This article is about the volume. For other uses, see Boruto (disambiguation).
(ボルト, Boruto)
Boruto TBV Vol 1
Volume Info
Volume 1
Next The Whereabouts of the Sun
Pages 186
Release Date
Japanese February 02, 2024 (ISBN 978-4-08-883824-3)
SoegiMatsuri JūraBug's God TreeHidari
Rasengan: "Uzuhiko"

Boruto (ボルト, Boruto) is volume 1 of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga.

Chapter 1

"Boruto " (ボルト, Boruto)

Three years after Boruto and Sasuke left Konohagakure, Sarada once again tries to speak on Boruto's behalf to Shikamaru, now the Eighth Hokage. He is resolute that Boruto crossed the line after being given many chances, and Konohamaru, now Shikamaru's attendant, adds they have Ada's testimony with her Senrigan. Shikamaru adds that even if he rescinded kill orders for Boruto, many villagers would still hate him for killing Naruto, and tells her to return to her missions. She mouths off to him, and he expresses concern for her shinobi career, saying she might stay a genin forever. She asks if that's because Sasuke is a traitor as well, but he denies it. She points out Naruto's own history of bringing back Sasuke, a missing-nin, and becoming Hokage while still a genin, declaring he's her role model, not Shikamaru. Kawaki visits the imprisoned Naruto and Hinata. Sarada discusses her meeting and outburst with Sumire, who recapitulates how they're the ones deemed weird, remembering true history. While some inconsistencies bothered others and even Shikamaru at first, like Kawaki's body being modified by Kara despite supposedly being born and raised in Konoha, and Momoshiki's absence in Kawaki, Omnipotence slowly dissipated these concerns over the years. They wonder how they could go against such an ability, and visit Ada and Daemon. Daemon deems it an unwinnable game, and Ada claims to have started to understand how it worked. She summarises what Omnipotence is and how it works. She doesn't know if there's a way to reverse it, but thinks it'll be useless to try convincing those affected. Sarada considers the truth reasonable enough to explain to others, but Ada points out that from everyone else's perspectives, hers and Sumire's memories are the ones that come across as altered. Ada feels it would be more practical to rewrite new memories, which comes with its own risks. She is still puzzled by their retention of their memories when they're not Ōtsutsuki, raising the question if they're actually entranced by her. Recalling Shikamaru's warning not to be found out, specially by Daemon, they play it off as putting an effort to hide their feelings. Daemon continues to watch them. Mitsuki checks on Kawaki, who is bothered by Mitsuki's killing intent. He believes Boruto still wants to kill Kawaki, and has likely developed the ability to erase his chakra signature. Kawaki reminds him that he can still sense Boruto. He is fine with Mitsuki wanting to protect him, but asks him not to follow him around like a pervert. Kawaki is notified that some Claw Marks were discovered and flies off, leaving Mitsuki to mutter to himself that Kawaki is his sun. Himawari spars with Chōchō. They're joined by Shikadai and Inojin, who praise Himawari's performance. She confesses she doesn't want to get strong just for the sake of it, but because she wants to help Boruto. What everyone says about him doesn't match what she remembers, and she doesn't believe he'd kill her father, recalling him protecting them before. She feels there must be an explanation, which means Boruto is in deep trouble, and believes her father is still alive. Kawaki shrinks the newly discovered Claw Mark. The Konoha shinobi wonder why Code never attacks despite coming so close, and wonder if he's prioritising Boruto, who he has a grudge against and is away from the village. Kawaki discovers a Claw Mark on one of their necks, getting rid of it. He notifies Shikamaru, and wants to gather everyone who has investigated to check them for marks and shrink any they find. Claw Grime emerge from shinobi around the village and attack. The unknown chakra is detected. Shikamaru orders Konohamaru to coordinate evacuation, and ponders why Code would attack now. Kawaki and Sarada fight the grime, with more arriving through each other's Claw Marks. Code emerges and greets Sarada, telling her he's looking for Boruto. She tells him Boruto left three years ago, but he knows that, having chased him for almost two years. Now, he wants to draw Boruto to him by attacking his friends in Konoha. Boruto arrives, stepping on Code's face, telling him that his attitude is why girls are creeped out by him. Kawaki senses him, as do the sensors, who notify Shikamaru. Ada begins watching with her Senrigan. Shikamaru prioritises fighting Code, but wants everyone on alert to find out Boruto's plan. Boruto faces off against Code, while Kawaki is more interested in Boruto's resurgence.

