Best Practices for Implementing Scalable Hosting

Graphical image of servers increasing in size

So, you’ve got a website that’s starting to gain some serious traction – that’s great! Of course, this fun comes with a new set of challenges. 

Scalable web hosting has become essential for growth and success. It’s not just about handling more traffic but about having a plan for profitability and market leadership.

In this article, we’ll explain vertical, horizontal, and auto-scaling, helping you make smart decisions that can save you time, money, and stress down the road.

Why Scalability Matters to Your Business

Incorporating scalable web hosting can greatly impact business success. Scalable hosting prevents downtime, improves user experience, and directly aligns with business growth by ensuring consistent performance across multiple websites

This is absolutely critical for growing businesses, because without it, you’ll start getting punished for your website’s success. For example, if you’re on a hosting plan that isn’t scalable – either due to capacity or price tier limits – and your website suddenly goes viral, your website can easily surpass your plan’s limits and become unavailable.

This means no one can find you, right at the instant you’re most discoverable. Your 15 minutes of fame can turn into a hit to your reputation, and by the time your website’s back in order, the moment may have passed. 

Scalability spares you that fate. It also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty while driving revenue growth. It also reduces IT costs, allowing resources to be reallocated. With flexible pricing and compatibility with popular Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, scalable hosting ensures businesses of all sizes can optimize their online presence for growth and success!

Signs of a Scalability Issue

Businesses facing scalability issues might need a better hosting provider, but if you’ve never stopped to consider it, you may not even be aware you have scalability issues. This can really hold your site back and stop you from reaching your goals. Fortunately, having a sense for the signs can empower you to find a better provider if needed. 

Here’s a look at some common signs of website scalability issues: 

  • Site running slow/slower than usual: One of the most evident signs of a scalability issue is when your website begins to operate sluggishly or slower than its usual speed. This slowdown can frustrate users, leading to increased bounce rates and diminished user experience.
  • You’re about to deliberately grow/push marketing: When you’re gearing up for a significant marketing push or planning deliberate growth strategies, it’s essential to assess your website’s scalability. Increased marketing efforts can lead to a surge in traffic, putting additional strain on your infrastructure.
  • Your website gets high traffic: If your website consistently experiences high traffic volumes, it may be nearing the visitor limit for your current hosting plan. This can lead to performance issues and even downtime during peak periods, highlighting the need for scalable solutions.

You’re Experiencing Increasing Security Concerns

As your business grows, so do the security risks associated with managing sensitive data, such as payment gateways. A scalability issue may manifest as difficulty in maintaining robust security measures, leaving your website vulnerable to breaches and compromises.

Recognizing these signs allows you to proactively address scalability issues before they escalate into more significant problems. Implementing scalable solutions ensures that your website can handle increased traffic, maintain optimal performance, and protect against security threats as your business grows.

Types of Scalability Broken Down

  • Vertical scaling: Adding resources to a single server, ideal for small to medium businesses.
  • Horizontal scaling: Expanding server count to distribute load. This is typically suited for handling larger websites that experience high traffic loads.
  • Auto-scaling: An automated adjustment of resources based on load, providing a balanced solution for consistent performance. This could apply to both vertical and horizontal scaling strategies.
graphic detailing the differences between vertical and horizontal scaling

Pros and Cons of Each Option

AspectVertical ScalingHorizontal ScalingAuto-scaling
ProsSimple implementation.Virtually unlimited scalability.Automated resource allocation.
Suitable for gradual growth.Built-in redundancy.Optimal performance.
ConsLimited scalability.Complexity in setup and management.Requires careful monitoring and configuration.
Potential single point of failure.Potential network bottlenecks.Potential for increased costs during peak periods.

If you’re interested in the geeky facts, companies like Pressable use an infrastructure that’s optimized for WordPress to offer vertical, horizontal, and auto-scaling capabilities.

With an active/passive server setup on bare metal, Pressable can scale up to over a hundred CPU cores – essentially setting more than 100 processors to work on the task simultaneously – while maintaining a real-time replica in a different region with automatic failover. This means that no matter how much traffic your website gets – or how unexpected that burst might be – we have the infrastructure to support it. 

What to Consider When Choosing Website Hosting

When choosing a scalable hosting provider, there are some factors that must be carefully considered to ensure peak website performance, especially during high-traffic times. For example, you should learn how to interpret and understand a hosting providers’ scalability claims. Learn how they approach and ensure elasticity – the servers’ ability to adjust its resource levels to match the need at a given moment. 

