Devils in the Details (Mini-Adventure for 5E)

My mini-adventure Devils in the Details is issue number #376 of EN World’s EN5ider. I have to say I’m really proud of this one. Designing an adventure focused on exploration and/or roleplaying can be tricky, but I’m delighted with how Devils turned out. And the art couldn’t be better!

Devils in the Details

Ifeeri Coffin spent her youth in the shadow of her mother, the infamous diabolist Mephidra. So when Ifeeri inherits her deceased mother’s curio shop, she hires the party to inspect the shop before its grand reopening. Among the curios, the characters discover a contract stating that unless Mephidra’s soul is delivered to her infernal patron, Ifeeri’s soul will be taken in its place. To save their employer from eternal damnation, the heroes must find Mephidra’s hell-bound soul before the archdevil’s minions arrive to collect their debt!

A mini-adventure for 4-5 characters of 4th level.

Author: niznocspeaks

William Fischer is a creator of weird and terrifying worlds for tabletop roleplaying games.

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