

Web Designer / Developer


Web Design, CSS, SEO, SVG (Vector Graphics), Internet Technologies

WordPress Origin Story

2007, when there was plenty of terrifying PHP-Fusion websites around, very few WordPress sites in Poland. I in love with WP since the beginning.

  • Member Since: September 24th, 2007
  • Location: Szczecin, PL
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Freelancer
  • Employer: Anamaja
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Admin Columns integration, on the site Forums:
    Would be great, thank you!

  • Created a topic, Admin Columns integration, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Is it possible to control via posts / pages lis…

  • Posted a reply to Empty CSS Custom Properties in style attribute, on the site Forums:
    Fixed since version 1.17.4.Thanks! :)

  • Created a topic, Missing in Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
    Since the block received aria-label is very useful. …

  • Created a topic, Empty CSS Custom Properties in style attribute, on the site Forums:
    Hi!Please, add a condition: if colors aren't given ($c…

  • Posted a reply to aria-label please, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, How to Disable WP Lazy Loading by a Class Name, on the site Forums:
    Hi there! All adds in my website are images. I'd like…

  • Created a topic, Lack of plural forms in translations, on the site Forums:
    Dear Estatik Support Team, There are lines like below…

  • Posted a reply to How to customize PDF file name, on the site Forums:
    Thank you are trying to help me. It isn't clear for me, because I'm not…

  • Created a topic, How to customize PDF file name, on the site Forums:
    \estatik\classes\class-property-pdf.php line:90 $this-…

  • Posted a reply to How to customize PDF template, on the site Forums:
    @novaleks I know I have to overwrite the template, but HOW to construct a function???…

  • Posted a reply to How to customize PDF template, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Sorry, it's too difficult for me. Am i allowed to add another parameter here…

  • Posted a reply to How to customize PDF template, on the site Forums:
    How to change background color of QR code image? (the default is #C4C4C4) I've changed…

  • Created a topic, Amazing Tool, on the site Forums:
    I LOVE IT! Congratulation!!!

  • Posted a reply to PHP Code, on the site Forums:
    Probably it depends on the place you want to fetch the price I've created my…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Code, on the site Forums:
    If you want to do math operations, then you should get the price only es_get_the_property_field('price')

  • Created a topic, Great Support, on the site Forums:
    Well designed plugin, and has fantastic support

  • Posted a reply to Logo Title Heading Level, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much!

  • Created a topic, Skip PNG to JPG conversion when custom post type, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Is it possible scenario like that?: If a new custo…

  • Posted a reply to File size restriction for single image, on the site Forums:
    Hi Joachim, Thank you for your assistance. (I didn't receive an email on your replay,…

  • Created a topic, Great Pro Support, on the site Forums:
    Has helped me to output modified social snippets

  • Created a topic, Works with WEBP galleries, on the site Forums:
    Quite strange matter - tested on WP 5.9.3, and 6.0 - w…

  • Created a topic, File size restriction for single image, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Is it possible to impose maximum file size for sin…

  • Posted a reply to How to customize PDF template, on the site Forums:
    Going to tackle. Seems to be a hard task ;) Thank you

  • Created a topic, How to customize PDF template, on the site Forums:
    Dear Estatik Team, I'd like to rearrange the layout of…

  • Posted a reply to Change DIV to ASIDE tag, on the site Forums:
    I've figured out a workaround earlier. Used Insert after nth paragraph My $ad_code = <aside…

  • Posted a reply to Change DIV to ASIDE tag, on the site Forums:
    Thank you! I've changed the type to 'post_content'. Works! function advads_change_wrapper_div( $output, $ad ) {…

  • Posted a reply to Change DIV to ASIDE tag, on the site Forums:
    Thank you! It would be great if I may alter the tag only on content…

  • Created a topic, Change DIV to ASIDE tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi Advanced Ads Support! How to alter the outer ad co…

  • Created a topic, Logo Title Heading Level, on the site Forums:
    Hi there! May I alter gs_logo_title tag from H3 into a…

  • Posted a reply to Order By: Random, on the site Forums:
    OK, i see.

  • Created a topic, Order By: Random, on the site Forums:
    Dear Support Team, Order By setting has no option for …

  • Posted a reply to Bad CSS minification, on the site Forums:
    Not 3.2.1? (it does not fix) OK, waiting patiently ;)

  • Posted a reply to Bad CSS minification, on the site Forums:
    @bornforphp Fingers crossed for you :)

  • Posted a reply to Bad CSS minification, on the site Forums:
    @bornforphp Merging has no effect on the issue. I'm very convinced that the minification algorithm…

  • Created a topic, Bad CSS minification, on the site Forums:
    Hi there! Minification breaks my CSS values, seems th…

  • Posted a reply to How to set defaults for Block?, on the site Forums:
    No, I can't. However, thank you for quite widely customizable plugin. Regards

  • Created a topic, How to set defaults for Block?, on the site Forums:
    Hi! There are settings for the hook, but when I'd lik…

  • Posted a reply to Add class to lists, on the site Forums:
    Needed a little tweak (WPSP 1.2.0-alpha.3) add_filter( 'wpsp_settings', function( $settings ) { if ( 1402…

  • Posted a reply to Class depending on Post Format, on the site Forums:
    It's good idea, definitely, however, I'll stick with the whole function. It allows me to…

  • Posted a reply to Class depending on Post Format, on the site Forums:
    I've also changed the title tag. Now it looks like that: add_filter('crp_list_link','modify_output', 10, 3); function…

  • Posted a reply to Custom class output depending on category, on the site Forums:
    add_filter('crp_post_class','more_crp_classes'); function more_crp_classes( $post_classes ) { $post_classes .= ' new_class '; return $post_classes; } But……

  • Created a topic, Class depending on Post Format, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Is it possible to add an easy filter which inse…

  • Posted a reply to How to skip creating intermediate image sizes when uploaded to a gallery, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Beda for your response, unfortunately it doesn't help. I've been searching, found this:…

  • Posted a reply to Query Loop Block Image Size, on the site Forums:
    No, it doesn't. Because the image gets new dimensions in width and height attributes, but…

  • Created a topic, Query Loop Block Image Size, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Is there a way, filter or something, to set the si…

  • Created a topic, How to skip creating intermediate image sizes when uploaded to a gallery, on the site Forums:
    My website will use plenty of big galleries. Really hu…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Introducing theme.json in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I use a child theme, have defined some presets in theme.json, but WP produces extended…

  • Posted a reply to Price not well aligned, on the site Forums:
    the fastest (not necessarily the best) rule: .es-price { padding-right: 0 !important; }

  • Created a topic, Very useful, on the site Forums:
    I'm using conditionals by Query String. Great work! Th…
