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Go along with Nerobi on his journey of reminiscence

You are in a universe regulated by a mysterious Balance, populated by Essences, Spirits and Demons. Here you will assume the identity of Nerobi. After a grueling fight with the Demon of Oblivion, you have lost your memory. Crossing the Middle World, where all Essences pass before reincarnating, you will have to recover your past. But be careful: there is something wrong in the Middle World, and thanks to your astonishing potential, you will be called to set things right.

Go along with Nerobi on his journey of reminiscence

You are in a universe regulated by a mysterious Balance, populated by Essences, Spirits and Demons. Here you will assume the identity of Nerobi. After a grueling fight with the Demon of Oblivion, you have lost your memory. Crossing the Middle World, where all Essences pass before reincarnating, you will have to recover your past. But be careful: there is something wrong in the Middle World, and thanks to your astonishing potential, you will be called to set things right.

An immersive graphic adventure. A challenging platform.

Nerobi is entirely hand-drawn with attention to every detail. Take your time to enjoy it… but also arm yourself with patience and concentration. Nerobi is a challenging platform where you must coordinate well and put your brain into motion to solve some puzzles. The game currently available is only the first part: a taste of a long adventure we aim to propose as soon as we can. Have fun!

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