Arti's Premature Return

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    Right, I know that I said that I’d be taking a break not too long ago, and at the risk of sounding like Reptaria, I’m cutting that short and returning.

    To make a long story short on the “why” part: I went in for a simple surgery the other day. Turns out I scored a quack doctor who legit could’ve killed me. Something went wrong and he kept piling more drugs on to pretend like nothing was happening, which made everything far worse. Trauma and major memory gaps aside, everyone is telling me to sue that hack, so…

    I’ll be spending more time on here again. If the suit goes through, I’ll grab a beefed up PC and (possibly) apply for media team on here. To anyone I may have pissed off over the past month or so: I sincerely apologize.

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."

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    Wb Arti

    Yeah, I once had an operation that went horribly wrong due to unsuitable drugs being prescribed, and I know how awful it can be. Best of luck with your recovery and good luck with the lawsuit.

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

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    Horatio Nelson

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    Thank you, Snap.

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."

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    Welcome back Arti! 😀

    Founder of The Vikings
    Founder of The Coalition
    Founder of some other stuff
    I don't know what else to put.

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