Greetings everyone!

Home Forums Introductions Forum Greetings everyone!

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  • #63795
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    Well uh… hello!

    Admittedly I have never really been all that good at doing formal introductions about myself, but I will give it my best shot. So here it goes…

    I am very new to all of this, but I was inspired to join by a really good friend of mine who has been a member for quite some time now and has told me nothing but good things about this place. I guess due to my lack of experience, you could say I am indeed currently a bit of a noob, but I am sure all of that will change once I have gotten to know everything and more people on here. 🙂

    • Topics: 2
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    Welcome to the server!

    I’m sure your friend will help you out with getting started so you probably wont need much from me to begin with, but if you ever get stuck or run into problems when your friend isn’t online don’t hesitate to get my (or any online staff member’s) attention and I’ll be happy to help you out.

    Piratecraft helper and the cooler half of Xenia

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    Thank you for the warm welcome. And yes, I definitely will!

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    Welcome to PirateCraft!

    You’ve started off the best way you can, an introduction to the community! Get talking to people and you’ll find a crew to join then you’ll have people close to help out along the way!

    If you ever need help don’t hesitate to ask on the forum’s, in game discord or voice chat!

    Not iwanio
    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 58
    • ★★★

    *cough cough* Join LE *cough cough*

    Election Commissioner of the British Empire

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