Easy, effective, and user-friendly... that’s SmartCrawl SEO

Site crawler SEO scan & reports

SEO health audit reports

Automatic integrated linking

White label ready for your clients

Location-based redirects & rules

Everything you need for fast, convenient, and effective pro SEO








Billed yearly. Saving $144

  • 1 site license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 5GB CDN
  • 5GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)







Billed yearly. Saving $240

  • 3 sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 10GB CDN
  • 10GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)







Billed yearly. Saving $480

  • 10 sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 20GB CDN
  • 20GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)

Unlimited Sites






Billed yearly. Saving $960

  • Unlimited sites license
  • All WPMU DEV Pro Plugins

    All our Pro Plugins are included with this membership.

    Smush Pro
    Hummingbird Pro
    Forminator Pro
    Defender Pro
    SmartCrawl Pro
    Snapshot Pro
    Beehive Pro
    Shipper Pro
    Hustle Pro
    Branda Pro
  • 50GB CDN
  • 50GB backup storage
  • 24/7 WP support (ranked #1 online)



Every type of sitemap covered, automagically


Automatically link keywords across your site for SEO


Generate professional white label reports for clients

  • Site Crawler Scan & ReportsPro

  • SEO Health Audit ReportsPro

  • Automatic LinkingPro

  • White Label SmartCrawlPro

  • 24/7 expert live WordPress supportPro

  • Access every WPMU DEV Pro pluginPro

  • Automate site management with The HubPro

  • Location-based redirects and rule settingsPro

  • Titles and meta descriptions

  • Leverage social media with OpenGraph

  • Sitemap auto-generator and search engine notifications

  • News Sitemap

  • Support for 150+ schema types

  • Schema types builder

  • Preset WooCommerce Schema

  • In-depth SEO content analysis scans

  • Readability test

  • Advanced 301 URL redirects

  • URL redirection supports Regex

  • Multilingual sitemaps with WPML integration

  • Advanced WooCommerce SEO

  • Moz reports integration

  • Robots.txt Editor

  • Bulk import and export redirects

  • Add breadcrumbs to posts, pages, and archives

Compatible with

ResourcesSee more on our Blog


Better SEO With SmartCrawl & The Hub

Manage your SEO with modules that will optimize your website or network for more traffic and better search engine results.

Read article


Schema Markup Made Simple With SmartCrawl

Learn how to use SmartCrawl's schema markup tools to help your WP sites appear higher in search.

Read article


New Automatic Geolocation Redirects

Easily and automatically redirect site visitors based on their geolocation with SmartCrawl’s Location-Based Redirects.

Read article


July 9, 2024 - version 3.10.9

  • Enhance: Security improvements.

June 3, 2024 - version 3.10.8

  • Fix: Regex Redirection rules not working under certain conditions

May 28, 2024 - version 3.10.7

  • Enhance: Data tracking improvements
  • Fix: Advanced Tools missing from modules and sub menu when applied from configs
  • Fix: Redirect from URL adds a space when "%20" is used
  • Fix: Incorrect URL in Content Analysis when duplicate primary focus keyword is used
  • Fix: Auto generate SEO Title and Meta Description not appearing

May 10, 2024 - version 3.10.6

  • Fix: SEO Health checkup is failing.

April 23, 2024 - version 3.10.5

  • Fix: Broken posts metabox.

April 23, 2024 - version 3.10.4

  • Enhance: Moz Integration Access.
  • Fix: SEO Health mobile page doesn't look good.
  • Fix: Automatic linking UI issue when removing pages or posts from Exclusion.
  • Fix: Modal title for editing redirect states Add Redirect rather than Edit Redirect.
  • Fix: Remove link to usage tracking in docs when White label is enabled.
  • Fix: Typo in Social screen.
  • Fix: Until the post is published/refreshed, Google Preview does not work.
  • Fix: The error message "Something went wrong" appears if we search with empty results and then add redirects.

April 18, 2024 - version 3.10.3

  • Enhance: Security improvements.

March 11, 2024 - version 3.10.2

  • Enhance: UI improvements in Advanced Tools.
  • Enhance: Replace outdated logos.
  • Enhance: PHP 8.1 support.
  • Fix: WooCommerce settings changes do not reflect in Robots.txt preview.
  • Fix: MaxMind db update is not working without page refresh.
  • Fix: Unexpected notice in redirection regex settings.
  • Fix: Default redirection type not working in URL Redirection.
  • Fix: "Redirect To" will not allow adding URLs that are found in the content of Post,Page & Custom Post Type.
  • Fix: SmartCrawl redirection suggestions block from selecting the correct URL.
  • Fix: High Contrast Mode : Enable/Disable not working.
  • Fix: Module is shown as inactive after saving advanced tools settings.
  • Fix: Import Redirection does not contain "Redirect To" field.
  • Fix: Automatic Linking and 301 Redirect are still visible in post/page editor if Advanced tools are not enabled on the subsite.
  • Fix: Getting PHP WordPress Database error {table_prefix}_smartcrawl_redirects when there is no url_redirection added.
  • Fix: Automatic Linking tab is not visible in the free version.
  • Fix: Advanced Tools overview page is not visible when all sub-modules are deactivated.
  • Fix: SEO Health and SEO Crawler Email Report not following schedule correctly.
  • Fix: Error when trying to add a category to Custom Post type.

February 8, 2024 - version 3.10.1

  • Fix: Style conflicts.

February 5, 2024 - version 3.10

  • Enhance: Module management UI & UX.
  • Enhance: Plugin conflict detection.
  • Enhance: Redirection module.
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings.
  • Fix: Settings on Quick setup are not working as expected.
  • Fix: Redirection settings can not be saved.
  • Fix: Auto auto-linking feature is visible on the free version even though it is not working.

January 4, 2024 - version 3.9.2

  • Fix: Fatal error on on WP Customizer.

December 21, 2023 - version 3.9.1

  • Fix: Sitemaps returning 404 after the update.

December 20, 2023 - version 3.9

  • New: More redirection types.
  • New: Bulk edit redirection types.
  • New: Delete all redirects at once.
  • New: Create a redirect when a post/page is deleted.
  • Enhance: Redirection module UI/UX.
  • Enhance: Include location-based redirects in export and import.
  • Enhance: JSON based import and export.
  • Enhance: Refactor redirects UI in React.
  • Enhance: Moz module management.
  • Enhance: Copy updates.
  • Enhance: Initialize data tracking only on supported environment.
  • Enhance: Update Shared UI.
  • Fix: Default OG image overrides featured post image if both are set.
  • Fix: URL Redirection appears Advanced Tools tabs when deactivated.
  • Fix: URL used for redirection Regex matching doesn't contain the query params.
  • Fix: Conflict with redirects and WooCommerce.
  • Fix: Automatic Links deactivation won't work until removing all options.
  • Fix: Success message has %d character when importing.
  • Fix: Regions on location based redirects are not working.
  • Fix: Import Modal opens when we press enter key in search field.
  • Fix: Default redirection type drop down not working properly when Moz Api is connected.

November 20, 2023 - version 3.8.3

  • Fix: Password protected post content is visible in schema and meta tags.

