

Adam Muiz contributes 2 hours per week to the Support team.

  • Member Since: February 26th, 2018
  • Location: Indonesia
  • Website:
  • GitHub: adammuizweb
  • Job Title: Admin
  • Employer: Adam Muiz
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  • Posted a reply to Need to replace old WP site with new. How best to transfer data?, on the site Forums:
    Usually, i my self use help from plugin like All in One WP Migration to…

  • Created a topic, Ads not show on Desktop Browser, on the site Forums:
    Hi, im using this plugin to show Adsense. I can see…

  • Created a topic, Simple and Easy to Use Theme, on the site Forums:
    This is great template to use for beginer, easy and fa…

  • Posted a reply to JetPack Crash My WP Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Hi Ajay, Sorry i still not understand to unblock Jetpack with that guide Now i…

  • Posted a reply to You have the latest version of WordPress. Hide this update not working., on the site Forums:
    Long time ago, I've had a similar issue with Update Notifications that couldn't be hidden.…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile browser directing to TLD and not correct Subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Please make sure the domain configuration is correct. Make sure that your sub-domain have no…

  • Posted a reply to Login Timeout !, on the site Forums:
    Try deactivate all plugin to troubleshooting Try use another web browser. If you still have…

  • Posted a reply to [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] JetPack Crash My WP Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    I already tried to activate and connect Jetpack again, but it is still same. Each…

  • Created a topic, JetPack Crash My WP Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Every time I access the JetPack plugin to see the Traf…

  • Posted a reply to Change blog layout to 3 columns, on the site Forums:
    I'm sure making three columns like this can be done with the Elementor plugin, this…

  • Posted a reply to external links issue, on the site Forums:
    Make sure there are no redirect settings in the .htaccess file and the redirection plugin

  • Posted a reply to critical error on this website (White Screen), on the site Forums:
    Critical errors are often caused by: PluginsPlease deactivate the plugin used on the web for…

  • Posted a reply to [All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall], on the site Forums:
    I have same problem because move servers delete file wp-content\uploads\aios\firewall-rules\settings.php solved my problem thanks

  • Created a topic, Simple, Install and go Dark Mode, on the site Forums:
    This plugin no need manual setting to use. Saved my ey…

  • Created a topic, This Plugin is Only Available for Bing Search Engine, on the site Forums:
    Easy to use and submit website to get indexed by Bing …

  • Created a topic, Great Tools but Not Working, on the site Forums:
    It's been a few months since the website has registere…

  • Created a topic, Greate update Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
    I am quite surprised by the installation of this plugi…

  • Posted a reply to problem with my wordpress, on the site Forums:
    I think you have trouble in your domain or hosting. And i see that you…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Mobile Team Update – June 28th, on the site Team Updates:
    Testing WordPress app on my android is perfectly fine. Great work, thanks.

  • Posted a reply to HTML, on the site Forums:
    You can use two cell to put image side by side <table style="border: 0px solid…

  • Posted a reply to my dashboard wont load properly, on the site Forums:
    If you have trouble to access your wordpress dashboard try deactive woocomerce from your FTP…

  • Posted a reply to Homepage must be accessed through slug, on the site Forums:
    1. Go to wordpress dashboard wp-admin/tools.php?page=redirection.php Please make sure that you not make any redirect…

  • Posted a reply to Usernames create spam links in comments., on the site Forums:
    Wordpress by default provides a url feature in the name in the comments column that…

  • Posted a reply to How to always direct to primary/canonical URL with posts in multiple categories, on the site Forums:
    If you want only show in category1, But you set post for category1 and category2.…

  • Posted a reply to Having Bad Request Error on Page, on the site Forums:
    I tried to visit the website and it runs normally fine. Try clearing cache and…

  • Posted a reply to Hierarchical Permalinks Structure, on the site Forums:
    It is more easy to use it by category, but without custom post-type. Try it…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress GeneratePress static page problem?, on the site Forums:
    Like what error messages said “try clearing your cookies.” Clear your cookies and cache in…

  • Posted a reply to Broken Images on Live Website but Media Library is showing, on the site Forums:
    I see that you active Jetpack’s Site Accelerator features. It will use your CDN for…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress Search, on the site Forums:
    If you using CPT UI Plugin for your “Custom Posts Types” you can easily show…

  • Posted a reply to Homepage not updating, on the site Forums:
    Have you Purge Cache your site from cloudflare ? Try clearing cache from cloudflare dashboard…

  • Created a topic, [Site Kit by Google - Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed] All in One Features, on the site Forums:
    This plugin provides many features by connecting it to…

  • Posted a reply to Automatically insert donor button in every blog post, on the site Forums:
    Wordpress doesn’t have this feature by default. One solution is to modify the theme, but…

  • Posted a reply to Images Break, on the site Forums:
    I see your site is in good condition at the moment. I suspect it’s because…

  • Created a topic, Free to Modify In Ad Placement, on the site Forums:
    With this plugin it is free to insert ads anywhere on …

  • Created a topic, [Akismet Spam Protection] Works Great – Need Improvement, on the site Forums:
    This plugin pretty helpful to handle spam comment. One…

  • Created a topic, [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Useful Plugin for Beginners, on the site Forums:
    This plugin have many features, simple and easy to use…

  • Created a topic, [Flying Scripts] Simple and Work Perfectly, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is pretty easy to use for beginer like me.…