Bloomberg Law

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Teacher Fired After Jan. 6 Rally Advances Suit Against School

A middle school teacher fired after attending a Jan. 6, 2021 rally and posting online about the US Capitol attack that followed can pursue some claims against a Pennsylvania school district, but his due process allegations fell short, a federal court ruled.

Misconduct Findings Against Judge Prompt Clerk Safety Questions

An Alaska federal judge’s resignation following abusive conduct toward his clerks is raising concerns about whether some of the judiciary’s most vulnerable employees are properly protected from hostile workplaces, even as new measures have been put in place.

Cheap Clothes and Big Lawsuits in Ultra Fast Fashion

Judge Newman Speaks: 96-Year-Old Fights Push to Oust Her

Why Can’t We Have One Bar Exam for All Jurisdictions?

SPECIAL REPORT: The End of Affirmative Action in College Admissions