Armandini Unban Request

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  • #83584
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    Current Username: AbuArmandini
    Username when banned: BotGamerHD_
    UUID: 5c64c202-1282-4af7-81d2-ba9bfb45463e
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: GodsDead

    Dear GodsDead/PMC Staff Team,

    First and foremost, I want to sincerely apologize once again to GodsDead for my actions on the discord server approximately 1.5 years ago. I deeply regret my behaviour and I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. I also want to express my gratitude for the leniency of my “punishment,” as it has made me aware of the potential legal consequences that could have severely impacted me both mentally and financially.

    I am writing this Unban Appeal with the intention of being able to rejoin the PirateCraft community and once again enjoy playing with my friends, as I did a year ago. I have heard that exciting events are occurring, and I do not want to miss out on the fun. All I am requesting is for my ban to be shortened to a duration of 2 months or a similar time frame, or alternatively, for my actions to be closely monitored if necessary. I trust in your judgment to determine the appropriate consequences for my previous behaviour, as it was truly unacceptable, and I assure you that I will not engage in such behaviour again. You have every right to impose any punishment you see fit.

    I want to express my immense appreciation for taking the time to read my Unban Request, and I genuinely hope that you will consider lifting my ban soon. Thank you for understanding my current circumstances.


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    The Admin+Mod team has discussed your appeal and we have decided, Not to accept your appeal.  Over the Course of your time playing here you have amassed 4 bans,(2 perm bans, 2 temp bans), 11 mutes and 4 warnings.

    This is what goes through my mind every time I read a ban  appeal.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!

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    I respect the decision made by the Mod+Admin team. Whilst I may or may not have laughed during the video you sent which represents most unban requests on this website, I hope that my apology was not confused for one of these, was taken seriously and was accepted by you.

    And when I actually saw what was inside my Punishment Tracker when you mentioned my previous behaviour and punishments, I was shocked and I am willing to express massive gratitude for the stuff you had to put up with, whilst I was an active member of this community.

    I wish the Staff team a great day/early weekend and I thank you for discussing and considering my Unban Appeal which may have “wasted” you some of your time.

    Sincerely, Armandini

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