Investigate where and how the potential provider uses vertical and horizontal scaling. A provider that primarily or exclusively uses vertical scaling – essentially adding or upgrading hardware to increase the capacity of the existing system – will be better suited for smaller websites, such as hobby sites or very small businesses that don’t have high-tech needs for their sites. 

Horizontal scaling, or the process of spreading the work out across several virtual machines, is really important for any website that must have a reliable and powerful connection, such as a large eCommerce site. Hosting providers targeting commerce and enterprise clients will typically use horizontal scaling to support their users’ significant scalability needs. 

You should also investigate if and how the provider uses auto-scaling. This refers to the process of automatically reallocating resources based on demand. It’s part of how Pressable manages scalability and, in our obviously-biased opinion, we think it’s the right approach.

When hosting providers set hard and fast resource limits instead of auto-scaling as needed, they put their clients at a disadvantage. Auto-scaling ensures you get to capitalize on your successes!

Here’s a quick look at a few more factors to keep in mind when evaluating potential hosting providers: 

  • Security measures: Ensure SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, daily backups, and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection.
  • Cost considerations: Understand billing cycles and hidden costs like data transfer fees.
  • Customer service and support: Choose a provider with responsive support for quick issue resolution.
  • Website migration: Consider the ease and speed of migrating your website.
  • Money-back guarantee: Reduces the risk associated with trying out a new service.
  • Security: Offers the assurance needed to find the right fit for your website without significant hassle or financial burden.

Overcoming Scalability Pitfalls

As we’ve seen, scalability is important for any online business. That being said, it does come with its fair share of challenges. Downtime during traffic spikes, non-scalable infrastructure, improper load balancing, and high latency are common issues that can severely impact a website’s performance and user experience.

Other issues to consider are:

  • Technical solutions: Addressing technical challenges related to application code, databases, and disk I/O through optimization techniques like code efficiency, distributed databases, and caching mechanisms.
  • Security measures: Mitigate security vulnerabilities through regular software updates, robust firewalls, and routine security audits to safeguard sensitive data during scaling.
  • Budgeting concerns: Predicting scaling costs based on traffic projections and optimizing resource utilization to prevent unexpected expenses and ensure cost-effectiveness.

These all might seem a little overwhelming to deal with, but this is where working with a managed hosting service can really come in hand. A great provider will offer auto-scaling features to handle traffic spikes, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal performance.

How to Migrate to a Scalable Website Host

Scalable hosting can help alleviate issues like website downtime when traffic surges. If you go over resource limits with regular hosting, your website may go down, affecting user satisfaction and potential earnings. Before you migrate, make sure to evaluate your technical needs, costs, and overall strategy. Pick the best time to migrate in order to reduce any interruptions to your business activities.

The specific steps for migrating your website will largely depend on the hosting provider you’re moving to and moving from. However, generally speaking, you should:

  1. Download a copy of your WordPress site databases. 
  2. Download a copy of your WordPress site files. 
  3. Upload the files and databases with the new hosting provider. 
  4. Point your site’s domain name to the new server.

There are several plugins available to help make this process easier, including hosting-provider specific tools like Pressable’s automated website migration plugin. These plugins can make the process of migrating your site far simpler and less time-consuming. However, you should still investigate the particulars of any given plugin to ensure you understand the process it uses, how long it will take, and what steps will be expected from you along the way. 

Lastly, many managed hosting providers offer free migration services as a part of sign-up. If you’re wary about trying to manage migration on your own, then this can be a particularly valuable service, as it saves time and stress. 

Pressable: Your Partner in Scalable WordPress Hosting

Scalable website hosting is essential for a thriving online business strategy. With Pressable, your website’s resources can be intelligently scaled to ensure uninterrupted performance around the clock. 

Don’t let hosting limitations hold your website back. Get started with Pressable today and experience the power of scalable WordPress hosting firsthand. 

Obatarhe Otughwor

Obatarhe is a WordPress enthusiast, a community volunteer, and a tech advocate. He is dedicated to providing exceptional support that exceeds expectations, consistently earning him 5-star ratings from customers. His approach involves understanding each customer's unique needs and delivering tailored solutions that effectively resolve their issues. With a background as a product expert for Google, Obatarhe possesses extensive technical experience gained from working remotely across diverse areas of computing, including technical support and basic programming with PHP, Laravel, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. His years of experience have honed his ability to delight customers with his skills and expertise. When he's not working, you can find him traveling and taking beautiful landscape pictures.

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