Four-Armed Gargoyles…In SPAAACE!

AAW Games just released Hulk of Horrors, my sci-fi, mini-dungeon homage to Tomb of Horrors. You can pick it up now on or DriveThru RPG.

Four-armed gargoyles…in SPAAACE!

On their way to another adventure, the adventurers chance upon a serpentfolk war hulk adrift on the Astral Sea. Such hulks are powered by phylactery drives: engines that harness the essence of a disembodied lich to propel the hulk across the multiverse. Discovering a hulk that has been abandoned—as this one appears to be—is either a stroke of incredible luck or a sign of ill fortune.

Unbeknownst to the party, this war hulk’s phylactery drive contains not just any lich, but a legendary sorcerer king of old. Recently, the lich discovered a way to wrest control of the hulk from his captors. The lich now awaits a band of unwitting adventurers to release him from his prison.

Author: niznocspeaks

William Fischer is a creator of weird and terrifying worlds for tabletop roleplaying games.

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