Halloween 2019

November 19, 2019 3:10 pm Published by in , . Leave a Comment

PirateCraft Halloween 2019
PirateCraft Halloween 2019


PirateCraft Halloween 2019 is coming to a close! Wrapping up I would like to shout out a massive thank you to CallieMav for his amazing custom mob design! They have been a blast! (Quite literally).

All the event information, Crates and Keys were posted to our Discord Announcements and changelogs live as they happened! To not miss out on future events make sure to subscribe to our Discord with notifications on!

This blog post will act as an archive for Halloween 2019 event happenings.

Halloween Gift Basket

A free spooky heads gift basket was at /spawn for a few weeks to celebrate the spooky season! If you missed it you are too late!

Free gift basket at /spawn

15% off /donate with coupon code ‘slimysailor’

Get yourself a spooky special! Head on over to the Store page and get 15% off with Coupon code ‘slimysailor’ for a limited time only.

Calypsos Coffer Halloween Crate 2019

We had Halloween crate at /warp cove that can only be opened with a CalypsosCoffer key, this is a random drop crate that you have a chance in winning 1 item per key!

CalypsosCoffer Keys were being auto dropped to a random person online every 30 mins! You just need to be online to be in for a chance to have a free key dropped!

Keys are also dropped by the custom mobs over at the Halloween event /warp halloween.

Calypsos Coffer 2019 Keys are also available from the store page for a limited time.

Halloween 2019 Main Event

The PirateCraft Halloween 2019 main event is 7 custom mobs and 2 bespoke bosses with over 70 unique item drops between them!

Each custom mob has its own unique set of powers and behaviour that is being constantly tweaked.

Watch the video at the top of this blog post for a preview of the arena.

The Halloween event can be joined at /warp halloween

Custom Mobs Item Drops

This is a list of all items that have a possibility of being dropped by mobs in at the /warp halloween custom mob event for a limited time only!

Armour Sets

  • AquaHelm
  • AquaChest
  • AquaPants
  • AquaBoots
  • CactusHelm
  • CactusChest
  • CactusPants
  • CactusBoots
  • FireyHelm
  • FireyChest
  • FireyPants
  • FireyBoots
  • CheapHelm
  • CheapChest
  • CheapPants
  • CheapShoes
  • FancyHelm
  • FancyChest
  • FancyPants
  • FancyShoes
  • ZombieHelm
  • ZombieChest
  • ZombiePants
  • BloodyHelm
  • BloodyChest
  • BloodyPants
  • CostumeBoots
  • CursedLandlubberTunic
  • CursedLandlubberTrousers
  • CursedLandlubberShoes
  • HerobrineTunic


  1. CardboardSword
  2. CursedLandlubberBow
  3. ActionHeroSword
  4. TacticalSpork
  5. SnapBracelett

Top Tier items

  1. TricksterSword
  2. TreatSword
  3. HerobrineSword
  4. SoulSeeker
  5. TombStone
  6. GoldenRod
  7. CalypsosCofferKey


  1. MagicalPowder
  2. OldUrn
  3. LovelyQuill
  4. BoneDust
  5. GraveSoil
  6. EssenceOfFire
  7. BloodRose
  8. Kindling
  9. PocketWatch
  10. Twinkee
  11. SpiderSilk
  12. DeadMimic
  13. BloodStoneBlock
  14. MonsterStew
  15. AncientTome
  16. EssenceOfTerror
  17. AshesOfTheDead
  18. EvilTorch
  19. MagicWand
  20. DemonCore
  21. Shiny
  22. BeholderEye
  23. Guts
  24. Doubloon
  25. FireDemonHead
  26. HerobrineHead
  27. SilverNugget
  28. SugarCookie
  29. CandyApple
  30. FruitPunch
  31. DemonHide

Boss Summoning keys

  1. VenomSac
  2. DemonicKey
Written by GodsDead

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