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Securely propagating entanglement at the push of a button

Entanglement, Einstein's "spooky action at a distance," today is THE tool of quantum information science. It is the essential resource for quantum computers and used to transmit quantum information in a future quantum network. ...

Observation of 3D acoustic quantum Hall states

The quantum Hall effect (QHE) is one of the most notable discoveries in condensed matter physics, opening the door to topological physics. Extending QHE into three dimensions is an inspiring but challenging endeavor. This ...

With spin centers, quantum computing takes a step forward

Quantum computing, which uses the laws of quantum mechanics, can solve pressing problems in a broad range of fields, from medicine to machine learning, that are too complex for classical computers.

New multimode coupler design advances scalable quantum computing

Implementing a fault-tolerant quantum processor requires coupling qubits to generate entanglement. Superconducting qubits are a promising platform for quantum information processing, but scaling up to a full-scale quantum ...

Physicists move one step closer to topological quantum computing

A team of experimental physicists led by the University of Cologne have shown that it is possible to create superconducting effects in special materials known for their unique edge-only electrical properties. This discovery ...

New method could yield fast, cross-country quantum network

Quantum computers offer powerful ways to improve cybersecurity, communications, and data processing, among other fields. To realize these full benefits, however, multiple quantum computers must be connected to build quantum ...

More news

Optics & Photonics
New shapes of photons open doors to advanced optical technologies
Quantum Physics
A new approach to realize quantum mechanical squeezing
General Physics
Searching for dark matter with the coldest quantum detectors in the world
Optics & Photonics
Scientists achieve first intercity quantum key distribution with deterministic single-photon source
Optics & Photonics
'Acceleration beats' shine bright light on a novel universal modulation regime in a semiconductor-based laser
Optics & Photonics
Physicists' laser experiment excites atom's nucleus, may enable new type of atomic clock
Optics & Photonics
Scientists crack new method for high-capacity, secure quantum communication
Quantum Physics
Neutrons on classically inexplicable paths: Quantum theory prevails in Leggett-Garg inequality test
Soft Matter
Quantum sensors: How does the flow profile affect flow measurements?
Quantum Physics
The first exponential quantum advantage for a natural streaming problem
Condensed Matter
Scientists observe record-setting electron mobility in a new crystal film
A new method to control quantum bound states in superconducting device
Quantum Physics
Researchers find magnetic excitations can be held together by repulsive interactions
Quantum Physics
Understanding quantum states: New research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits
Quantum Physics
Foregoing quantum chaos to achieve high-fidelity quantum state transfer
Condensed Matter
Researchers discover new flat electronic bands, paving way for advanced quantum materials
Quantum Physics
Quantum annealer improves understanding of quantum many-body systems
General Physics
Quantum effects forbid the formation of black holes from high concentrations of intense light, say physicists
Condensed Matter
New research uncovers hidden phenomena in ultra-clean quantum materials
Quantum Physics
Untangling the entangled: Quantum study shines fresh light on how neutrinos fuel supernovae

Other news

Analytical Chemistry
Scientists create computer program that 'paints' the structure of molecules in the style of famous Dutch artist
General Physics
Belle II experiment reports the first direct measurement of tau-to-light-lepton ratio
Earth Sciences
2023 Rolling Hills Estates landslide likely began the winter before
Research team develops light-activated compounds to treat neuropathic pain
New class of organic nanoparticles shows promise for diverse applications
Earth Sciences
How climate patterns contribute to coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef
Earth Sciences
Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamics unveiled
Croc's deadly last meal in Ancient Egypt unearthed
General Physics
What flavor is that neutrino? Adding flavor helps to track neutrino movement in astrophysical systems
New geological dating techniques place first European hominids in Iberian Peninsula 1.3 million years ago
Archaeologists discover one of the earliest Christian buildings in Bahrain
Vivid portrait of interacting galaxies marks Webb's second anniversary
Plants & Animals
Hatcheries can boost wild salmon numbers but reduce diversity, research shows
Scientists find new way global air churn makes particles
Earth Sciences
Unprecedented warming threatens Earth's lakes and their ecosystems
Earth Sciences
Algae instead of corals: A reef island adapts to changing environmental influences
Plants & Animals
Lions in a Uganda park make a perilous journey across a 1.5 km stretch of water to find mates
How to make an old antibiotic 100 times more potent
Earth Sciences
Study shows severe droughts limit Amazonian communities' access to basic services
Plants & Animals
Evolutionary biologists investigate how plant cold specialists can adapt to the environment