November 14, 2023 - version 3.8.2

  • Fix: Conflict with WPML and TranslatePress.

October 30, 2023 - version 3.8.1

  • Fix: Critical Error when trying to access advanced tools when disabled.
  • Fix: URL Redirect appears in-post when URL redirection is disabled.

October 25, 2023 - version 3.8

  • New: Location Based Redirects
  • New: Smart Post and Page Selection for Redirects
  • Fix: Secondary Keyword with Spaces not being displayed
  • Fix: White Label Custom Logo is distorted and not square
  • Fix: Meta preview does show when no content added in the default editor
  • Fix: Can't enable Archive and Snippet options under Title & Meta > Homepage when Homepage is set to be a Static page
  • Fix: Missing OpenGraph and Twitter per-post settings in on-page SEO SmartCrawl Meta Box

August 29, 2023 - version 3.7.2

  • Enhance: Sitemap reports.
  • Enhance: Update links.
  • Fix: Sitemap does not include pages created for other language.
  • Fix: Pro version does’t delete if free version is activated.
  • Fix: Conflicts with HTML DOM Parser library.
  • Fix: Title is undefined in meta section of post/page editor.
  • Fix: Title counter no longer displays 'x characters left' with Classic Editor in use.
  • Fix: Google preview not working for stackable builder shows undefined.

August 8, 2023 - version 3.7.1

  • Improvement: Role access for SmartCrawl Shortcut in multisite.
  • Fix: Issue with external links number in the in-post content analysis.
  • Fix: Typos in SmartCrawl Usage Tracking, Quick setup Modal and Advanced Tools.
  • Fix: Archive and Snippet options can't be disabled while editing posts.
  • Fix: Automatic sitemap updates switches from Automatic to Manual after updating SmartCrawl.
  • Fix: Macro for Archive Page Label is missing.
  • Fix: Breadcrumbs not showing on the /blog/ page.
  • Fix: Breadcrumb activation changes tab to Automatic Links when activated for the first time.
  • Fix: Page Analysis results not updated.

July 18, 2023 - version 3.7

  • Improvement: Performance improvements.
  • Improvement: Deactivate option for Social module.
  • Improvement: Deactivate option for Title & Meta module.
  • Fix: Hide disabled fields from post edit screen.
  • Fix: Unable to remove Schema types.

July 5, 2023 - version 3.6.5

  • Improvement: Text updates.

June 6, 2023 - version 3.6.4

  • Improvement: Optimize codebase for better performance.

May 29, 2023 - version 3.6.3

  • Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.
  • Improvement: Deactivate the free version when Pro is already active.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with WP Ultimo domain mapping.
  • Improvement: Compatibility with Blockify Pro theme.
  • Improvement: Update HTML Dom library.
  • Improvement: Hide unavailable features.
  • Improvement: User role compatibility.
  • Improvement: Translation string comments.
  • Fix: Tab alignment in the category page.
  • Fix: Console error on the category page.
  • Fix: Composer conflict.
  • Fix: Open Graph Twitter preview not working.
  • Fix: Unable to select macros in the taxonomy edit page.
  • Fix: Deprecated notices.
  • Fix: Title and description length validation logic.
  • Fix: Placeholders are not replaced with actual value.
  • Fix: Wrong time zone calculation.
  • Fix: Robots.txt module is deactivated when enter key is pressed.
  • Fix: Preferred Open Graph image not replacing default image.
  • Fix: Text alignments on auto-linking settings.

April 20, 2023 - version 3.6.2

  • Fix: Error on the post editor.

April 19, 2023 - version 3.6.1

  • Fix: Error on post and product edit pages.
  • Fix: Primary category feature is missing.
  • Fix: Composer autoload conflict.

April 19, 2023 - version 3.6

  • New: Disable the primary category feature by defining SMARTCRAWL_DISABLE_PRIMARY_TERMS.
  • New: Activate the Breadcrumbs module from the Dashboard.
  • Improvement: Refactor codebase for better performance.
  • Improvement: React-based in-post analysis.
  • Improvement: Removed deprecated classes.
  • Improvement: Use custom separator for separator macro.
  • Improvement: White label support for breadcrumb module.
  • Improvement: Validation for adding recipient form.
  • Improvement: Update search engine notification when sitemap type changes.
  • Improvement: Exclude attachment post type from content analysis.
  • Improvement: Sanitization for user inputs.
  • Fix: Fatal error on plugin uninstall.
  • Fix: Fatal error on deprecated class.
  • Fix: Primary category cannot be saved with Classic Editor if the target taxonomy slug contains more than one hyphen.
  • Fix: PHP warnings on the WooCommerce product edit page.
  • Fix: Typo in breadcrumb UI.
  • Fix: Missing documentation link.
  • Fix: White label not working on module icons.
  • Fix: SEO health check not working with WP 6.2.
  • Fix: Home page of one-page websites are not included in the sitemap.
  • Fix: SEO analysis shows an incorrect warning when keyword density is 1%.
  • Fix: Language versions of custom posts URLs missing from the sitemap.
  • Fix: Breadcrumb category and date macro does not work as expected and breaks the label format.
  • Fix: Sitemap shows 404 when no links are present.
  • Fix: Sitemap not working as expected with Chinese URLs.

March 14, 2023 - version 3.5.1

  • Fix: Remove unwanted filter.

March 14, 2023 - version 3.5

  • New: Add Breadcrumbs to the front end.
  • New: Schema for Breadcrumbs.
  • New: Set Primary Category for Posts & Products
  • New: Scheduled sitemap update.
  • Improvement: Update Shared UI.
  • Fix: Wrong timezone used on sitemap's last crawl details.
  • Fix: Wrong search results for schema builder page selection.
  • Fix: Youtube API schema not working.
  • Fix: Sitemap scheduled emails not working.

February 22, 2023 - version 3.4.4

  • Improvement: Permission checks for meta box.

February 8, 2023 - version 3.4.3

  • New: Exclude pages from auto-linking by URL.
  • Improvement: Auto linking UI/UX.
  • Improvement: React-based Auto linking UI.
  • Improvement: Add better validation to Custom Keywords modal.
  • Improvement: Javascript ESLinting issues.
  • Fix: UI issues in Title & Meta settings.
  • Fix: URL Validation in Redirect module.
  • Fix: Scheduled email report issue.
  • Fix: Responsive design issue in Schema Type builder.
  • Fix: Responsive design issue in SEO score.
  • Fix: Archive Pages set to 'noindex'.
  • Fix: Broken icons.
  • Fix: Conflict with editor styles.
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings.
  • Fix: Auto linking optional settings are not working.
  • Fix: Skip already linked content from auto-linking again.
  • Fix: Redirect conflict with WPML.

January 26, 2023 - version 3.4.2

  • Improvement: Strip HTML tags from preview.

December 20, 2022 - version 3.4.1

  • Improvement: React-based SEO Health checkup.
  • Improvement: Redirect attachment pages to the file.
  • Improvement: Alert for enabling page builder support in auto-linking.
  • Fix: Broken icons.
  • Fix: http:// added to the Twitter username field after saving.
  • Fix: Property cannot be added when optional label field is not filled in Schema.
  • Fix: Can't update SmartCrawl Settings in Mapped domain (WP Ultimo).
  • Fix: Excluded URLs showing as missing in the Sitemap crawler.
  • Fix: URL encoding for Chinese characters.
  • Fix: Schema error on Reviews.
  • Fix: Translations are not working on the free version.
  • Fix: Broken link to developer docs.

