now it works. Thanks! A good tool to check before is "Screaming Frog", to…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Ok, i have installed a backup again and i will wait, if others have a…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    I understand, but this happen today.

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Version 2.7.1 yes i uploaded it.

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Hi again, i deleted the 2.8 and reinstall 2.7.1 but got this message, Plugin could…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Hi, ok, when i delte the plugin Then it looks better, but now,…

  • Created a topic, Redirect Error and unable, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I update the plugin to the new version, but now…

  • Created a topic, Uncaught ReferenceError: refreshFsLightbox, on the site Forums:
    Hi, There is a error now, Uncaught ReferenceError: …

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Cart Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, we did this bevore as mention, it did not work, only when i deactive…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Cart Error, on the site Forums:
    Nope, it's not flying script and a deactivate most of the plugins to see.

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Cart Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, and thanks for reply. Not sure if they had the same problem, as for…

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Cart Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i just install WooCommerce, but when i add to cart…

  • Posted a reply to Does not remove Autoload, on the site Forums:
    Sorry Joost, my fault, i need a new mouse =) Have a good weekend.

  • Posted a reply to Does not remove Autoload, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I believed it worked once and then not anymore?! Funny, but now it still…

  • Created a topic, Does not remove Autoload, on the site Forums:
    Good Idea this Plugin, but on a multiside i try to rem…

  • Created a topic, Why you don’t add Images?, on the site Forums:
    Would be nice, thanks.

  • Created a topic, Multisite?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i been a happy user, but just noticed that at mult…

  • Posted a reply to Would it be possible, on the site Forums:
    And this effect what is now so fashion, as google use it for his images,…

  • Created a topic, Very Nice and useful, on the site Forums:
    I added the "Prevent highlighting when clicking throug…

  • Created a topic, Works well and is light, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this light weight Plugin and it works well.…

  • Created a topic, Tables are not showing error in line 267, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i just noted that the tables are not loading. Blin…

  • Created a topic, Would it be possible, on the site Forums:
    Hi, you Plugin looks very interesting! 2 Questions …

  • Created a topic, Very Helpful, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this Plugin, Lightweight and does the Job!

  • Posted a reply to Remove Tablesome Tables from search in wordpress, on the site Forums:
    Thank YOU!

  • Created a topic, Remove Tablesome Tables from search in wordpress, on the site Forums:
    Hi, How can I exclude tablesome tables from appeari…

  • Posted a reply to Seems update have problems, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, but version V.2.23.6, i had problems too, went back to V.2.23.4 Just for info

  • Created a topic, Very nice and useful, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much for providing this plugin, I have …

  • Created a topic, Seems update have problems, on the site Forums:
    Hi, been very happy with your plugin, but on one site …

  • Created a topic, Can it be used on Multisite?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, can it been used on Multisite Wordpress? Thanks

  • Posted a reply to On Page working on Post not, on the site Forums:
    Hi and Thanks, but this is what i said. When as admin, i want to…

  • Posted a reply to On Page working on Post not, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have been able to understand, that when I turn off for backend, I…

  • Posted a reply to On Page working on Post not, on the site Forums:
    Sorry one more thing, ADMIN PLF tells me the Plugin is deactivated. But i do…

  • Created a topic, On Page working on Post not, on the site Forums:
    Hi i realy like the plugin, but at one website i got a…

  • Created a topic, I love it, on the site Forums:
    In combination with the Plugin Load Filter i'm able to…

  • Posted a reply to How to do best, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, I really love this plugin!

  • Created a topic, How to do best, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i;m just experince with your plugin and would like…

  • Created a topic, Works very well!, on the site Forums:
    Thank YOU!

  • Created a topic, Getting Spam after new update, on the site Forums:
    Hi, after the last update i'm getting Spam, like never…

  • Posted a reply to Error code: 2001 — An error occured while verifying, on the site Forums:
    Perfect, the double click solved the Problem. Thak YOU!

  • Created a topic, Error code: 2001 — An error occured while verifying, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I get this error in the Extension Manager; "…

  • Posted a reply to Uninstall Headache, on the site Forums:
    Been able to do so. Disable ALL plugins and then delete MiniOrange F2 then it…

  • Created a topic, Uninstall Headache, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i just want to uninstall your plugin and it is jus…

  • Created a topic, Even Multisite compatible, on the site Forums:
    A great Plugin for me, thanks.

  • Posted a reply to Tag Groups works with Multisite?, on the site Forums:
    Thank YOU!

  • Created a topic, Tag Groups works with Multisite?, on the site Forums:
    Hi Does Tag Groupd support wordpress Multisite? …

  • Posted a reply to Remove comment-number, on the site Forums:
    Ok, but why ^/(.?)/\?amp.*/$1/ is working? Thanks

  • Created a topic, Remove comment-number, on the site Forums:
    Hi and sorry, i checked the www to find a solution, bu…

  • Created a topic, GSheetContector not connecting, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i used the Plugin quite from the beginning. The tr…

  • Created a topic, Simple Bookmark, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for the great Plugin. But i notice that Boo…

  • Created a topic, Google Search Console GSC – Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, The stars been showing up very nicly in google til…
