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Blog articles


New Feature Alert: Amsterdam Datacenter

A few weeks back, Pressable introduced a control panel feature that allowed you to select your primary data center. Now, we’re excited to announce that a fourth data center – located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands…

Website Security

10 Pro Tips for Securing Your WordPress Websites

WordPress is one of the most popular site building tools on the market, and for good reason. It offers great flexibility and the power to build the customized site you need. But it’s also important…

WordPress eCommerce

Planning Your Ecommerce Advertising For The Holidays

Why you should use paid channels Ho, Ho, Ho! The holiday season is fast approaching, I can already hear the sleigh bells in the distance! The masses are waiting to purchase your products! However, Black…

WordPress Tips & Tricks

Quick Tips for Email Drip Campaigns

Hello, A big hello to our friends at Pressable! We know you’re the masters of websites. SharpSpring is a platform that helps you optimize conversions with our marketing and sales automation platform. We still believe…


New Feature Alert: Datacenter Selection

By popular demand, Pressable is proud to announce an exciting new feature in our control panel that allows you to choose your primary datacenter when creating a new site, cloning a site, or migrating a…

WordPress Plugins & Themes

Our 5 Favorite WordPress Theme Builders

Have you ever wished you could have a custom-built website without having to spend years learning HTML and CSS? Have you scrolled through WordPress’s many themes thinking, “None of these is quite what I need”?…

WordPress Plugins & Themes

Pro Tips for Getting the Most Out of Yoast

It’s no secret that placing a heavy emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO) is a key factor in growing your business. For companies that use WordPress as their CMS, Yoast is a tool with plenty…

Search Engine Optimization

Website Hosting and SEO: What’s the Connection (and Why It’s Important)

If you want to generate the most traffic possible to your website, you’ll need to prioritize your company’s SEO efforts. Although many entrepreneurs tend to stop here, you should also take your website hosting into consideration….


Why Pressable Doesn’t Offer Phone Support (and Why That’s a Good Thing)

Today’s consumer has come to expect a variety of channels to reach brands when it comes to customer support. A main one is phone support, as it enables consumers to literally voice their questions and concerns. Pressable…

WordPress eCommerce

Stripe VS Square VS PayPal: Choosing a Payment Gateway for Your e-Commerce Store

Having a strong online presence for your business is often necessary to maximize your success. This is particularly true for those involved in e-commerce, as the vast majority of their sales will depend on this factor. In…

WordPress Tutorials

WordPress Website Migration Doesn’t Need to be Frightening

WordPress is the most popular CMS platform in the world. It’s easy to sign up, it’s user-friendly, and offers a variety of plug-ins. But there may come a time when you want to migrate from…

WordPress eCommerce

Why Choose WooCommerce Over Shopify?

When you’re planning out your business, it’s important to start with the right infrastructure. No infrastructure is more important than your website. You have a ton of options for building your e-commerce website, such as…

WordPress eCommerce

Quick Tips for Decreasing Abandoned Carts On Your WooCommerce Site

Running an online store is one of the most efficient ways to leverage the Internet to make money. In fact, it’s a method that most retailers are heavily incorporating as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic….

Website Security

What to Do If Your WordPress Site Gets Hacked

Did you know that over 100,000 websites get hacked daily? If your WordPress site got hacked, it might be difficult to recover. This is especially true when you have little technical expertise. But, don’t let fear…

WordPress Tips & Tricks

Why Choosing the Right WordPress Host Makes All the Difference

Why do so many businesses use (and love) WordPress? For starters, you don’t have to be a developer with decades of experience to create a pretty amazing website. Plus, WordPress boasts a healthy library of plugins and themes…

why switch from shopify to woocommerce
WordPress Tutorials

Why (and How) to Switch from Wix to WordPress

It’s really no secret that a website is essential for small businesses to establish their brand and connect with their customers. However, many small and medium-sized business owners aren’t skilled at things like web design…

WordPress Tutorials

How to Build Killer Landing Pages (That Convert) With WordPress

Setting up an optimized, eye-catching website is a necessity for all businesses, yet some are going further by building standalone “landing pages” within their site. Landing pages get leads, push a specific service/product, or build…

pressable's top wordpress plugins
WordPress Plugins & Themes

Pressable’s Top 5 Favorite WordPress Plugins

One of the best things about WordPress is the massive amount of plugins you can add to your site. You can create new functions, add to existing ones, get help with SEO, and make edits…

reasons to consolidate wordpress hosting
Running a WordPress Business

4 Reasons to Consolidate WordPress Hosting

Are you hosting all of your WordPress websites on different hosts? We’ve just got one question: why? Is it because you got a ‘special deal’ once? Is it because your different developers prefer different solutions?…

Person analyzing graph of how Pressable could help grow MRR.
Running a WordPress Business

3 Ways to Grow MRR with Pressable

Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is the lifeblood of any subscription-based business, and that includes marketing agencies and freelancers. No matter what you do for your clients, SEO, web design, or advertising, MRR is crucial to…

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WordPress Tips & Tricks

What Is WordPress Multisite, and When Should You Use it?

One of the most misunderstood features in WordPress is WordPress Multisite. People are drawn to it because it promises to make managing multiple WordPress sites easy. They often don’t realize that multisite configuration comes at…