December 6, 2022 - version 3.4

  • New: Multiple keywords analysis.
  • New: SEO status column on taxonomy list.
  • New: Check if URL contains underscores.
  • New: Check for recommending a hand-crafted meta description.
  • New: Check if all external links are nofollow links.
  • New: Ability to disable SEO and Readability analysis status in the post list.
  • New: Filter to add extra images to SmartCrawl sitemap.
  • Improvement: Update meta description length recommendation.
  • Improvement: Show a notice when the current language is not supported for content analysis.
  • Improvement: List the posts using the same keyword for SEO analysis.
  • Improvement: Include featured images in content analysis.
  • Improvement: Remove redundant sitewide settings notice.
  • Fix: Issues with Yoast SEO settings import.
  • Fix: Unable to run SEO health check.
  • Fix: Conflict with Yoast SEO.
  • Fix: Custom meta tags are not updated.
  • Fix: og:URLs are not picking up correctly for BuddyPress.
  • Fix: Issues on settings reset.
  • Fix: jQuery compatibility issues.
  • Fix: FAQ Schema is not added if the location is set to be a specific post.
  • Fix: Cache issues on post excerpts auto-linking.
  • Fix: SEO Analysis can't check focus keywords with special characters in the URL.
  • Fix: SEO Analysis custom setup not detecting subheadings.
  • Fix: Can't delete custom links in automatic linking settings.
  • Fix: Focus keywords are detected if they are bolded.
  • Fix: Refresh button in content analysis SEO analysis does not always work.
  • Fix: Invalid sanitization of Facebook App ID.

November 7, 2022 - version 3.3.2

  • New: Option to disable object cache for auto-linked content.
  • Fix: Autolinking conflicts with several themes and page builders.

November 2, 2022 - version 3.3.1

  • Improvement: Permission checks on config management.
  • Fix: Conflict with Defender login masking.

October 31, 2022 - version 3.3

  • New: Pagination for Auto Linking custom keywords.
  • New: Add an option to prevent auto-linking of non-indexed pages.
  • New: Add an option to prevent auto-linking on image captions.
  • New: Auto linking on the excerpt.
  • New: Auto linking in WooCommerce product categories.
  • Improvement: Refactor Auto Linking module.
  • Improvement: Optimize queries and caching.
  • Improvement: Update Shared UI.
  • Improvement: Auto linking compatibility with Polylang plugin.
  • Improvement: Copy updates about language compatibility.
  • Improvement: RSS feed compatibility for auto-linking.
  • Improvement: Membership access check.
  • Improvement: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance.
  • Fix: Auto linking conflict with WooCommerce.
  • Fix: Fatal error on cron.
  • Fix: Wrong meta title character length on SEO checkup.
  • Fix: Wordfence blocking Title & Meta.
  • Fix: "Include Sitemap" option is not working on robots.txt.
  • Fix: Styling issues on sitemap.
  • Fix: Unable to save sitemap report settings.
  • Fix: Console errors on Schema settings.
  • Fix: Prevent duplicates option not working in auto-linking.
  • Fix: Prevent auto-linking on headings not working.
  • Fix: Multiple custom keywords are not working on auto-linking.
  • Fix: Unable to add video embeds when SmartCrawl is active.
  • Fix: Title meta tag is not visible on BuddyPress.
  • Fix: Conflict with Branda text replacement module.
  • Fix: Automatic Linking to Pages exposes HTML in text in DIVI theme.
  • Fix: Conflict with Ultimate Elementor plugin.
  • Fix: Sitemap exclusions are automatically reset.
  • Fix: Issue with the canonical tag.
  • Fix: Parsing error on the sitemap.
  • Fix: Image anchor tag link is missing on Divi theme.

September 22, 2022 - version 3.2.1

  • Improvement: Membership checks.
  • Fix: CSS is visible on preview when an Elementor template is used.
  • Fix: Shared UI conflict.

August 31, 2022 - version 3.2

  • Improvement: Remove redundant priority and frequency data from the sitemap
  • Improvement: Remove redundant last modified timestamp from the sitemap index
  • Improvement: Better sitemap compatibility with bbPress
  • Fix: Unable to uninstall the SmartCrawl plugin.

August 10, 2022 - version 3.1

  • Improvement: Code improvements.
  • Improvement: Upgrade Shared UI.
  • Fix: Unable to enable Media indexing.
  • Fix: Schema types cannot have more than 10 in Schema of the same type.

June 28, 2022 - version 3.0.1

  • Improvement: Improved performance for the sitemap troubleshooter
  • Bug: Button disabled when adding new schema type to builder

June 15, 2022 - version 3

  • New: Custom schema type builder
  • New: Sitemap troubleshoot wizard
  • Improvement: Security improvements
  • Improvement: WP 6.0 compatibility
  • Fix: Link repetition in sitemap due to canonical URLs
  • Fix: Google Preview shows wrong URL with WPBakery and Divi

May 6, 2022 - version 2.20.1

  • Fix: Fixed minor security concerns
  • Improvement: Code improvements

April 27, 2022 - version 2.20

  • New: Readability analysis support for 7 new languages
  • Improvement: Better SEO analysis support for languages other than English
  • Fix: Minor bug fixes and copy changes

March 18, 2022 - version 2.19.1

  • Fix: Critical error due to conflict with schema plugin
  • Fix: XSS vulnerability

March 10, 2022 - version 2.19

  • Improvement: Performance improvements
  • Improvement: Remove beta and feedback link for Lighthouse
  • Improvement: Canonical URL should not be added to noindex pages
  • Fix: Sitemap link does not respect permalink settings
  • Fix: Sitemap not working in plain permalink mode

February 16, 2022 - version 2.18

  • New: Sitemap support for WPML with different domains per language
  • Improvement: Improved ability to translate SEO options through WPML
  • Improvement: SEO Checkup removed in favor of new SEO Audit tool
  • Fix: When importing from Yoast, options can't be excluded
  • Fix: News Sitemap settings tab getting stuck for several seconds on large sites

February 4, 2022 - version 2.17.1

  • Fix: Certain redirects not working with plain permalink structure
  • Fix: CSV import failing on windows
  • Fix: Regex redirects matching partial URLs
  • Improvement: Visibility of redirect upgrade notice restricted to admins

January 26, 2022 - version 2.17

  • New: Regex redirects
  • New: Ability to bulk import and export redirects from CSV
  • New: Ability to search through redirects
  • New: Relative URL support in redirects
  • New: Query variable support in redirects
  • Improvement: New SmartCrawl admin menu icon
  • Improvement: New design for email reports
  • Fix: Sitemaps documentation link not pointing to the correct section
  • Fix: Cursor in redirect modal jumping to EOL after every key press