Chapter 2

"Tree" (, Ki)

Code is surprised by how fast Boruto reappeared, regretting not attacking Konoha sooner. Boruto threatens him to withdraw the Claw Grime, Code incredulous at that, believing it to be a bluff, recalling how Boruto fled two years prior. Boruto remains resolute, assuring Code he'll lose more than just his left eye this time. Boruto asks Sarada to help the rest of the civilians, promising to talk later. Shikadai paralyses three grimes for Chōchō to attack. Another one emerges behind her, but Inojin catches it, arriving on an ink bird with Himawari. The grime slashes the bird's left wing with its tail, causing it to lose balance and toss Himawari off, the grime attempting to bite her. Kawaki arrives flying, yelling at Inojin and Himawari to get out of the way, attacking the grime. Inojin catches Himawari. On the ground, the grime opens a Rinnegan, interested in Kawaki. Himawari thanks Kawaki, who berates her for calling him big brother despite his requests not to. Shikadai finds the grime stronger than the rest. It jumps between grimes to slam Kawaki at the ground from behind, referring to him as an Ōtsutsuki. Shikadai paralyses it, and Kawaki activates his Kāma, angry at the Ōtsutsuki appellation and blasts the grime. Shikadai is concerned as more grime arrive, Kawaki determined to destroy them no matter their numbers. Boruto effortlessly cuts down six grimes surrounding him, somewhat validating his threat in Code's eyes. He is unconcerned with the grimes, their numbers so great, and considering them mere tools. Boruto doesn't think Code understands the horrors of the Ten-Tails. Sarada defeats more grimes with Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique and Chidori. Other Konoha shinobi wonder if she's really a genin, but she thinks ranks don't matter. Another grime attacks her from behind, attempting to bite her, but Soegi blocks it, being bitten instead. The grime turns into a tree, growing around and consuming Soegi. The same happens with another bitten shinobi. Code is aware that the Ten-Tails attempt to bite anyone on instinct, until they eat an Ōtsutsuki to turn into a God Tree. Boruto adds that Code's meddling with them changed that, telling him to scrap them while he can still control them, otherwise the worst possible future will come for everyone. Code is undeterred, as his goal lies beyond the future of a dead planet through the consumption of a chakra fruit. Boruto once again offers to spare Code in exchange for guiding him to where the Ten-Tails main body is. He believes that killing Code is easy, and is offering him a chance not to die in vain. Code finds Boruto to be insane, certain he's the one who'll die. Boruto prepares to attack. Code thinks he recognises Boruto's Rasengan, finding him a one-trick pony, but the swirling begins to envelop Boruto instead of just forming in his hand.

Chapter 3

"Uzuhiko " (渦彦, Uzuhiko)

Code wonders if Boruto's new Rasengan is his vanishing one, but discards the possibility. He uses Claw Marks to strike him from behind. Boruto dodges it, Code grabs him by the wrist, and Boruto blocks Code's other hand with his sword. Code thinks Boruto can't hit him, but Boruto reveals his technique is already affecting him. The swirling begins enveloping Code, Boruto asks him again where the Ten-Tails is, threatening to kill him. Code attempts to strike him, but can't land a hit, finding Boruto's movements to be beyond dodging, also ruling out clones and genjutsu. Boruto lands his Rasengan: "Uzuhiko". Watching, Ada is unimpressed by Boruto's jutsu, but Daemon realises it makes use of planetary spin, considering it nifty. Code tries to stand, but falls down due to vertigo. Boruto explains his jutsu, considering it the planet's counterattack, the damage never stopping as long as the planet continues spinning. Boruto can rescind the effects if Code takes him to the Ten-Tails. Kawaki attacks Boruto, arriving with Team 10 and Himawari. Shikadai asks what Boruto is doing, and Boruto tells him not to interrupt his attempt to make a deal. Code attempts to escape, but Kawaki shrinks the Claw Marks. Shikamaru asks for a report, Kawaki tells he has dealt with the last of Code's marks, cutting off his escape, and can likely kill him on account of how drained he is against Boruto. Kawaki antagonises Boruto, giving Code an opening to call forth a Claw Grime with the mark on his face and escape through it. Shikamaru gives to order to kill every grime. Sarada and another shinobi check on the tree that grew around Soegi, considering it a defective God Tree, and determine that Soegi is still alive. Kawaki mocks Boruto's Uchiha-like outfit. Boruto is glad that Himawari looks well. Kawaki thinks Boruto came home to die, and while dying in Konoha doesn't sound bad to him, Boruto still has things to do. A hidden toad in his collar reports to Boruto that Code returned to his base. Code stumbles past a tree with Bug before arriving at the pen, with an emaciated Ten-Tails. A toad Boruto planted on Code reports the Ten-Tails' presence to Boruto.

