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Hubble measures the distance to a supernova

Measuring the distance to truly remote objects like galaxies, quasars, and galaxy clusters is a crucial task in astrophysics, particularly when it comes to studying the early universe, but it's a difficult one to complete.

How astronomers work out the size of the solar system

The size of the solar system is defined by the volume of space over which the sun's influence exceeds those of other nearby stars in the Milky Way galaxy. This influence derives from two fundamental forces of nature: gravity ...

Hubble finds evidence for rare black hole in Omega Centauri

An international team of astronomers has used more than 500 images from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope spanning two decades to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of Omega Centauri, the largest and ...

New research reveals how galaxies avoid early death

Galaxies avoid an early death because they have a "heart and lungs" which effectively regulate their "breathing" and prevent them from growing out of control, a new study suggests.

JWST sheds light on the structure of interstellar water ice

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a team of researchers including Paola Caselli, Barbara Michela Giuliano and Basile Husquinet from MPE, have probed deep into dense cloud cores, revealing details of interstellar ...

Deep-mapping the night sky for hot stars

The next NASA space telescope to survey the ultraviolet sky has the fingerprint of an astronomer from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). Assistant Professor Ylva Götberg is part of a large international ...

XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes

Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have launched a balloon-borne telescope to unlock the secrets of astrophysical black holes and neutron stars, some of the most extreme objects in the universe.

Building a prototype of the cosmos

How would it feel to peer into the night sky and behold millions of galaxies across a vast swath of space? What would it be like to hunt for worlds beyond our solar system, or spot the fiery deaths of stars?

More news

Two new variable stars detected in globular cluster NGC 6558
Researchers predict new phase in neutron stars that favors 'nuclear pasta'
NASA mission to study mysteries in the origin of solar radio waves
Exploring the possibility of probing fundamental spacetime symmetries via gravitational wave memory
Webb captures a staggering quasar-galaxy merger in the remote universe
Webb admires bejeweled ring of the lensed quasar RX J1131-1231
Elusive temporary star described in historical documents recreated using new computer model
NASA's Parker Solar Probe completes 20th close approach to the sun
Nova eruption of V1716 Sco inspected in X-rays and gamma rays
Astronomers observe a strong shock front in galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ 2031-4037
New models suggest Milky Way is not as packed with stars as previously thought
German scientists investigate supernova remnant SNR G309.8+00.0 at high energies
NASA's Webb captures celestial fireworks around forming star
Infrared glow high in Jupiter's atmosphere may be dark matter particles colliding
Cosmic simulation reveals how black holes grow and evolve
Energetics of compressive waves in the solar corona
NASA's NEOWISE infrared heritage will live on
Astronomers discover a peculiar radio galaxy
'Motion-picture' method reveals shape of the Milky Way's dark matter halo
Research intern helps discover a new pulsar buried in a mountain of data

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