PirateCraft Updates

PirateCraft now compatible between minecraft clients 1.9 – 1.10

I have updated PirateCraft to allow Minecraft clients from 1.9/1.9.1/1.9.2/1.9.3/1.9.4 all the way up to 1.10 to connect, we are... View Article

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Updates: /warp ships; schooners are back on sale, with sailable demos!

Its been a very, very long time coming for me to get around to making these work again, the issue... View Article

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Updates: New Chat events, New player Menu, Chairs are back & /back now has a warmup

First of all, I have decided it might be better to try putting my changes into the blog posts so... View Article

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Overhaul of Crews!

Giant Crew update is now live! Wednesday evening we put a lot of work into transitioning from our old crews... View Article

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Swashbuckler Season

Avast, me hearties! I hope you have all been enjoying the spooky Halloween event over at /warp halloween. The flood... View Article

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Donator Rank Updates

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs! There’s been a small change & upgrade to the donator ranks Commander and Captain. Lets start... View Article

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Summer Grog

Summer has reached the PirateCraft lands, that means only one thing, Time to brew up some grog from the fresh... View Article

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Officer Rank Update #2

New Commodores (Moderators) Everyday we get new wonderful players jump aboard the PirateCraft ship, as most of you are aware... View Article

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Splice the mainbrace! Thar now be crews!

You asked for it, so we implemented it, I would like to welcome crews to PirateCraft. Crews are a simple... View Article

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Minecraft Web Stats

PirateCraft Minecraft Web Stats Ahoy Mateys! Today I announce the new PirateCraft web stats interface. Since we moved over to... View Article

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