Big update for 1.5.1.

April 9, 2013 2:24 pm Published by in , . Leave a Comment

Bukkit finally updated! Which means that I could finally upgrade bukkit to the latest version 1.5.1, with the new version update, I’ve decided to upload the new website, it’s still a little rickety here and there, but please sign up and become part of the community.

If you find any bugs with the website or server please post in the forums.

PirateMC Server Changelog
  • Updated to Bukkit 1.5.1
  • Added player heads plugin, Lop off another players head and you a 50% chance of a trophy of the enemies head to put where you please! For a bigger drop rate equip an enchanted weapon.
  • Updated all plugins to latest version, The entire plugin list now consists of: Vault, BeardStat, Dynmap, Dynmap-Griefprevention, Griefprevention, Playerheads, Essentials, Cannons, Colorme, SimpleAutoAnnoncer, Multiverse-core, Wordedit.
  • You can now buy Griefprevention plots of land by using the basic Essentials currency system.
  • There still seems to be a problem with some third party app’s not using the correct methods to connect via URL, so to be safe use the port alongside the connection URL otherwise badly written third party apps might connect you to another minecraft server that’s hosted on the same server as me!

Most of you already know that the minecraft 1.5 drop was the Redstone update, for a full list of new features head over to the Wiki.
Or you could watch the quick song about the redstone update for new game features!

The 1.5 Song! - Redstone Update in Song!


Written by GodsDead

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Written by GodsDead

The founder of PirateCraft, Administrator, Systems Operator, Peace keeper.

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Posted on April 9, 2013

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