November 16, 2021 - version 2.16

  • New: Advanced WooCommerce SEO Options
  • Improvement: Include homepage URL in the first page sitemap in addition to the first post sitemap
  • Fix: Schema module selfactivates upon any changes to the Social module
  • Fix: Custom taxonomy terms with dashes not supported in macros

November 11, 2021 - version 2.15.3

  • Improvement: Support for Brand type in WooCommerce Product schema
  • Fix: Certain schema properties come back after deletion

November 3, 2021 - version 2.15.2

  • Improvement: Whitelabel improvements

October 29, 2021 - version 2.15.1

  • Improvement: Code and stability improvements

October 6, 2021 - version 2.15

  • New: NewsArticle schema added automatically for types included in the news sitemap
  • New: Included publication language code in the news sitemap
  • New: SEO Checkup tool depreciated in favor of SEO Audit
  • New: Added Product ID and SKU as options for MPN and other identifiers in WooCommerce Product schema
  • New: Added default value for priceValidUntil to fix warnings in WooCommerce Product schema
  • Fix: Incorrect taxonomy term loaded in schema type builder conditions
  • Improvement: Schema builder code improvements

September 28, 2021 - version 2.14.2

  • Fix: Special characters not handled properly in news sitemap

September 24, 2021 - version 2.14.1

  • Fix: Multisite Sitewide deprecation operation performed on every upgrade

September 21, 2021 - version 2.14

  • New: Google News sitemap!
  • Improvement: Made split sitemap the only available sitemap type
  • Fix: After certain sitemap changes, search engines pinged twice
  • Fix: Visual pagination issue on sites with hundreds of redirects
  • Fix: Console warnings in schema type builder

August 30, 2021 - version 2.13

  • New: Added pagination to the redirection module
  • New: Multisite sitewide mode replaced with new network settings
  • New: Added ability to bulk restore items in the URL crawler
  • Improvement: Sitespecific data in configs applied only when source and destination match
  • Improvement: Code improvements
  • Fix: Redirects being cached by the browser
  • Fix: Typos and copy changes

July 27, 2021 - version 2.12

  • New: SmartCrawl configs
  • Improvement: Code improvements

June 24, 2021 - version 2.11

  • New: Lighthouse SEO scan
  • New: Added "Post Data" source to FAQ schema type
  • New: Support for custom taxonomies in schema builder
  • New: Support for youtu.be URLs during automatic schema generation
  • Improvement: Improved UI for redirect attachment settings
  • Improvement: Better documentation for "Connect with Youtube" setting
  • Fix: Checkup progress getting stuck at 22%
  • Fix: Incorrect indexing of items in FAQPage schema
  • Fix: jQuery compatibility issues
  • Fix: Visual issue in file importer
  • Fix: Minor conflict with WPBakery plugin
  • Fix: PHP notices and warnings

April 14, 2021 - version 2.10.2

  • New: Recipe schema type
  • New: Job Posting schema type
  • New: Movie schema type
  • New: Course schema type
  • New: Books schema type
  • New: Software Application schema type
  • Improvement: Improve the custom text input of the schema builder
  • Improvement: Add review property to schema types
  • Fix: Compatibility with Yoast 16
  • Fix: Use fallback values when org name or description is empty
  • Fix: Mark local business aggregateRating properties as required
  • Fix: Mark local business review properties as required

March 22, 2021 - version 2.10.1

  • Improvement: Use the new robots API introduced in 5.7
  • Improvement: Migration of all links to wpmudev.com
  • Bug: Local business currencies & payment visual bug

March 4, 2021 - version 2.10

  • New: Local Business support in schema builder
  • New: Performance improvements for the schema builder
  • New: Improved UX for the schema builder tool
  • New: The ability to duplicate types in the schema builder
  • New: Dashboard schema widget
  • New: Comments schema for Article, FAQ and HowTo schema types
  • New: Ability to add subtypes of Article and WooCommerce schema types
  • New: Wizard for adding schema types
  • New: Validation of schema types in the builder
  • New: Improved accessibility
  • New: Post comment count as possible schema builder value
  • New: The ability to deactivate schema types
  • New: Add the term arg in priority filter
  • Fix: Meta description showing shortcodes and not the actual content
  • Fix: Performance issues in Title and Meta component
  • Fix: PHP warning in SEO analysis

January 11, 2021 - version 2.9

  • New: Schema types builder tool
  • New: Ability to manually update sitemap and notify search engines
  • New: More details provided when SEO checkup score is green
  • Fix: Optimized code for fetching owner data
  • Fix: In sitewide mode, Twitter and OpenGraph images not displayed on all subsites
  • Fix: VideoObject schema not generated for shortened YouTube URL
  • Fix: Balance CPU usage in admin posts list pages
  • Fix: Branda not able to change SmartCrawl meta box title
  • Fix: SmartCrawl not adding bbPress forum URLs to the sitemap
  • Fix: Sitemap appears as active on widget while it is deactivated
  • Fix: "Add Schema" action button missing from multisite SEO checkup page
  • Fix: Whitelabel issue in features modal
  • Fix: Post meta preview showing incorrect values
  • Fix: Color of SEO checkup score is different from HUB dashboard
  • Fix: Removed links to documentation in Whitelabel mode
  • Fix: Improved text for duplicate IDs SEO check
  • Fix: Automatically open modal when Add Redirect button clicked on dashboard
  • Fix: Minor text changes

November 21, 2020 - version 2.8.4

  • New: General code improvements

October 22, 2020 - version 2.8.3

  • Fix: Autolinks not working in certain scenarios
  • Fix: Action button in microdata check pointing to social settings
  • Fix: Deprecated jQuery function being used in Javascript files
  • Fix: Miscellaneous typos and copy changes
  • Fix: Incorrect documentation link in robots section

October 8, 2020 - version 2.8.2

  • Improvement: Performance improvements
  • Fix: Yoast importer issue with custom post types
  • Fix: Metabox character count overlapping with macros dropdown
  • Fix: SEO checkup timing out when pro version installed without dashboard plugin
  • Fix: Whitelabelling issue in robots module
  • Fix: OpenGraph enabled when welcome modal is skipped

October 2, 2020 - version 2.8.1

  • Add: Option to disable the Test Schema button from admin bar
  • Fix: Incorrect URL in footer
  • Fix: Post list columns and SEO meta shown for non-public post types
  • Fix: Add schema for video and audio files directly uploaded and inserted into post content
  • Fix: Autolink module linking to the page itself on custom post types

September 7, 2020 - version 2.8

  • Add: Full support for default Schema types
  • Add: Pro page and widgets in free version
  • Add: Improved metabox SEO analysis recommendations
  • Add: New modal for highlighting latest features
  • Add: Optimum length indicators on Title & Meta page
  • Add: Ability to add new email recipients for sitemap crawler reports
  • Add: Improved styling for components in the post list
  • Fix: Implemented auto build process
  • Fix: Metabox preview showing incorrect post URL in classic editor
  • Fix: Embeds not loading in Gutenberg editor
  • Fix: SEO checkup linking to 404 page
  • Fix: URL redirection not working for URLs in other languages
  • Fix: Updated SUI to the latest version
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with Extra theme

