Post a job now, from only $80


ProBlogger Jobs is a small but perfectly formed website for freelance writing gigs, which we’ve reviewed in more detail here. The fact that the board charges advertisers means that scammy ads are kept to a minimum. Jobs here appear in their tens rather than their hundreds, but it’s worth a regular check for gigs that are a good fit. I’ve personally both advertised here and picked up client work.

Ben Taylor –


If you’re looking for writers, advertising on ProBlogger Job Board means great applicants, period.

Dan Virgillito –


The ProBlogger Job Board has helped accelerate the growth of my marketing websites. The quality of applicants, especially copywriters is higher than on other sources, such as Upwork.  

Mauricio from


The job applications I got from ProBlogger were consistently higher quality than the ones from Craigslist. The applicants had more experience and were better qualified. At the end of the process, 6 of the 7 bloggers I hired came from the ProBlogger Job Board.



451 Press has been advertising for writers on the ProBlogger job board since September of 2006. We receive, on average, 20 applications a day based on those ads. We would not have experienced the growth we’ve seen this year without placing those ads on ProBlogger.

Steve Shickles from


As with all things ProBlogger, hiring for bloggers on the job board resulted in a fantastic group of professional, talented and keyed-in individuals who understand the blogosphere and what it takes to be successful in it. While you might garner more results using a different service, you won’t find a better quality group of applicants than those that frequent Darren’s fantastic resource of a website.

Mike from Zoom Online


I was a bit wary of paying for an advert for writers as I didn’t know whether I would get a very good response, however within only a couple of hours I was receiving a steady reply of applications. After a couple of days I had to email Darren to ask for the position to be marked as filled as I had already found 3 writers to write for Gadget Extra and had several as backups just in case. Overall I am very happy and think it was definitely money well spent.

Carl from Gadget Extra


ProBlogger has provided my series of sites the highest quality of writers. As they are specific by music genre ( and, it was very difficult to find the exact type of bloggers I needed. With the clout of Problogger, I had NO problems finding such writers who have a genuine interest for the kind of music my network covers. I am so impressed I might advertise only with ProBlogger in the future! I stand by this as I have tried other sites ranging from Craigslist to Elance.

Richar Tanana from Caustic Truths


I have hired bloggers from Elance, Craigslist and from the job boards and when it comes to the combination of quality and quantity of applications, which is exactly what I was looking for as someone new to hiring, ProBlogger was by far the best.

Jon Symons from Art of Money


I am amazed at the quality of applications that came through and at the fact
that I filled the role within a couple of days. For anyone thinking of
recruiting bloggers, there is no better place that I would recommend. Thank

Arnold from Mr Gadget