The Fox News Rundown

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The FOX News Rundown is the place to find in-depth reporting on the news that impacts you. Each morning, Mike Emanuel, Dave Anthony, Lisa Brady, Jessica Rosenthal, and Chris Foster take a deep dive into the major and controversial stories of the day, tapping into the massive reporting resources of FOX News to provide a full picture of the news.
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The Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, this week confirmed Iran has had a major role in the anti-Israel protests that swept through college campuses and cities across the United States. Director Haines said there is evidence that "actors tied to Iran’s government" are providing funding and organization of these protests in what he described as an "increasingly aggressive" campaign. Haines added that he believes many of the protestors are being manipulated but as we approach the election, it is Iran's bid to "undermine faith in our democratic institutions." FOX’s Eben Brown speaks with Victoria Coates, former deputy national security advisor to President Donald Trump and Vice President of National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation, who says this announcement is not a surprise and any influence by Iran in the United States is a national security threat. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 12

13 min 38 sec

Next week’s Republican National Convention will feature plenty of discussion about the economy. The former President has already floated major changes he would make, like lighter business regulations, imposing higher tariffs on China, and extending tax cuts. Meanwhile, Wall Street had a good week as the stock market climbed, likely fueled by optimism that a rate cut is coming soon after Fed Chair Powell’s Senate testimony as well as reports that inflation fell in June. FOX Business Correspondent Gerri Willis speaks with Siebert Financial’s Chief Investment Officer Mark Malek about all this, and they break down President Biden’s aim to cap yearly rises in rental costs. Photo Credit: AP Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 12

17 min 50 sec

President Biden attempted to calm concerns over his age and mental acuity by holding what the White House called a 'big boy' news conference after the NATO Summit in Washington. The President took questions from a prepared list of reporters, and made gaffes throughout while attacking the former President on foreign policy issues. President Biden admitted that he needed to continue with a busy campaign schedule to stop fears over his performance. But was the near hour long news conference enough to ease the concerns of nervous supporters? Republican Strategist, co-founder of South & Hill Strategies Colin Reed, and FOX News Radio Political Anchor Jared Halpern joined the Rundown following the news conference to discuss President Biden's performance, the reaction by Democrats to the President, and what lies ahead for the party as they look toward the Democratic National Convention. Earlier this week, Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc across the Caribbean and throughout Texas, leaving over 1 million Texans without power. Meanwhile, temperatures across the U.S. are reaching well above 90 degrees, and those impacted by the hurricane are forced to survive without air conditioning or light. FOX News Senior Meteorologist and host of ‘The Janice Dean Podcast,’ Janice Dean joins to describe why we are seeing such extreme temperatures this summer, recommended methods for residents to stay safe in a dangerous heat index, and why Americans should be concerned about our power grid. Don't miss the good news with Tonya J. Powers. Plus, commentary from Host of “Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick,” Tomi Lahren. (Image Via AP) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 12

33 min 59 sec

President Biden has been defiant saying he will not be stepping aside despite the growing calls for him to do so. More and more Democrats have expressed their concerns and this week actor George Clooney, major fundraiser for Democrats, shared the same feelings in a New York Times op-ed. New questions are now being raised about what happens to the campaign funds already raised for the Biden-Harris ticket, who could possibly use them and how? FOX’s John Saucier speaks with Madison Alworth, FOX Business Network correspondent, who says those funds can be used by someone other than President Biden or Vice President Harris but more rules are attached if that happens. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 11

12 min 56 sec

Next week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, aims to emphasize the importance of winning the purple Midwestern state, where former President Trump now currently leads in the polls. Most election pundits consider Wisconsin key to a Republican victory in 2024, perhaps even winning back the Senate as well. Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin is fighting to keep her seat in the Badger State while her opponent, conservative businessman Eric Hovde, is running nearly unopposed for the GOP. Hovde joins the Rundown to discuss his primary race next month, why he chose to run for Senate twelve years after his first loss, and how the convention may help his party. The Justice Department revealed on Tuesday that they have taken action to thwart a misinformation scheme that was led by a Russian intelligence officer and a journalist at Russia Today (which is controlled by the Kremlin). The plot involved over 1,000 "bot" accounts on X, formerly known as Twitter, that were sharing pro-Russia propaganda. FOX News Justice Correspondent David Spunt joins to explain how the covert propaganda campaign was uncovered, why artificial intelligence has made it harder to spot fake accounts, and how the American government has prepared for further foreign adversaries attempting digital interference. Plus, commentary from FOX News contributor Joe Concha. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 11

25 min 52 sec

World leaders have gathered in Washington D.C. this week for the 75th anniversary NATO summit. President Biden is looking to reassure allied nations he is still fit to lead and he opened the summit with a speech saying NATO countries need to keep up with Russia as they ramp up military production. Also on the table, NATO leaders are preparing for a Trump presidency and what that could mean for support from the United States. FOX’s Eben Brown speaks with Kurt Volker, Former United States Ambassador and Distinguished Fellow at The Center for European Policy Analysis, who has been attending meetings and shares with us the major concerns being discussed. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 10

