ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide 

to Freelance Writing:

How to Get Paid Blogging Jobs

Would you like to make real money blogging …

from Day One?

Perhaps you’ve tried it all – Google ads, Amazon affiliate links, even a “buy me a coffee” donation button. None of it seems to work.

That’s where freelance writing comes in.

As a freelance writer, you know exactly what you’ll be making for all your hard work.

Instead of writing dozens of posts for your own blog in order to make a few paltry dollars in affiliate income, you’ll be getting paid for every single post you write.

We’re not talking about “$5 per post” assignments either, either. You’ll be making a professional rate: think $50 or more for a 1,000 word post.

In this ebook, Ali Luke – who’s been a paid blogger for over 11 years – guides you step by step through the process of finding work and succeeding with paid blogging yourself.

Once you’ve read ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing,

you’ll know everything you need in order to become a paid blogger.

Is Paid Blogging Right For You?

Would you like to:

  • Make money from blogging now instead of (if you’re lucky) in several years’ time?
  • Find work that pays a decent professional rate … not a paltry few dollars?
  • Get the experience of writing for large, professional blogs?
  • Work at any time of day, from anywhere that suits you?
  • Fit your paid blogging around family life or other responsibilities?

Then paid blogging could be just what you’re looking for.

You don’t need any special qualifications or experience to become a paid blogger. You don’t even need a blog of your own! 

The one prerequisite is that you should be able to write good, fluent English. (If you’re not a confident writer, or if you hate writing, then paid blogging probably isn’t for you.)

What ProBlogger's

Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing

Will Do For You...

What you need in place to get paid blogging work

The two crucial things you need in place before you start looking for paid work – and the three things you don’t need to worry about

Figuring out what you can write about

A simple system you can use to work out what you can write about and how to write great posts that your client will love

How much to charge for your posts

How to work out your rate, land your first paid writing gig, make sure you get paid for your work and track your jobs and income

Red flags to look for when taking on blogging gigs

What you should avoid and what to do if something goes wrong – solutions to problems you might run into as a paid blogger

Get instant access to ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing now!

There are several new jobs listed on the ProBlogger job board every single day. Each of those will go to someone … and that someone could easily be you.

Download your copy of ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing now and start your journey into paid blogging. It might just be life-changing.

The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing

Your guide to the world of freelance writing – covering getting started, finding jobs, deciding how much to charge, producing your posts, tracking your income, and more.

  1. 1
    128 page guide
    Jam-packed with valuable insights from cover-to cover. This ebook is written by an expert for beginners to help you get started in paid blogging the right way.
  2. 2
    14 chapters
    Step-by-step instruction with loads of information, examples and specific tips on how to find, apply for, and excel at freelance writing work. 
  3. 3
    Practical Tasks
    Each chapter includes a practical task for you to action. If you tackle just one chapter a day, you'll be done in two weeks - and you'll have made real progress toward becoming a paid writer. 
  4. 4
    Problems Solved
    The final (15th) chapter of this ebook tackles ten key problems that paid writers sometimes run into. It’s designed to be a handy reference if you have any struggles or questions at any point with your freelance writing.

ALI LUKE  //  Author

I’m Ali Luke (hi!) and you might have seen my name cropping up on ProBlogger over the years – my first post here was back in August 2008. Since then, I've forged a writing career including freelancing for a bunch of other big blogs, including Smart Blogger, Copyblogger, Write to Done, The Write Life, Social Media Examiner and more.

I’ve used the ProBlogger job boards a lot myself – in fact, between November 2018 and February 2019, I took on four new clients (three of which became excellent long-term clients offering a high volume of work) directly from the ProBlogger boards.

Ali Luke

Side Hustle … or New Career?

Paid blogging is amazingly flexible.

You could write a couple of posts a month to cover your hosting and WordPress theme costs … or you could make a full-time living writing several posts a day.

If you’ve got a regular day job but you want to start making some extra money on the side, paid blogging makes a great side hustle.

And if you want to escape that day job altogether – paid blogging just might be how you manage it.

What’s it Like to Be a Paid Blogger?

Compared with many other types of freelancing – like constantly pitching articles to magazines and newspapers – paid blogging offers stability.

Most clients will want regular articles on a long term basis, so you’ll know how much work you’ll have on (and how much money you have coming in).

With paid blogging, you’re unlikely to need to do complex research or interview any sources. You won’t need to send detailed pitches over and over again to find work. Most of your time will be spent doing what you love: writing.

The Best Time to Start Getting Freelance Writing Jobs is Now!

In this ebook, Ali Luke – who’s been a freelance writer for over 11 years – guides you step by step through the process of finding work and succeeding with freelance writing yourself.

Once you’ve read ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing you’ll know everything you need in order to become a paid blogger. In fact, by this point, you might even have landed your first paid gig.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you read ProBlogger's Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing and don’t feel it’s right for you, let us know within 30 days and we’ll refund your money in full. 

(By that point, you could easily have worked through all the exercises and started landing paying gigs … we want you to have enough time to put what you’re learning into practice.)

Darren Rowse - ProBlogger

Sample Contents

To demonstrate how jam-packed full of value this guide is, the contents of the first 12 chapters are laid out for you below, so you can see how helpful it will be for you:

Chapter 1: The Basics of Freelance Writing

Chapter 2: What You Need to Get in Place in Order to be a Freelance Writer

Chapter 3: Your Specialist Topics and the Skills You Can Offer

Chapter 7: How to Craft a Great Job Application and Stand Out From the Crowd

Chapter Eight: Efficiently Applying to Multiple Jobs

Chapter 9: Setting Your Rate: Per Hour, Per Post, or Per Word?

Chapter 4: Your Guided Introduction to the ProBlogger Job Board

Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Profile on the ProBlogger Job Board

Chapter 6: What to Do (and What Not to Do) When Choosing Jobs to Apply For

Chapter 10: What to Expect After Applying for a Blogging Job

Chapter 11: Accepting a Blogging Job – Terms and Payments

Chapter 12: Producing and Delivering Posts that the Blog Owner Will Love?

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