New Student Story: Kyle Rockets Past 5-figures/mo, FAST!

Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurship with Miles

Jun 2021

1 hr 39 min

Kyle's amazing story will help you understand exactly what it takes to create massive success online. You will see how he has personally disrupted in entire industry in his local market to create multiple residual five figure income streams. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel and subscribe here: Or if my fancy at mention attempt works, you can click here and follow him: @Win The House You Love One of the things I love most about this story of success with a new online business leveraging YouTube is how quick he scaled to tens of thousands of dollars in income per month. His first videos published in September 2018 and he dabbled for the first year publishing about 60 videos in that first year. At first he thought the 100 subscribers he had gained from that one year of publishing was a tiny amount but then he looked through my video series right documented the growth of this channel in the early days. Specifically, after publishing 90 videos I only had 134 subscribers as explained in this video where I reviewed my analytics after publishing 90 videos: Now, you can get my entire "how to grow a YouTube channel fast" training for free here on YouTube plus in this same playlist you will access all of my channel updates where I track my growth: This helped him gain the perspective that building real business online simply takes time… So he committed and went all in on 2019.
He executed a modified 90 day challenge in order to publish as much content as he could in a short period of time to get better at the art of publishing.
Podcast Episode