Cannons and an arena on the creative server

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Cannons and an arena on the creative server


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  • #83180
    Shivendra (ContDJ)
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 6

    By introducing cannons in the creative server, players would have the opportunity to design and build their own fully functional ships complete with firepower. This would allow them to explore the intricacies of shipbuilding and weaponry, providing a creative outlet for their imagination and strategic thinking. Furthermore, it would offer a practical testing ground before transferring their creations to the survival docks.

    To complement the addition of cannons, I propose the creation of a 2000 by 2000 blocks /battleground dedicated to ship testing and duels. This arena would provide decent space for players to maneuver their craft and engage in combat. It would serve as a platform for players test their functionality, and engage in friendly competitions with other players. The arena would likely encourage players to show up to ship battles and make naval combat training much easier for newbies.

    Discord: ContDJ#1553
    In-Game Name: ContDJ

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