DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Potterworld Announcement

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Salutations Everyone!

I would like to start by saying that my journey with Potterworld has changed my life in more ways than I can remember. I have learned so many lessons, skills, and owe so much to this community we have built together. We officially celebrated our 10 year anniversary and I couldn’t be more proud of how far we have come! Potterworld has changed so much from the time of its inception in comparison to where it is today, and as such will continue to evolve into the future. Today, I would like to share what the next steps are for Potterworld and myself.

For ten years now, the Potterworld Staff Team and myself have given our best effort to treat our server like a live support game, constantly producing and releasing new content at normal cadences and at a rate that would rival any AAA game studio. This all being done by a team of volunteers that passionately gave their precious free time and energy to support this community we have built all these years. Because of this demand and expectation, we built a team very much like a professional game development team. Hiring and training our members to deliver content at regular intervals. I will share that this is not a trivial effort in the slightest, as it requires extensive training, guidance, leadership, and energy to pull off time and time again. Not to mention, our own desires to better our content, better our tech, and constantly create bigger and better releases for our community to enjoy. All of these things got us to where we are today, and it isn’t without a cost.

The cost of all of this constant pressure both from ourselves and our community to release regular content and also make it better than the last has built up over the years in the form of burnout. I will be...

Map Rotation - July 2024

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Hey everyone,
Summer is here, and with it this quarter's maps rotation!

Minigame maps will rotate around every three months - you may expect maps to rotate during July, October, January, and April! This means that some maps will be disabled for certain periods to allow others to shine.

We hope you all enjoy this update the build team prepared for you!



Melting Floor

[Revamped] Mundane Lane

[Seasonal] Underwater

[Returning] Sewers

[Returning] Magical Schools

[Returning] Monde Occulte Library

Hogsworth Adventures

Grimlotts Vaults

Hide and Seek

[Seasonal] Broadwalk

[Returning] Ireland


WizNewsletter - June 2024

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!



Application Updates
Class Helper applications have re-opened, and the Academics department is looking for dedicated...​

Sunlight Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards,

As another school year draws to a close, we're excited to introduce our brand new Sunlight Store Releases! Bask in the sun with a trusty Pet Corgi by your side, or command a mighty yacht upon the oceans with the Captain's Hat, fit for any commander! The full list of items included in this release is as follows:
  • NEW Pet Corgi: Channel your royal persona with this cheerful little chap by your side! Did someone say walkies?
  • NEW Shimmering Broom: Zoom through the sky like a firefly on this glistening golden broom!
  • NEW Summer Wand Effects: Spread the vibes of tropical fun as you roam through the sun-soaked castle grounds!
  • NEW Captain's Hat: Stow the anchor and full speed ahead! Become the commander of the seven seas with this seafarer's cap!
  • UPDATED Fireflies Hat & Warp Key Combo: Unlock the full potential of fireflies with our Fireflies Hat & Warp Key Combo, now upgraded with magical warp key effects!
Not a fan of the sunlight? If the mystical glow of the moon is more your style, why not check out some of our previous Night Store Releases? Wish your friends a peaceful slumber with the Night Emote Pack, or harness the power of the stars with the Starry Wand Effects. You can view the full details of our Night Store Releases here.

For more information about these new releases, check out the New Releases category of...

House Cup June 2024

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We would like to congratulate Raven on winning the House Cup for the second quarter of 2024!

Here are the final results:
:raven: 14,138
:griffin: 7,936
:serpent: 7,234
:honeybadger: 4,540

Talk to the Francine Cades NPC outside of the Great Hall to celebrate the victory with us!

The next House Cup will be awarded in September! Good luck to all houses!

Monthly Art Giveaway - July 2024

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows!

As July begins, we are excited to announce the winner of last month's giveaway, as well as announce this month's new prompt!

In June, we had so many incredible pieces of art submitted that fit the pride theme. From colorful and rainbow art pieces to beautiful traditional work, those in our art community showcased their talents once again! And so, without further ado, the June winner is… Cheetah0307! They will receive the prize of a $5.00 Gift Card and 100 House Points today.

Now onto the July giveaway & theme!

To reiterate, the Monthly Art Giveaway is a way for players to create any art form (MC build, render, drawing, writing, craft, etc.) while fitting a specific theme. One winner will be randomly picked at the end of the month, and will receive a $5.00 Gift Card and 100 House Points!

This month's prompt is to create something that follows the theme of beach activities to celebrate the summer season! We can't wait to see what you create!

Giveaway Guidelines:
- One prompt will be released every month. All submissions must follow this prompt, submissions that do not will not be entered.​
- The submissions may be ANY form of art (builds, writing, drawing, renders, music, photos, etc.) as long as you are able to share it with us.​
- Submissions must be submitted on the Art Discord in the #monthly-giveaway channel. IGN must be included for...​

The Daily Diviner - Issue 113

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Server Spotlight


Summer in the Store
Written by Silquer
Edited by Calliequeen

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! Now that summer has officially begun and the sun feels hotter than ever, many players are looking to cool down and style their...

Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway Winners

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows. Potterworld's 10th Anniversary celebration is coming to a close, and with that, the Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway. By entering, you had the chance to win the exclusive Droobledoll Hat as well as Gift Cards, House Points, and other amazing prizes!

In order to submit an entry, the team wanted the community to either share favorite Potterworld memory, share something they enjoy about the server, or even submit a screenshot of a memory! The wheel has decided, and it's time to announce our very lucky winners!

1st Place;
Winner of the Droobledoll Hat OR an item of choice, $5.00 Gift Card, 200 HP... gospojken! Make sure to create a ticket in-game by doing /t create in order to claim your prize.​
2nd Place;
Winner of a store item of choice, $4.00 Gift Card, 150 HP... Crawlster! Make sure to create a ticket in-game by doing /t create in order to claim your prize.
G 0 H 0 R 0 S 0

Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.