Monstrous Menagerie Review

Throw your Monster Manual in the trash! Mike Shea at Sly Flourish recently posted a product review of EN Publishing’s Monstrous Menagerie, a reimagining of (and improvement on) the 5E Monster Manual. Mike’s spotlight begins around the 17 minute mark.

The Monstrous Menagerie contains 500+ monsters you can use to make your 5E game better today. If that sounds like your thing, you can pick up the Monstrous Menagerie now on DriveThru RPG.

Spotlight begins at 17:00

Monsters both fiendish and friendly

The 530-page Monstrous Menagerie provides nearly 600 monsters, variants, monster templates, and hordes for your Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition game. Populate your game world with classic monsters ranging from the lowly stirge to the terrifying tarrasque, along with new horrors like the khalkos and the phase monster. Challenge even the mightiest adventurers with elite monsters like great wyrm dragons and the Medusa Queen. Use simple templates to create new monsters like zombie sea serpents and merfolk alchemists. Overwhelm opposition with stat blocks representing hordes of guards, skeletons, or demons.

Old favorites, updated!

This book takes the core 5E monster book and revises every monster with new math, more actions, new variants, and greater depth. Even seasoned players will be surprised by their foes’ new tricks!

Along with each monster’s game statistics, you’ll find monster behavior and adventure hooks, treasure, monster names, and more. Robust new math from Paul Hughes ensures that every monster is worthy of its Challenge Rating. Useful tables and tools for each entry help you run a complete monster encounter.

Plus new monsters!

In addition, the Monstrous Menagerie contains gem and essence dragons, great wyrms, the all-new khalkoi, and more! Over 70 dragon statblocks alone!

Essential tools!

The Monstrous Menagerie alsoincludes robust rules for designing challenging encounters and even building new monsters from scratch. 

Zap! (Science Fantasy Trinkets)

Looking to mix a little science with your fantasy? My article Zap! Science Fantasy Trinkets releases today on EN5ider!

Art by Jared M. Boone

Roleplaying games have a grand tradition of genre blending, and even the most traditional fantasy campaign might feature the occassional crashed starship or visitor from the distant future. Technology commonplace in a sci-fi setting might seem magical to adventurers who stumble upon such gadgets in a fantasy world. While the trinkets presented in this article can be operated on a basic level by characters in a low-tech setting, they inevitably malfunction when pushed beyond their normal limits.

Antigravity Pack

Wondrous item, uncommon (cost 150 gp)

This gadget weighs 25 pounds and is roughly the size of an explorer’s backback. When activated, the pack discharges a jet of supercharged anti-graviton particles, allowing you to briefly escape the bonds of earth.

As an action, you can activate the antigravity pack and fly up to 90 feet, so long as the total weight of you and anything you carry does not exceed 400 pounds. You fall if you do not end this movement on solid ground. Once you have activated the antigravity pack, you must wait 24 hours for the pack to reconstitute its supply of anti-gravitons before you can do so again.

In desperate circumstances, you can push the pack beyond its normal carrying capacity. The total weight the antigravity pack can transport increases to 800 pounds, but at the end of your flight the pack sputters out and ceases to function.

Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition

And in case you haven’t heard, EN Publishing’s Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition also launches today on Kickstarter. It’s already funded and is smashing through stretch goals like Godzilla on a bender. Check it out!

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