Experience Gaming History from Anywhere

Discover the National Videogame Museum through our Virtual Video Tour

How Does the NVM Preserve Gaming History? Our Commitment to Safeguarding Videogame Heritage!

Bring the NVM to Your Class

Ignite the curiosity of your students and transport them into the captivating world of videogame history with our immersive virtual video tour. Designed specifically for classrooms outside our local area, this educational experience allows students to explore the NVM from the comfort of their own learning environment. Our curated remote tour offers:

  • 30+ minute Guided Video Tour of the National Videogame Museum hosted by one of the Founders
  • 15+ minute Zoom Call with one of the Founders

With engaging narration and thought-provoking discussions, our virtual video tour is the perfect way to enhance your curriculum and spark meaningful conversations about technology, art, and storytelling. To learn more, contact us by filling out the form below, and unlock a world of knowledge and inspiration for your students!

We’re still hard at work

Sign ups for Virtual Tours are coming soon! Please check back at a later date!