Ironic_Iron Unban. I have changed

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    Current Username: Ironic_Iron
    Username when banned: Ironic_Iron
    UUID: e00722c9-9fdd-458c-91bc-941a91fc273e
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Augustus


    I miss everyone 🙁

    I have done many questionable things in the past, and have been punished accordingly.  I fully deserve my past punishments, as well as this one.  But I miss everyone.  I want to go back to piratemc, and in the 5 months that I have been banned I have learned a lot.  I have completely changed who I am, and I will never be my old self again.  If I am unbanned, I would like to be treated as a different person, than who I was 5 months ago.  This will be difficult for some people because of what I was in the past, but I ask you to at least try.  So please take my unban request into consideration.  I would love to be back with pmc and all my old friends.


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    Ironic_Iron, where to start.

    1: I’m sure every player with a rap sheet as long as yours would like to “be treated as a different person”.

    2: It’s only been 4 months, not 5 months since you were banned.

    3: While I think your wish to turn over a new leaf is admirable, I have yet to ever experience anyone changing into a completely different person in only 4 months.

    Your request is denied, you have 2 months, 3 weeks and 2 days remaining.

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