October Build Of The Month Competition

November 13, 2014 11:55 am Published by in , . Leave a Comment

October BOTM

Starting off Octobers BOTM with an apology for the long delay; Life has been hectic, thanks for your patience.

October’s 2014 Build of the month collected the greatest amount of entries we’ve ever had at such high quality, It will be up to your vote for the most impressive build to win that builder some booty!

A few entries have been left out due to:

  • Incorrect Co-ordinates – for some reason this has been a big issue with most of the entries, you must double check this I cannot be chasing people up.
  • Build didn’t meet criteria – A pond?

1st Prize Booty

  • Prime spot on the piratemc.com header banner
  • 1250 Claim Blocks
  • £500 In-game
  • Unique BOTM diamond toolkit
  • A map icon in the new BOTM category
  • A personally baked cake form GodsDead

2nd Prize Booty

  • 500 Claim Blocks
  • £250 In-game
  • Unique BOTM iron toolkit
  • A personally baked cake form GodsDead

Overall the build quality is improving in leaps and bounds, everyone at PirateCraft can’t wait for Novembers entries; Without further ado here are Octobers entries *fanfare*.

Athenmos12, Stone-clad Ship


Bislo1, /warp trade City


Crazy Pirate, Spleef Arena


Lamanite, Hello Kitty Pirate Ship


PinkedHD, Roman Statue


RaveTheWave, Fort


Tim Huisman, Ganesha Statue


Zelrond, Stable

So which one of these entries is the best build of the month for PirateCraft!? Cast your vote now!

[poll id=”25″]

November Build of the Month competition entry form

Ready to submit your entries for Novembers Build of the month? Get Submitting now!

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