Is Risk of Rain Returns Cross-Platform?

By Alex╺

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Risk of Rain was a very difficult rogue-lite that became easier when played with friends. Now, with the remake, Risk of Rain Returns, available on PC and Switch, the question arises whether it allows cross-platform play between these devices.

I understand: Difficult games can be easier and sometimes more enjoyable with a friend. It’s also common for games on different platforms to offer cross-platform play. Having this feature in a tough game like Risk of Rain Returns would be great.

Is Risk of Rain Returns Cross play?

Unfortunately, cross-platform play isn’t supported in Risk of Rain Returns. Players on the Nintendo Switch can only team up with other Switch users, just as PC players can only connect with other PC users. You cannot play together if you are on different platforms, such as a Switch and a PC.

Cross-platform play is still a challenge in the gaming industry. While some games like Apex Legends allow cross-device gameplay, it’s not very common. Regrettably, this feature is not available for Risk of Rain Returns. If you want to play the game cooperatively with friends, everyone needs to have the game on the same platform.

is risk of rain 2 cross platform

Risk of Rain Returns offers several ways to play with others. You can play online or through local couch co-op by selecting either the online or local multiplayer modes from the main menu. Players can set up a lobby to be open, private, or just for friends, or they can join an existing lobby. The game allows players to customize options like difficulty and game rules.

Does Risk of Rain Returns support cross-progression?

No, Risk of Rain Returns does not support cross-progression across different devices. Unlike some games that let you continue your progress on various platforms using the same account, in Risk of Rain Returns, any unlocked items or characters will only be available on the device you used to unlock them.

“Risk of Rain Returns” Game Overview

“Risk of Rain Returns” is an updated version of the classic roguelike game, featuring better graphics and updated gameplay elements. In this game, players explore a randomly generated alien world, controlling a character with distinct powers. The main challenge is to fight off large groups of monsters and enhance your character using various items that work together to form strong combinations.

is risk of rain 2 cross platform

As players gain experience and equipment, they must also keep an eye on the time, as the game gets harder the longer they play. This adds an exciting mix of danger and reward. “Risk of Rain Returns” provides an engaging and addictive refresh of its well-loved predecessor.