Welcome 2 Nexile HQ This message brought to u by BigBrain Overlords thanks Millions must play my game Retinal Overdose Drag the gamers kicking and screaming into  the New  Experience™ Jing my beloved will you spare the faithful Just jump bajs or stay bogged Nexile mind virus will superspread Hardcore ga ming with you're mom Please be excited! Now! Full Jump into wall bonk then medium left MaximumAttack

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Will u continue? Remember there is still time left 4 u

Welcome 2 the Dark Underbelly of Game Development

We are here to bring magic back into videogames.

What is Nexile? It is obvious.

Deepwebbed magicConsciousness, creative masters. Fully loaded. It’s like a dream… We know – it is just that good.

Crashing this industry... One Experience™ at a time.

Our mission: to drag The Gamers kicking and screaming into the New Experience… Get ready!

Notorious for games such as Jump King, New Babe+, Ghost of the Babe.

Nexile's funny and epic plan: