If you could give this your consideration

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    Hey, member of PirateCraft whom hasn’t played properly in like a year.

    Right I know this is a bit of an ask, but I would love it if everybody could try and spread the use of this search engine, Ecosia.

    I have been using it for about 9 months now, and in those months I have built up a number of trees planted count to over 1,000 (882 on my laptop I’m typing this on) and you basically get to fund forest replantation, just by searching with the engine.

    I am probably doing a bad job at showing it off, so here are 2 great ads by them, beware, 1st one is seems sort of aimed at children, but it explains the intuition behind it. Thank you for your time and please give it a go and ‘spread the word!’. 🙂



    WHERE TO GO: https://www.ecosia.org/

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    Isn’t this advertising


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    Does it impact the server in anyway @iodiwankenobi

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    Eh, yeah its technically advertising, but its not server related, nor is it to make money, nor was he paid to do it. To be honest, it sounds quite interesting.

    At the end of the day, its him giving an opinion on something he found, and would recommend it to others :I

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    Ok I’m gonna leave again for another month now


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    Go Green I’m totally for it. I am totally going to use this from now on. If you look at some of my builds I love trees literally. If you want /donate oak saplings to CountMonteCristo. I am trying to make a Huge forest, and no not like the first huge one I made that was artificial and sad looking. I’m talking about  a huge awesome forest. With your help I can make the servers largest naturally looking forest. So if you don’t know what to do with your spare oak saplings just go to warp north and look for the tower and place some all over the mountains and hills. I would greatly appreciate it. Good job Palmeraggedon I like where your going with this. Keep up the awesome work. I’m going to be using that search engine now.

    Sincerely, CountMonteCristo



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