August 10, 2020 - version 2.7

  • Add: Options for WordPress 5.5 core sitemap
  • Add: New 'Reports' widget on dashboard page
  • Add: Author bio as meta description
  • Add: Macro support in metabox optimum length indicators
  • Add: Notice shown when sitemap crawler is taking longer than usual
  • Add: Ability to set rel attribute for links in post editor
  • Fix: Included support for for Yoast 14 import data
  • Fix: Better styling for broken images in the SEO checkup
  • Fix: Autolinking option 'Process only single posts and pages' not working
  • Fix: Removed deprecated character limit constants
  • Fix: PHP warnings shown for programmatically generated posts with no IDs
  • Fix: Autolinking option 'Prevent linking in heading tags' causing issues
  • Fix: Toggle state changing when clicking outside the toggle
  • Fix: Reporting day of month dropdown showing incorrect values
  • Fix: Report permalinks redirecting to Defender's masked login area
  • Fix: Twitter card values don't allow modification through filters
  • Fix: Accessibility issues due to outdated version of SUI
  • Fix: Keyword density marker not obtainable for image alts
  • Fix: Metabox preview not working in Safari due to console errors
  • Fix: Multiple admin notices can't be dismissed quickly
  • Fix: Social images not working when Smush converts PNGs to JPEGs for performance
  • Fix: Title and description lengths not calculated correctly for some languages by SEO checkup
  • Fix: Sitemap crawler not discovering links in split sitemaps
  • Fix: SEO checkup incorrectly identifying anchor IDs
  • Fix: SEO checkup using outdated meta title limit

March 12, 2020 - version 2.6.1

  • Fix: "Focus keyword already used" warning shown for unique keywords
  • Fix: Headers already sent warnings in network admin

March 5, 2020 - version 2.6

  • New: Created separate network settings page
  • New: Ability to change the recommended character lengths for title and meta
  • New: Ability to update meta for static homepage from Title & Meta page
  • New: Option to fall back to first content image for social networks
  • New: Show reminder about sitemap when indexing is disabled for a taxonomy/post type
  • New: Macros dropdown in post editor metabox
  • New: Improved meta information on plugins page
  • New: Recommended plugins notice for free users
  • Fix: Performance issues in autolinking module
  • Fix: Twitter Cards notice disappearing on Title & Meta page
  • Fix: Buttons in checkup and crawler emails sometimes pointing to inaccessible pages
  • Fix: Unnecessary ajax calls on post list page when analysis disabled
  • Fix: White-labeling issue in page markup
  • Fix: Automatic linking module generating links to the current page
  • Fix: WPML homepage versions not included in sitemap
  • Fix: Improved performance of focus keyword check
  • Fix: Minor UI issues on the SEO Checkup page
  • Fix: Settings link on the plugins list page not working on multisite
  • Fix: Updated WP.org review request
  • Fix: Changed instances of "whitelabel" to "white label"
  • Fix: Included support for for Yoast 13 import data
  • Fix: When plugin activated from Hub, made sure modules are in correct state
  • Fix: Warning in the redirection module

February 27, 2020 - version 2.5.1

  • Add: Endpoints for SEO tab in Hub

January 22, 2020 - version 2.5

  • New: SEO checkup report revamped to have better recommendations and action buttons
  • New: Better filtering of Twitter tags
  • Fix: Quick setup conflict with Themify
  • Fix: Whitelabelling not working for page source code
  • Fix: Copy incorrectly referencing 100+ plugins
  • Fix: Link to TTF font file incorrect
  • Fix: External URL redirects not working
  • Fix: Custom meta tags can't be deleted

November 13, 2019 - version 2.4.3

  • Fix: Fixed post editor conflict with WP 5.3

October 12, 2019 - version 2.4.2

  • Fix: Disabling all sitemap taxonomies doesn't work as expected

October 11, 2019 - version 2.4.1

  • Fix: Autolink settings affected by robots editor activation

October 10, 2019 - version 2.4

  • New: Control how your content is analyzed with the new analysis engine selector
  • New: Sitemap can now be split into multiple light-weight sitemaps
  • New: High contrast mode for accessibility
  • New: Robots.txt editor
  • New: New settings in the onboarding modal
  • Fix: UI adjustments in checkup reporting tab
  • Fix: Removed meta keyword settings due to their negligible SEO impact
  • Fix: Added new notice explaining that readability analysis works for English sites only
  • Fix: "Keyword used before" warning shown for exact match focus keywords only
  • Fix: Added options to reset plugin data and control what is kept/deleted when plugin is uninstalled
  • Fix: Removed link titles for keyword links in automatic linking
  • Fix: Updated incorrect link to WPMUDev in footer
  • Fix: Warning in PHP 7 when post metabox values saved
  • Fix: Incorrect examples in description of URL field in custom autolinks modal
  • Fix: Deactivating onpage module affecting unrelated functionality
  • Fix: Version 3.x of AIOSEO not supported by importer

June 1, 2019 - version 2.3.1

  • Fix: Added checks to make sure that free version can be upgraded

May 8, 2019 - version 2.3

  • New: New, exciting, mobile-friendly UI in the admin area
  • New: Support for whitelabel features
  • New: Improved performance and reliability of SEO checkup and sitemap crawler
  • New: Code improvements for the display of meta values
  • New: New filter for addition of extra SEO and readability content
  • New: Yoast importer now less likely to show "No compatible data ..." error
  • New: New BuddyPress settings on Title & Meta page
  • Fix: Redirect attachment settings getting overwritten
  • Fix: Errors on Woocommerce shop page
  • Fix: Category titles incorrect in certain situations
  • Fix: Port matching issues in redirection module
  • Fix: Multisite always showing "Homepage set to static page" message
  • Fix: Sitewide sitemap settings not applied to network sub-sites
  • Fix: Branda not able to change Smartcrawl admin bar text
  • Fix: Non-public taxonomies listed on Title & Meta page
  • Fix: Autolinks module causing styling issues
  • Fix: Readability analysis compatibility issue with PHP 5.3
  • Fix: Macros can not be added to term title and description
  • Fix: JS console error on WP attachment editor page
  • Fix: UI bugs when focus keyword ignored in SEO analysis
  • Fix: Autolinking module showing self-links
  • Fix: SEO analysis not working with autosaves disabled
  • Fix: Sitemap showing invalid timestamps for certain post types
  • Fix: Links on Title & Meta page pointing to incorrect tab on the social page
  • Fix: Google plus field on social accounts page
  • Fix: Visual issue (tooltip getting cut off) on sitemap reporting page
  • Fix: Social account URLs with whitespaces not saved
  • Fix: Untranslatable string in separator settings on Title & Meta page
  • Fix: Fields losing focus while typing
  • Fix: Visual issues on small screens
  • Fix: Settings pages pointing to old documentation

March 26, 2019 - version 2.2.6

  • New: Support for Yoast v10 and AIOSEO v2.12 in third-party importer
  • Fix: Redirects added from sitemap crawl report not converted to absolute
  • Fix: Sitemap can't be removed while SC is active
  • Fix: Import not working for Automatic linking settings
  • Fix: Metabox conflict in classic editor

