CSN Capital GrandPrix (Horse race)

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  • #78067
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 98
    • Total: 109
    • ★★★★

    To celebrate the upcoming fourth birthday for CSN, we have decided to bring back an old CSN tradition: the CSN Grand Prix.

    Race track: The track will be the CSN capital horse racing track. It is an oval-shaped track with different obstacles to overcome.

    Free practice: During the week leading up to the race, participants will be able to test out the track for better understanding. The practice will take place on a horse that all other players will be using and players will be allowed to do 10 laps.

    Qualification: All the players that will participate during Qualification will have to race. The qualification will be a sprint race of only 5 laps with 6 participants per starting battery. The winner of the Qualification will be allowed to take part of the Race.

    Race Day: The 6 qualification winners start with 8-minute speed potion. The player can choose to use DHS (Dynamic Horse Settings) as he wishes. He can also bring speed II 1.30 splash potion OR jump boost II 1.30 splash potion in addition to the 8-minute start speed. The player is only allowed ONE of the two, and it can be splashed whenever the player wants after lap 1. The race will be a total of 15 laps
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Rewards:</p>
    1st place:

    • Trophy head
    • 1000$

    2nd place:

    • Trophy head 2nd place
    • 750$

    3rd place:

    • Trophy head 3rd place
    • 500$

    What are you waiting for? Join us via Discord, Google form, forum, email, fax, pigeons and telegraph!

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    See you on the race track!!!


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