Dawnfury Castle | Update/Shader screenies

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    It’s been a while since I last time posted anything here, so here’s an update of the Dawnfury Castle! What you see in the screenshots is “almost” finished areas, even though there is still a lot of work to do and if asked, I couldn’t name one piece of the place that is 100% completed in my opinion. Surely things like the gates are pretty much done from the outside, but they all lack interior design.


    Anyways, this is what I’ve managed to pull out so far after I got active again a month ago 😛



    Farm area


    The Inn


    Feedback is always appreciated; what’s bad, what’s good, what should be added or changed? Leave a comment!

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    Oh damn that’s beautiful!

    I suck at building so I can’t give any advice 🙁

    Founder of the Coalition

    The Queen
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    As most castles have, make a court, blacksmith, archery range, an arena, add most cobwebs to show the amount of homes and realism ohhh and also add shading buildings like what i mean by this is, and add these elements,  to it to make it more comforting. You get what im saying?

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    It’s a wonderful as when you showed me it yesterday, haha! 😀 I admire how you use irregular-looking-but-actually-regular patterns to give your builds fascinating textures. I really love your style, Cirquo!

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    Yea thats what I love about your builds, they have atmosphere and look detailed and irregular and weathered like buildings of this style should but still have the regular structures and designs!

    Great work buddy can’t wait to see what else you build 🙂

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    Thanks for the ideas, Rep! There is already a swordsmith but I’ve planned to make an actual Blacksmith house, too. An archery range there is already, actually just on the other side of the camera in the first picture 😀 I didn’t really get that “add most cobwebs to show the amount of homes” part, what do you mean?

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    It’s a wonderful as when you showed me it yesterday, haha! 😀 I admire how you use irregular-looking-but-actually-regular patterns to give your builds fascinating textures. I really love your style, Cirquo!

    I think that is exactly why I like this style so much! I can make detailed and messy looking builds but still maintain a regular code for everything, and if needed, it can be modified for different purposes and still looks matching 🙂 Thank you!

    The Queen
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    What i meant by this was, when you have a city like this and how compact the housing is which i love, you need cobwebs to be a replacement for smoke coming from houses chimneys. It just shows the city has population and makes it more alive to me.

    I felt is you added them it could add more definition to the homes.

    This is what i mean 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    What i meant by this was, when you have a city like this and how compact the housing is which i love, you need cobwebs to be a replacement for smoke coming from houses chimneys. It just shows the city has population and makes it more alive to me. I felt is you added them it could add more definition to the homes. This is what i mean 🙂

    Ooh, well I just happened to collect a stack of cobweb today! thanks, I had completely forgotten the smoke 😀 Propably didn’t add it yet because the houses have chimneys but not fireplaces yet, haha

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    May I ask what shaders you use and what you use to make the foliage have the extra depth and detail? It really enhances the spectacle of your unique builds and style!

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    May I ask what shaders you use and what you use to make the foliage have the extra depth and detail? It really enhances the spectacle of your unique builds and style!

    It’s a mod called Better Foliage and the shaders are KUDA v.6.4

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    >When this is so professionally made you mistook it for the server market area

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    very nice design.  the theme and style is consistent, which is the way to do a town.  the only thing I could suggest is maybe adding a public square area and perhaps a livestock area with few animals. I especially like the giant dragon perched on top of the roof.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
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    This place is fantastic, I think it looks even better with Dokucraft installed! Ill see if I can get @supergl to render it out when its all done!

    I moved this thread to the media forum, maybe I need to re-name it to show-off or something, as media evades some people!

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    Hey all,

    I thought it’s time to update this again, since the last one was in 2017…

    I’ve recently become somewhat active in the server again and looking to finish this project that started in November 2015 and has taken more than 600 hours of building. I have also rejoined the Build Team so I will be helping them out if I have more free time after this is completed.

    The Update:

    Image Gallery

    Can’t exactly remember what is new since the last update but here are some:

    – Added a lot of housing on the other side of the castle
    – Added underground King’s Hall (last picture)
    – Other small fixes and patches

    As always, feedback and ideas are appreciated!

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