February 18, 2019 - version 2.2.5

  • New: New filters for modifying OpenGraph values
  • New: Improved accuracy of readability analysis
  • Fix: Missing columns on the post list page
  • Fix: Certain websites throwing 404 error on redirection
  • Fix: SEO metabox shown for non-public posts
  • Fix: Better Gutenberg compatibility
  • Fix: Warning on sitemap settings page
  • Fix: Added ability to increase analysis request timeout
  • Fix: Improved autoloader performance
  • Fix: Warning in metabox placeholder loader
  • Fix: Inaccurate preview when more recent post revision available
  • Fix: Update the AIOSEOP importer to include the latest version
  • Fix: Stylesheet URL incorrect in sub-site sitemaps

January 15, 2019 - version

  • Fix: Show the WP.org rating request to admins only

November 28, 2018 - version 2.2.4

  • New: URL redirection to external domains
  • Fix: SEO and readability analysis of password-protected posts
  • Fix: sitemap throws error if there's an image with ampersand sign
  • Fix: metabox showing details from other posts when globals modified
  • Fix: better autolinks compatibility with unicode languages
  • Fix: code improvements for sitemap dashboard
  • Fix: twitter and OG issues on static posts page
  • Fix: third-party import notice appears for very old data
  • Fix: conflicts on woocommerce shop page

November 12, 2018 - version 2.2.3

  • New: created new UI for Yoast and All In One SEO importers
  • New: new option to keep existing post meta intact during import
  • New: opengraph code optimizations and improvements
  • New: made automatic sitemap updates less resource intensive
  • New: made macros more extensible through new filters and actions
  • New: support for dynamic placeholders prefixed with 'ct_' 'ct_desc_' and 'cf_'
  • Fix: issues caused by shortcode execution (integration with Divi, Avada, WPBakery and Swift page builders)
  • Fix: performance issues due to frequent analysis reruns
  • Fix: minor conflict with Gutenberg
  • Fix: autolinking module modifying inline scripts
  • Fix: outdated meta title and meta description limits
  • Fix: metabox conflict on media edit page
  • Fix: saving menus taking too much time when analysis active
  • Fix: post featured image printed as og:image before more specific images
  • Fix: issues in Avada page builder integration
  • Fix: log file not being written correctly
  • Fix: issues caused by faulty packaging
  • Fix: metabox preview showing raw HTML tags
  • Fix: search engine update link unnecessarily shown on WP dashboard
  • Fix: misnamed translation file
  • Fix: missing trailing slash in sitemap home URL
  • Fix: dates shown in sitemap dashboard widget not translatable
  • Fix: sitemap creation error shows html tags
  • Fix: format of date printed through %%currentdate%% placeholder not changeable
  • Fix: miscellaneous typos and copy changes
  • Fix: twitter placeholders on category edit page not accurate
  • Fix: sitemap XSL stylesheet URL/path resolution issue
  • Fix: twitter fields displayed unnecessarily on term edit page
  • Fix: update plugin version constant to ensure cache busting
  • Fix: untruncated title and description shown in Google previews
  • Fix: typo in upsell modal
  • Fix: metabox preview showing divi shortcodes
  • Fix: issues caused by shortcode execution
  • Fix: sub-headings check should pass if even one of the sub-headings contains our focus keywords
  • Fix: twitter card preview not loading
  • Fix: static front page handled as single post page
  • Fix: static homepage does not show correct meta values in all scenarios
  • Fix: static homepage built with builders shows shortcodes in 'Title & Meta' settings
  • Fix: metabox preview showing WPBakery shortcodes
  • Fix: warnings in autoloader
  • Fix: importer support for yoast version 9
  • Fix: metabox preview showing raw placeholders

October 9, 2018 - version

  • Fix: resolved conflict with swift framework mini product widget
  • Fix: resolved styling conflicts with WPBakery and a few other plugins
  • Fix: performance improvement for title and meta rewriting

October 2, 2018 - version

  • Fix: fixed issue causing WSOD on some sites
  • Fix: don't show raw shortcodes in auto-generated meta description
  • Fix: better compatibility of readability and SEO analysis with page builders
  • Fix: made Google preview in the SC metabox more accurate

September 26, 2018 - version

  • Fix: revert changes causing WSOD on some sites

August 20, 2018 - version

  • Fix: Allow data import from Yoast 8.x
  • Fix: Updated plugin version constant to latest version for cache busting

July 13, 2018 - version 2.2.2

  • New: support for custom post type archives
  • New: noindex/nofollow for post types
  • New: new OpenGraph tags og:url, og:type, og:image:width and og:image:height
  • New: code optimization
  • New: integration test suite for quality assurance
  • New: link each page to the relevant documentation section on the plugin website
  • New: import social profile links from AIOSEOP
  • New: dynamically adjust the toggles under "Site Owner Permissions"
  • New: update Google result preview when content is changed
  • New: prompt requesting reviews on WP.org
  • Fix: hide settings for disabled modules from plugin dashboard
  • Fix: BuddyPress group titles missing
  • Fix: links to enable OpenGraph and Twitter settings pointing to inaccessible pages
  • Fix: duplicate text in SEO Checkup section of metabox
  • Fix: plugin css conflicting with some WP admin components
  • Fix: analysis indicators not displaying correct colors in WP post list
  • Fix: settings need to be saved before reports for SEO Checkup are sent
  • Fix: on WP dashboard, 'update sitemap' link in the sitemap widget not working
  • Fix: typo in opengraph settings
  • Fix: when new URL scan is run, the URL Crawler section not loaded automatically
  • Fix: google/bing verification codes from yoast not imported correctly
  • Fix: columns in the post tables take more space then they should
  • Fix: google verification meta can't be removed once added
  • Fix: meta description not working on WooCommerce shop page
  • Fix: redundant save settings button under URL Crawler report
  • Fix: typo in the upgrade popup
  • Fix: when import from yoast notice dismissed, it comes back on page load
  • Fix: seo column in post list shows wrong color indicator when focus keyword missing
  • Fix: google/bing verification tags disappear when sitemap settings saved
  • Fix: XML sitemap opened in the current tab
  • Fix: when "Upgrade to Pro" clicked, pro version details opened in the current tab
  • Fix: values under "Site Owner Permissions" not saved when everything turned off
  • Fix: last checked time on SEO Checkup inconsistent
  • Fix: if modules disabled by network admin, site admin can still see them in settings
  • Fix: autolinks page has "TBC" as the description of a setting
  • Fix: author archive meta description not saved
  • Fix: dashboard sections display number of issues even if the corresponding module is disabled
  • Fix: on network sub-sites, disabled modules not behaving properly
  • Fix: previews are not refreshing on title and meta admin page
  • Fix: url crawler not always listing the URLs resulting in errors
  • Fix: hide SEO Checkup on network sub-sites
  • Fix: remove code for old google site verification settings
  • Fix: date archive settings not respected
  • Fix: admin bar menu should always match the admin menu
  • Fix: in url crawler, no message is shown when all missing urls added to sitemap
  • Fix: MOZ metabox not styled
  • Fix: Redirect Attachments options in Advanced Tools not saved when in off state
  • Fix: automatic linking toggle in post metabox displays wrong state
  • Fix: redundant MarketPress options
  • Fix: autolinks "Exclusions" don't work when "Case Sensitive Matching" is off
  • Fix: autolinks "Min Lengths" setting not working consistently
  • Fix: twitter settings for date archives not working consistently
  • Fix: meta description settings for search and 404 pages not working consistently
  • Fix: google verification meta settings not working consistently
  • Fix: quick edit fields not loading values
  • Fix: unwanted space before date archive title
  • Fix: minor inconsistencies in SEO analysis
  • Fix: no error message displayed when default user removed in reporting section under SEO Checkup
  • Fix: statistics on dashboard not refreshed when checkup completes in SEO Checkup section
  • Fix: MOZ data displayed even when wrong credentials added

April 2, 2018 - version 2.2.1

  • Fix: post list pages performance issue.