16 min 34 sec

A few Congressional Democrats are calling for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential election following his poor performance during last month's debate. Earlier this week, President Biden told MSNBC that he isn't going anywhere. However, as the Democratic National Convention gets closer, more Party leaders have questioned whether he is fit for office and should be replaced on the ticket. Director of the FOX News Decision Desk, Arnon Mishkin, joins the Rundown to discuss where the Democratic Party stands and compares the calls for the President to drop out to President Lyndon B. Johnson's decision to leave the race in 1968. There are few things that are more American than apple pie; one of them might be the First Amendment. In the near 250-year history of the United States, there have been numerous challenges in the courts to what the Founders called an inalienable right, with some calling the current climate "the most dangerous anti-free speech period in our history." FOX News Contributor and George Washington University Law Professor, Jonathan Turley, joins the podcast to share details from his new book 'The Indispensable Right', the historical challenges to free speech, and why he feels that the First Amendment is built into Americans' DNA. Plus, commentary from Will Cain, host of "The Will Cain Show." Photo Credit: AP Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 10

31 min 23 sec

President Biden is said to have been making many phone calls to fellow Democrats who are pushing for him to step aside for another candidate. He is trying to convince those detractors he is still capable of running the country. And while the calls for President Biden to be replaced get louder, Former President Trump has mostly stayed away from talking about that possible replacement. FOX’s John Saucier speaks with Brooke Singman, FOX News Digital political reporter, about both the current state and strategy of both the Biden and Trump campaigns. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 9

14 min 5 sec

The list of Democrats publicly calling for President Biden to drop out of the election continues to grow. In a meeting Sunday, several top Democrats reportedly voiced concerns over the President's ability to campaign and how that could impact down-ballot races. To help ease concerns, President Biden phoned MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and challenged those calling for him to step down to take those concerns to next month's Democratic National Convention. Former Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan is one of the Democrats who is encouraging Biden to step aside. He explains on the Rundown why he wants the President to bow out of the race, why his refusal to do so could lose Democrats power on Capitol Hill, and who he thinks should take the reins on the campaign trail. The 2024 NATO summit kicks off today in Washington, D.C., and will be hosted by President Biden, who continues to face pressure to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. He will take questions on Thursday during a solo news conference and get a chance to prove to both voters and allies he is still capable of being America's commander-in-chief. General Jack Keane, retired 4-star general, Chairman of the Institute for the Study of War, and FOX News Senior Strategic Analyst, joins to preview this week's pivotal NATO Summit and whether our allies are concerned about President Biden's cognitive abilities. Plus, commentary from host of the Kennedy Saves The World podcast, Kennedy. (Image Via AP) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 9

32 min 20 sec

Hurricane Beryl made landfall near Matagorda, Texas shortly before 5am ET on Monday morning bringing significant amounts of rain to the Houston area and beyond. Torrential rain has lead to flash flooding, power knocked out for about two million people, and with coastal communities dealing with some storm surge but not that bad. The storm will continue north bringing heavy rain to the Mississippi Valley and the Midwest. FOX’s Eben Brown speaks with Judge Mark Henry, County Judge in Galveston County, Texas, who tells us what the storm has done to his area. Click Here To Follow 'The FOX News Rundown: Evening Edition' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 8

11 min 47 sec

It’s Apple vs. the world right now, as they face antitrust battles across the globe—the US & the EU are suing the iPhone maker over alleged anti-competitive behavior. In March, the Department of Justice presented their case in a press conference, explaining all of the ways Apple products and services are designed to keep you in the “Apple ecosystem”: from the iPhone to the Apple Watch to the App Store, and more. The Big Money Show’s co-anchor, Taylor Riggs, is joined by antitrust expert, author, and professor at NYU Law School, Harry First, to break down the monopoly allegations facing Apple and how to maintain fair competition in the business world while still allowing capitalism to choose winners and losers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 8

20 min 38 sec

President Biden sat down in an exclusive interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos where he reiterated his intentions to stay in the 2024 presidential race. The interview did little to stem concerns about the President's age and mental acuity with more Democrats calling for him to drop out and for cognitive tests for both President Biden and former President Trump. On the other side of the aisle, President Trump is set to pick his running mate with only a week remaining until the Republican National Convention. Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL-19) joins the Rundown to share his reaction to President Biden's interview, how foreign leaders are viewing his performance, and how he feels about being on a short-list for President Trump's running mate. As companies and governments across the globe attempt to harness the power of artificial intelligence, some are already using the powers for nefarious activities. It is estimated that sexual exploitation through the use of "deep fakes" has risen over 3000% since 2019. Hundreds of apps online have been made that allow users to take photos and virtually undress individuals without their consent. Deep fake victim Elliston Berry joins the Rundown to discuss how a fellow student used A.I. to threaten girls in her school, how social media companies were unwilling to help and what people can do to avoid being victimized. Later, her mother Anna McAdams joins to explain how Ted Cruz was pivotal in helping in the removal of the fake nude images of her daughter on the internet, and how his TAKE IT DOWN Act is seeking to regulate artificial intelligence. Plus, commentary from co-author of 'Stolen Youth' Karol Markowicz. (Image Via AP) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 8

33 min 12 sec