Built-in Product Security

Ultimate peace of mind for you and your clients

We invest heavily in infrastructure security, code reviews, and bounty programs to maintain the highest level of security.

Resilient & encrypted architecture

Ongoing maintenance and on the spot patching mitigates security vulnerabilities.

Rigorous internal procedures

Extensive internal review & QA processes for all products ensures nothing is missed.

Enforced &
up-to-date hosting

Weekly package updates and redundant offsite backups for superior protection.

Product Security

Pro Plugins

Safely run plugins like never before

Full disclosure of WPMU DEV plugin vulnerabilities and quick and easy issue or bug reporting.

Bug bounties for safer sites

We use bug bounty programs to help identify potential weaknesses and constantly harden product security.

Help keep WPMU DEV secureReport any issue & we’ll verify, fix & disclose.

Email us

Security Partners