March 28, 2018 - version 2.2

  • New: Yoast & All-In-One SEO importers.
  • New: 'Refresh' button for content & readability analysis modules.
  • New: ability to set twitter cards details on post and type level.
  • Fix: compatibility with New Blog Templates plugin.
  • Fix: spelling and grammar issues.
  • Fix: duplicate info text in "No Image Alts" section of seo analysis.
  • Fix: support for Themify themes.
  • Fix: readability analysis summary outputting html tags.
  • Fix: saving draft or publishing posts closes the smartcrawl module.
  • Fix: problems in "Add All to Sitemap" button.
  • Fix: incorrect number of missing url's on main dashboard.

February 13, 2018 - version 2.1.1

  • New: make Analysis dash widget results numeric and items clickable.
  • New: add OpenGraph and Twitter options for taxonomies.
  • New: exclude full URLs from sitemap.
  • New: grey out deactivated modules in site owner permissions.
  • New: enable styled sitemap on fresh setups.
  • Fix: increase recommended description length from 160 to 230 chars.
  • Fix: redirection resolution on archive pages.
  • Fix: spelling and grammar issues.
  • Fix: UI and styling issues.
  • Fix: checkup scan tracking auto-update.
  • Fix: update option label copies.
  • Fix: update info links.
  • Fix: admin menu style issues in Firefox.
  • Fix: background color style issues.
  • Fix: conflict with Divi theme.
  • Fix: configuring links destinations when sitewide mode is active.
  • Fix: unifiy analysis status results.
  • Fix: BBPress compatibility issue with generated URLs.
  • Fix: update error strings on import/export issues.
  • Fix: sitemap items listed twice in audit report.
  • Fix: title tag on custom post type archives issue.
  • Fix: conflict with Movedo theme.
  • Fix: do not calculate disabled analysis results.
  • Fix: empty ignore URLs list clears sitemaps.
  • Fix: user name not shown for reporting.

December 19, 2017 - version

  • Fix: Jetpack compatibility issue

December 19, 2017 - version 2.1

  • Add: complete redesign
  • Add: macros separator support
  • Add: getting started wizard
  • Add: improved OpenGraph controls
  • Add: Twitter cards support
  • Add: schema support
  • Add: Pinterest verification support
  • Add: custom meta elements support
  • Add: linked social accounts support
  • Add: WP Checkup service integration
  • Add: scheduled crawl and checkup support
  • Add: SEO analysis check per post
  • Add: per post readability analysis
  • Add: per post autolinks toggle
  • Add: improved keywords handling with focus keywords
  • Add: ability to import and export settings
  • Add: allow sitemode switching in admin area on network setups
  • Add: attachment page noindex/redirection
  • Fix: improved previews
  • Fix: OpenGraph compatibility issue with Jetpack
  • Fix: sitemaps issue with alternate cron
  • Fix: additional checks for sitemaps read/write
  • Fix: HHVM compatibility
  • Fix: improve site owner permissions on network setups

June 7, 2017 - version 2.0.1

  • Add: ability to ignore issues
  • Add: ability to add custom sitemap URLs
  • Add: option to skip strict description check
  • Fix: homepage keywords saving issue
  • Fix: MarketPress coupons conflict
  • Fix: various string typos
  • Fix: improve admin toolbar item and allow suppression
  • Fix: front-end templating deprecated tags conflict
  • Fix: WooCommerce shop page empty SEO details overrides

February 23, 2017 - version 2

  • New: whole new interface
  • Add: OpenGraph support
  • Add: SEO Audit service support
  • Fix: deprecated constructors usage
  • Fix: W3TC object cache conflict issue
  • Fix: multiple anonymous post types rendering issue

January 18, 2016 - version 1.7.7

  • Allow for filterable canonical URLs.
  • Add just-in-time post type recognition.
  • Fix: use current local time for timestamp items generation.

August 25, 2015 - version 1.7.6

  • Add advanced robots options info on listing pages.
  • Add redirections info on listing pages.
  • Project name update.

August 15, 2015 - version 1.7.5

  • Add 301 redirection box permission level to the defaults list.
  • Fix for titles processing in feeds output.
  • Fix and cleanup for post type checks conditionals.
  • Fix for duplicated static front page in sitemaps.

December 28, 2014 - version 1.7.4

  • Fix duplicates prevention stopping the post autolink expansion.
  • Fix keyword tag detection in autolink expansion replacement.
  • Fix extra whitespaces in autolink replacement expansion.
  • Fix for `set_time_limits` limitations.

November 11, 2014 - version 1.7.3

  • Fix for some PHP notices.
  • Fix for regex matching points in autolinks detection.
  • Fix for link counts in autolinks matching to prevent clearing results.
  • Fix for maximum single link replacement in post title matching.

October 21, 2014 - version 1.7.2

  • Fix for boundary matching in an unicode-safe way.
  • Fix for sitemap stylesheet path with SSL enabled.
  • Improved per-site settings mode.

July 8, 2014 - version 1.7.1

  • Fix for attachment metadata handling.
  • Fix for showing network management level options.
  • Allowing optional partial on-page optimization.

May 22, 2014 - version 1.7

  • Some typo fixes.
  • Fix for posts with invalid modified dates by forcing timestamps.
  • Added support for global marketplace pages.

May 10, 2014 - version

  • Improving data validation.
  • Fix for BuddyPress pages recognition.

February 2, 2014 - version 1.6.8

  • Added verification code options.
  • Added experimental features flag.
  • Fix for the settings binding by pushing it up the queue.

December 20, 2013 - version 1.6.7

  • Exposed the meta description for filtering.
  • Adding in the `nofollow` rel attribute option.
  • Exposing the arguments building for filtering from central location.
  • Exposing the post/term priority filters.
  • Adding separate role settings for 301 redirection box selection.
  • Fix for title length replacement.
  • Fix for default BuddyPress canonicals.

August 11, 2013 - version 1.6.6

  • Fix for quickedit boxes.
  • Strings update.

August 2, 2013 - version 1.6.5

  • Converting robots multiple selection box into checkbox array.
  • Time-limit skipping switch updated.

July 7, 2013 - version 1.6.4

  • Postponing the capability checks.
  • Allowing for timeout prevention override.

July 6, 2013 - version 1.6.3

  • Exposing title for additional filtering.
  • Added blog public sanity check.
  • Counters update.

