March 2022 Build of The Month; Entries and Winners!

April 14, 2022 6:22 pm Published by in , , . Leave a Comment

Ahoy you filthy pirates! Behold the entries and winners of the Build of the Month for March 2022! There were so many entries and all AMAZING this month, it was a very difficult vote! Check out the wonderful builds and leave a comment! 

Massive thanks to Ae0n and DeofiloW1 for taking the Screenshots.

March’s Winning Survival Builders!

First PlaceSecond PlaceThird Place
PjeturrLullaby93 &
Captain RankCommander Captain RankLieutenant Rank
10000 Claimblocks7500 Claimblocks5000 Claimblocks
1st Place Trophy2nd Place Trophy3rd Place Trophy
A set of special BOTM ToolsA set of special BOTM ToolsA set of special BOTM Tools

1st Place

The Copper Maiden

by Pjeturr

In the far east on a former mushroom island, you will find a large tower.

2nd Place

Christmas in Egypt

by Lullaby93 & PandamoniumPrime

3rd Place

Puss Square

by Romich02

A nice Italian square.

These Builds are insane! The winners of this month really deserves some glory! And while you’re here, why don’t you submit your build for next month Competition?

Full list of Entries for March 2022!

This month was more unique that rare! We even had 10 Builders submitting their own creations and I must say that everyone did a very good job! So have a look at all the other entries for this month too!

SHDW Capitol Wall

by Ae0n

The wall around the future capitol building for SHDW.

The Neptune

by LeaveYourFlowers


by YellowTheMaster

Chapel on The Hill

by Bulldog760

The Pecking Parrot

by Elitecorsair

Port Potato

by DeDerpyDerp_

Brew Master’s Vineyard

by Palmerto

Wow! What an amazing set of builds, right? Stay tuned for Next months BOTM and thank you for the submissions! Remember that if you submit your Build you will have the Honor of a picture displaying what you created in the BoTM Hall at /warp botm (massive thanks to MionaTheGreat for updating the Hall monthly) and if you manage to win you will be remember forever as your name will be on display too! So don’t waste other time and hurry up submitting your Build!

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