Brewing Update

November 3, 2017 11:55 pm Published by in , , . 1 Comment

Custom Brews have been updated!


New Brewery information location!

The “Brew House” is a tutorial on how to setup brews, with brews displayed in-game, it has been relocated to Covetown (/warp covetown) near the fountain. Inside you will find all the brews, their names, and information on how to properly set up your brewing equipment.

Brewery Contests

Here at PirateCraft we have an outstanding number of custom brews, A lot of the recepies are kept secret by players so they can trade the recepies and gives more value to those that know how to brew them.

We have added some new custom Brews! In PirateCraft fashion, we will be holding a contest to see who can figure out how to make them first.

Hints! Outside the brew house, you will find a bulletin board. This board will hold information on brewing contests and recipe hints. Previously contests were run but not on a set schedule. This is going to change.

Rules for the Brew finding competition:

  • SmokeyRiver will update the hints bulletin board weekly. (I am not setting a day, as I am a busy person).
  • The only hints given for the brew will be listed on the board. Do NOT message me begging for more.
  • Only the first person who discovers the brew will get the prize. You can notify me by /mail or by the drop bin in the brew house. (I prefer the bin method).
  • If you are the winner I will try to catch you online in order to deliver your prizes.
  • You are permitted to enter a new contest each week.

You can reply to this blog post for discussion and questions as comments are generated as a forum thread!

SmokeyRiver or Vapecloudbear take brew requests all the time! If you have any you would like to share please let them know!

1 Comment

  • vape

    So excited for this release. We now have 86 different custom brews on the server (not including different names for the same drink depending on the quality of the brew). Good luck everyone!

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