April 14, 2013 - version 1.6.2

  • Added subsequent pages robots meta rule.
  • Added meta robots options to search results page.
  • Event delegation update.
  • Fix for SeoMOZ calls bit flags.

March 20, 2013 - version 1.6.1

  • Fix for metabox access privileges.
  • Better date archives optimization.

February 2, 2013 - version 1.6

  • Added global meta robots settings for taxonomies.
  • Added conditional unhooking possibility.
  • Allowing per-post sitemap inclusion filtering.
  • Better post types handling.
  • Allowed linking to empty taxonomies.

January 13, 2013 - version 1.5.4

  • Added custom columns to custom post types list views.
  • Allowing quick edit on custom post types lists.
  • Fix for WooCommerce main shop on-page settings.

January 8, 2013 - version 1.5.3

  • Fix for BuddyPress installs outside the main site.
  • News keywords support.

December 30, 2012 - version 1.5.2

  • Fix for autolinks being recognized in shortcodes.
  • Updated the project link.

November 2, 2012 - version 1.5.1

  • Adding link target options for auto-generated links.
  • Allowed define override for metabox role settings.
  • Propagating autolink fixes by Daniel Speichert (thank you!).
  • Fix for BuddyPress groups page titles.
  • Fix for link in titles insertion issue and safer regex.

September 8, 2012 - version 1.5

  • Exposing more hooks.
  • Making admin sitemap auto-update optional.
  • URL differentiation for domain mapped sites.
  • Disabling dashboard widgets for roles below contributor.

July 20, 2012 - version 1.4.4

  • Fix for special characters in titles.
  • Fix for taxonomies autolinking.
  • Fix for post self-linking.
  • Added maximum autolinks number limit setting.
  • Added quick edit fields.

July 8, 2012 - version 1.4.3

  • Improved paged output handling.
  • More robust post error handling.
  • Added boolean debug switches.

May 26, 2012 - version 1.4.2

  • Fix for sitemaps URL resolution on domainmapped sites.

May 7, 2012 - version 1.4.1

  • Fix for contextual help trigger.
  • Fix for full word auto-linking.
  • Added home page keywords settings.

March 23, 2012 - version 1.4

  • Fix for sitemap path finding.
  • Fix for BuddyPress Groups paging.
  • Improved taxonomies admin output.
  • Improved excerpt generation.
  • Added title and meta rewriting for BuddyPress Groups.
  • Added title and meta rewriting for BuddyPress Profiles.

January 20, 2012 - version 1.3.7

  • Fix for issue with BuddyPress documents plugin.

December 22, 2011 - version 1.3.6

  • Added options for duplicate link prevention.
  • Applied better contextual help trigger.

November 29, 2011 - version 1.3.5

  • Fix for robots meta output interaction with privacy settings.
  • Additional BuddyPress items check.

November 24, 2011 - version 1.3.4

  • Fix for BuddyPress groups support with no groups set up.
  • Added WPML config file.

November 17, 2011 - version 1.3.3

  • Fix for updated SEOMoz links.
  • Fix for BuddyPress groups priority calculation.

November 10, 2011 - version 1.3.2

  • Added BuddyPress groups and profiles in sitemaps.
  • Fixed site validation META headers.
  • Fixed sitemap path finding.

November 5, 2011 - version 1.3.1

  • Fix for sitemap path options.
  • Fix for autolinks issue with titles.

October 25, 2011 - version 1.3

  • Sitemap module rewrite, new sitemap options and dashboard widget.
  • Changed title limit to soft limit.
  • Added priority options for posts.

July 16, 2011 - version 1.2.1

  • Fixed autolink detection for strings that start with a nonascii letter.

July 15, 2011 - version 1.2

  • Added "show tab" option to Network Admin while in sitewide, to apply tab permissions once the plugin goes in per-blog mode
  • Added "tags as keywords" checkbox.
  • Fixed issue with SEOmoz dashboard widget not getting the required info.
  • Fixed SEOmoz results caching in transients.
  • Changed sitemap path box to actual input box.

June 15, 2011 - version 1.1.2

  • Fix for issue with apostrophe (and other html special chars) in SEO metabox

June 14, 2011 - version 1.1.1

  • Added htmlemtities and wordpress texturizer alternations for custom keywords in Autolinks

June 13, 2011 - version 1.1

  • Added SEOmoz dashboard widget.
  • Added character couter and limits for SEO metabox.
  • Added meta keywords field to SEO metabox.
  • Fix for WPMU DEV SEO metabox using fixed width.
  • Fix for WDS_SITEWIDE define to toggle per-blog settings availability.

June 2, 2011 - version

  • Rewrote some of the code

May 21, 2011 - version

  • Fixed the the SimplePress incompatibility issue.

May 15, 2011 - version

  • Fixed the robots settings display on Page/Post list page.

May 10, 2011 - version

  • Normalizing newlines for title rewriting in head buffer.
  • Allowed matching title tags with arguments.
  • Re-introduced `wp_title` filter.

May 3, 2011 - version

  • Fixed header detection.
  • Removed HTML comments.

May 1, 2011 - version

  • Added Contributors to both metabox allowed lists.

April 28, 2011 - version

  • Fixed title rewriting in feeds.

April 23, 2011 - version 1.0.9

  • Forced collapsed state on WDS metaboxes.
  • Deprecated default metabox hiding.
  • Fixed default permission level for showing metaboxes on singular installs.
  • Added WPMU DEV SEO metabox title l10n for Network installs.

April 22, 2011 - version 1.0.8

  • Fix for relative stylesheet URLs in sitemaps.
  • Fix for generating AND outputing sitemaps, without rebuilding on refresh.
  • Fix for auto-populating settings without admin having to visit the dashboard.
  • Added SEO and SEOmoz metabox toggling options and user displaying permission.

April 20, 2011 - version 1.0.7

  • Fix for title rewriting issues.

April 16, 2011 - version 1.0.6

  • Fix for SEOMoz API data fetching bug (transient data being stuck).
  • Fix for "Error: options page not found" message on multiple options step saves.
  • Updated Title SEO tweak to work with BuddyPress as well.
  • Fix for Sitemaps: using a regex match to determine if the sitemap was requested. Using a relative path to link the XSL stylesheet to it.
  • Added some error checking with is_wp_error
  • Some naming convention consistency fixes for option names.
  • Some PHP fixes.

March 25, 2011 - version 1.0.5

  • Fixes for PHP 4 incompatibilities
  • Limited posts in sitemap to 1000 most recent to prevent memory errors.
  • Added WDS_SITEMAP_POST_LIMIT define to be able to adjust limit in wp-config
  • Bug fix: Was killing admin help content

March 24, 2011 - version 1.0.4

  • Fixes to various php errors
  • Increase the time-limit for sitemap creation to work with big blogs

March 7, 2011 - version 1.0.3

  • Enhancement: store sitemap in wpcontent/uploads for main site on multisite

March 5, 2011 - version 1.0.2

  • Bug fix: remove fields added to quick edit which where triggering a
  • fatal error

March 2, 2011 - version 1.0.1

  • Bug fix: sitemap not created on Multisite when blog upload dir doesn't
  • exist yet

March 1, 2011 - version 1

  • Initial release

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