Chapter 4

"The Awakening" (覚醒, Kakusei)

Code recalls Boruto's warnings about the Claw Grime, dismissing it as their only instinct is to devour others. The toad on Boruto hurries him, who replies he's not as skilled as his grandfather. Kawaki notices Boruto talking, but not the toad. Boruto teleports to Code's location with the Flying Thunder God Technique, surprising him. In the time it takes for Boruto to walk towards the pen, the Ten-Tails has vanished. The toad planted on Code is puzzled, considering him incapable of taking such an action at the moment. Boruto notices a Claw Grime tree nearby, and a Grime who Code mistakes for Bug shows up. Boruto explains that what's in front of them is a God Tree. It attacks Boruto, referring to him as an Ōtsutsuki, asking if he came to offer himself to be devoured. Boruto repels it with Lightning Release, and it changes its arm into a mouth to eat him. Boruto teleports back to Code's side, who demands an explanation as he falls down. Boruto rescinds the effects of the Rasengan: "Uzuhiko", telling him to prepare for an attack. He explains that everyone turned into a tree has become one such God Tree. Another God Tree shows up, floating above them, explaining that thanks to Code's interference, they have developed self-awareness. Another God Tree, resembling a harlequin, shows up, berating Code for always ending up being used by someone else. The toad on Boruto advises him to retreat. Boruto notices another God Tree. Kawaki reports the specifics of the encounter with Code and Boruto to Shikamaru, such as that Boruto seemed to be chasing Code. Kawaki suspects that someone in the Konoha Barrier Team is covertly aiding Boruto. Shikamaru dismisses the idea, as all those communications are monitored. Sarada arrives, finding the idea ridiculous, stating that Boruto drove Code away, telling them to confirm it with Ada. Kawaki tells her that his motives don't matter, and that Boruto should be killed on account of being an Ōtsutsuki, which Sarada points out also applies to him. Kawaki reiterates that he's an Ōtsutsuki who kills other Ōtsutsuki, perfectly willing to die after the job is done. Sarada assures him she won't let him have his way with Konoha. Shikamaru tells them to stop, and asks about the trees. Sarada explains the victims are still alive, and from the conversation with Code, Boruto knows something about them. She clarifies that since Boruto and Code are hostile to each other, and Code is hostile to Konoha, they should ally with Boruto against him. Despite the toad's advise to retreat, Boruto prepares to fight, fending off an attack from a Sasuke God Tree. It and Boruto clash Chidori and Rasengan. The Bug God Tree attacks, holding Boruto's sword in place, and the harlequin one immobilises him with Earth Release. Boruto appeals to Code's self-preservation, as the God Tree's will kill him as well, but he abandons Boruto, pointing out they'll eat him without Code having to do anything, which works in his favour. Boruto escapes with the Flying Thunder God Technique. The flying God Tree considers Boruto lucky, as their nascent curiosity currently outweighs their devouring instinct, but is certain Boruto can't escape his fate. Boruto rests against a tree, and Koji Kashin admonishes him for his rashness. Boruto apologises that Sasuke, stuck in the tree, will have to wait a bit longer.
