
Runewild Cover

The Runewild Campaign Setting

Beyond the kingdom of Aruanda, there is an untamed land. It is a place where witches walk, where goblins cavort, where the borders between the mortal and fey realms grow thin. For some, it is a place of unspeakable wonder; for others, only madness and death lie within its trackless depths.

It is the Runewild, and it is beautiful and cruel.

The Runewild is a dark fairy tale sandbox setting for use with the 5th Edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. Designed for character levels 1 through 10, it provides locations, encounters, and NPCs to support a campaign lasting months or years, or to be adapted into other campaigns. This book includes:

  • A history of the Runewild and its surrounding settlements
  • 150 detailed encounter areas for player characters to explore
  • 21 maps (included as separate files for virtual tabletops)
  • 8 new Backgrounds and a new Feat: Fey-Touched
  • 21 unique magic items (like witch embers and the staff of clarity and confusion)
  • 32 new monsters (including clockwork dwarves, fey lions, giant forest sloths, and the terrifyingly beautiful Golden Bodach)
  • Detailed descriptions of the histories, motivations, and weaknesses of the witches of the Runewild, including the Whitebone Sisters; Missus Switch, the swine hag; Korthsuva, the Witch of Hours; and the Hag Queen Griselda, Mother of Ogres
  • New optional rules for exploration and resting
  • Advice for running a sandbox campaign
  • Dozens of random tables designed to help GMs make a Runewild campaign their own

Available now at DriveThruRPG.com.

Springtime Comes to Kidwelly

Seasons of the Runewild: All Through the Long, Dark Night

The seasons of the Runewild turn in a rhythm as familiar as a beating heart. Everywhere except in Kidwelly, where an ancient curse locks the halfling village in winter’s grip long after the snow has melted elsewhere. In Kidwelly, spring doesn’t arrive until the Monax—a mysterious creature with ties to the Fey Realm—emerges from its burrow and ushers in the change of seasons.

But this year the Monax does not emerge. The heroes must venture into the Monax’s burrow to discover clues about the unscrupulous family who stole it, rescue the Monax, and return the creature so that springtime can once again come to Kidwelly.

The fourth in the Seasons of the Runewild series of adventures. Available now at DriveThruRPG.com.

Long Dark Night

Seasons of the Runewild: All Through the Long, Dark Night

The third in the Seasons of the Runewild series of adventures. The villagers of Widderspire once marked the eve of the winter solstice by leaving out gifts for a fey creature named Ember John. Now, John has been banished from the mortal realm, and his minions, led by the icy-hearted Jack-o’-Frost, head to Widderspire to seek vengeance against the mortals who defeated them nearly a century ago. Get it now at DriveThruRPG.com.


Seasons of the Runewild: Bonedigger

The second in the Seasons of the Runewild series of adventures. The townsfolk of Ill Hollow practice a strange tradition: each Harvestide, they bury an animal’s bones in a false grave to prevent Bonedigger, a witch’s ghostly hound, from finding his mistress’s true remains. This year, however, something has gone wrong. Not only has someone dug up the witch’s real grave, but a local youth who hoped to spot Bonedigger has gone missing. Get it now at DriveThruRPG.com.

Marriage at Midsummer

Seasons of the Runewild: The Marriage at Midsummer

The first in the Seasons of the Runewild series of adventures. Two star-crossed lovers have gone missing from Caerfell’s Midsummer Festival. Their families are at each other’s throats. Deep in the Runewild, a mysterious figure called the Bishop promises to unite the couple. But the Bishop actually has other plans.  Buy it now at DriveThruRPG.com.

20 Vile Vapors

Toxic gas is one the most common hazards faced by explorers of sewers, dungeons, and other subterranean spaces. 20 Vile Vapors presents twenty rare and unusual vapors to terrorize your players, including ghoul fog, lavender reek, and stygian dioxide. These gasses dissolve memories, transform flesh to copper, or grant mind-bending visions. The book also includes a new spell, Niznoc’s vile exhalation, which lets players harness these terrifying vapors. Buy it now at DriveThruRPG.com.

Goblin Market

The Goblin Market

A magical marketplace full of strange treasures and goblin vendors eager to part the heroes from their coin. Buy it now at DriveThruRPG.com.

The Graveyard Gate

A 5th Edition Mini-Dungeon for five characters of level 6

A century ago, two dwarven brothers named Breodan and Lareck Deepwell gave their lives to save the surface world. As the rest of their clan held back an army of ghouls, Breodan and Lareck selflessly sacrificed their souls to seal the gate that would halt the undead horde’s advance. In doing so, the brothers forever trapped the ghouls (and their doomed clan) in the lightless tunnels of the Underworld.

A solitary watchtower stands above what scholars now call the Graveyard Gate. Recently, a necromancer named Avinex discovered the site of the Deepwell Clan’s last stand. Avinex now works to undo the magic that sealed the Graveyard Gate and release the ghoulish horde.

The heroes may arrive at the tower to thwart Avinex’s plans, or they might seek to open the Graveyard Gate for reasons of their own. 

Available on adventureaweek.com and drivethrurpg.com!

Blood Exile

A 5th Edition Mini-Dungeon for five characters of level 5

Deep in the Underworld lies Gor’Hashad, a city ruled by a race of bat-like, living vampires known as the ahool. Though savage hunters by nature, the ahool of Gor’Hashad have adopted a more settled way of life, trading mosscraft with their neighbors, rearing herds of Underworld boars, and relying on indentured blood servants to slake their unending thirst.

After killing another ahool’s blood servant, Tor’olog and his underlings were forced to flee Gor’Hashad for the surface world. The exiles took refuge in a cave system near a little-used trade road, and for years ambushed the occasional humanoid traveler for their sustenance.

More recently, a caravan of dwarven merchants unwittingly made camp near the entrance to Tor’olog’s caves. When the ahools discovered the caravan, they ambushed the merchants before the dwarves could mount a defense.

A local tavern owner hires the heroes to track down the missing caravan, which was scheduled to deliver a shipment of ale nearly two weeks ago. The adventure begins as the party discovers the dwarves’ campsite, located just outside Tor’olog’s caves.

Available on adventureaweek.com and DriveThruRPG!

Hulk of Horrors

A 5th Edition Mini-Dungeon for five characters of level 4

On their way to another adventure, the adventurers chance upon a serpentfolk war hulk adrift on the Astral Sea. Such hulks are powered by phylactery drives: engines that harness the essence of a disembodied lich to propel the hulk across the multiverse. Discovering a hulk that has been abandoned—as this one appears to be—is either a stroke of incredible luck or a sign of ill fortune.

Unbeknownst to the party, this war hulk’s phylactery drive contains not just any lich, but a legendary sorcerer king of old. Recently, the lich discovered a way to wrest control of the hulk from his captors. The lich now awaits a band of unwitting adventurers to release him from his prison.

Available on adventureaweek.com and DriveThruRPG!

The Maiden’s Inn Massacre

When wizards go to war, it is the common folk who suffer most. But when an aging assassin-turned-innkeeper is also caught in the crossfire, heroes are needed to prevent an all-out massacre. Can the characters negotiate a truce among the opposing factions, or will the stand-off at the Maiden’s Inn end in tragedy? A mini-dungeon adventure for 5 characters of 8th level.

A 5th Edition Mini-Dungeon for five characters of level 8

Available now at adventureaweek.com and drivethrurpg.com!

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