November 2019 Build of the Month Competition

November 1, 2019 6:27 pm Published by in , , . Leave a Comment

Behold the entries of the Build of the Month for November 2019!

Perhaps add a comment for your favorite build to sway the judges to vote?

Gletshire Castle

By Silverstone47

A large, Halloween-themed castle built on a handmade stone island off of the coast of Port Gletshire. Stacking of compartments, this build stands seven stories high, completed with tall towers, balcony roofs, and separated wings connected via outdoor bridges. The West wing is left unfinished, in a state of partial ruin, as a reminder of the old castle that once stood in it’s place. Completed with minor exterior detail and green and blue windows (To be changed to a more protective block after holidays).

The Friendship Garden

By Cotij

The Friendship Garden is yet another masterpiece coming from the trifecta of Cotij, SizzleMcGrizzle, and WantedWiener, better known as the Friendship Boys. The garden was built atop a guardian farm, equipped with multiple automatic farms and a villager library. Although these multiple functions provide a lucrative business for the Friendship Boy’s industry, the real “kicker” here is the beautiful Friendship Garden on top. This garden is meant to symbolize the peace within the hard times that seem to always be present. It offers a safe haven to those who cannot fend for themselves. With 8 beacons, those passing by will always see the light. Come forth, young one. Come forth.

The Floating Friendship Towers

By SizzleMcGrizzle

Yet another product of the Friendship Boys, the Floating Friendship Towers is known for it’s odd beauty and it’s service to those around it- iron! With its nice lounge, and slick overall design, this bad boy is sure to capture anyone’s attention- in a good way. Need some iron? I got you.

La trinità

By RoMich02

A mix of real existing palaces with many historical building styles. The north part of the palace is taken from palazzo Madama the back of the main entrance is the Carignano then the 2 side walls is from the Quirinale and the south entrance is from Valentino.

Who will pick the winner?

The winners will be decided upon via staff votes. A post will soon follow announcing the winners!

Want to enter next month’s Build of the month?

Want to enter next month’s BotM? Rules will be the same as for this one! You have until the 20th of December to enter, you can find out more information and enter once the staff have decided the winners for this month.

Written by RC_2001

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Written by RC_2001

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Posted on November 1, 2019

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