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Real-time statistics about Website Hosting

Website Hosting Statistics 2024 – 120 Key Figures You Must Know

Are you looking for more information on Website Hosting?

Website Hosting Information + Facts 2024

This article contains 120 facts and figures you should know about website hosting. 

I’ve collected this website hosting information from my own research and other resources that I’ll link as well.

Let’s get started with some interesting Website Hosting figures.


Website Hosting Figures 2024

1. In North America, there are around 5,000 web host providers.

There were roughly 5,000 webhosting companies located in North America in 2021. The popularity of certain web hosting businesses depends entirely on its location like Cloudflare and GoDaddy, which are popular in the US. To be exact, the top three largest hosting providers in the United States are GoDaddy (15.6%), Amazon Web Services (8.6%), and Google Cloud Platform (6.0%). The other largest hosting providers include Bluehost (5.0%), HostGator (3.7%), Liquid Web (3.6%), Squarespace (3.5%), 1&1 IONOS (3.3%), DreamHost (2.7%), and Shopify (2.6%).

2. North America’s market share of the global web hosting industry has grown by 0.571429% in a span of 5 years from 2019 to 2023.

North America continues to dominate the web hosting industry in the world with an increase in market share by 0.571429% in 2023 compared to 2019 data. In 2019, North America accounted for 35% of the world’s web hosting industry. Real-time data from W3Techs as of July 12, 2023 show that it has grown to 35.28%. Thus, the United States is predicted to obtain the largest market share when it comes to website hosting by 2026. This is followed by Europe.

3. The North American web hosting market value increased by 15.76% from 2020 to 2022

According to Fortune Business Insights, the North American web hosting market attained a market value of $39.73 billion in 2022. This value was a 15.76% increase from the $34.32 billion market value recorded for the web hosting industry in North America for 2020.

4. The number of registered domains in the United States of America has grown by 0.676857% as of July 12, 2023.

Besides taking the lead in the size of market share, the United States of America also has the world’s most number of registered domain names at 131,146,823 as of July 12, 2023. This number reflects a 0.676857% increase to 2022’s 130,265,115 registered domains from the United States. In 2022, China ranks second with 18,417,470. While the next three countries on the list for the said year were Canada with 17,198,100, Iceland with 16,337,025, and France with 7,558,519.

5. The global market share of the United States for the web hosting industry has grown by 0.547517% from 2021 to 2023.

According to HostAdvice, the United States constantly dominates the majority of the global web hosting market share by 51.42% in 2023. This data shows a 0.547517% increase in the United States market share of the web hosting industry last 2021, which was only 51.14%.

6. Websites using .COM comprise 76% of Top Level Domains in North America

In a study released by France-based AFNIC on June 2022 entitled, “The Global Domain Name Market In 2021,” 76% of .com domains were registered in North America. This shows this top-level domain’s dominance over New Top Level Domains or nTLDs (7%), Country Code Top Level Domains or ccTLDs (4%), and other legacy TLDs (13%).

7. North America comprises only 7.5% of the world’s internet users for the first quarter of 2020

Despite having a huge market share of hosting providers, North America lags to the bottom when it comes to internet users. The continent only registered a market share of 7.5% of internet users in the first quarter of 2020. A rate that pales when it comes to Asia’s 50.9% for the same period. Then there’s Europe with 15.7%, Africa with 11.3%, and Latin America and the Caribbean with 10%.

8. North America has the most number of domain names managed for major ICANN regions at 68% in 2021.

The AFNI 2022-released study of the global web hosting market for 2021 also highlighted that 68% of domain names managed under the major ICANN regions belong to North America. This translates to 149,571,000 domain names for the year ended December 31, 2021. This data, however, does not include the ccTLDs that are managed by their respective registrars, as well as the 4 million domain names in the world that have no assigned specific registrars.

9. 78.69% of websites hosted by GoDaddy in the United States are made from WordPress as of July 2023

Of the top five content management systems provided by GoDaddy, WordPress dominates the market share in the United States by 78.69%. Wix comes in second at 13.59% and Shopify by 3.19%. While Drupal ranks 4th at 2.43% and Joomla at 2.1%.

10. 78.78% of Squarespace’s global market share of websites comes from the United States

According to Diggity Marketing, the number of websites in the United States that were made from Squarespace as of July 2023 is 1,788,627. This number comprises 78.78% of the total number of websites made from Squarespace worldwide, which is 2,270,402. While Shopify has 1,201,572 (26.15%) websites, WordPress has 845,610 (18.41%) websites, and Weebly has 758,640 (16.51%) in the United States.

11. 19.66% of WooCommerce websites come from the United States as of July 12, 2023

There are 13,851,557 websites in the world using WooCommerce. Of these websites, 2,723,388 (19.66%) are from the United States. A somewhat small percentage but nonetheless made the United States the top country of WooCommerce users. There is a big gap in users with those in the United Kingdom, which is 266,325 (1.92%), and Germany, which is 173,438 (1.25%). The UK and Germany rank 2nd and 3rd globally, respectively.

12. A majority or 51.5% of web hosting providers in the world come from the United States

Not only does the United States dominate the global web hosting industry in terms of market share, it also leads in the number of web hosting providers in the world by 51.42%. The top 3 web hosting companies such as GoDaddy, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services are located in the United States. There are a total of 2,312 web hosting companies in the United States based on real-time data reported by Smartscrapers as of July 17, 2023.

Website Hosting Statistics 2023 – 120 Mind Blowing Numbers

13. The number of registered domains in China increased by 15.1092% from 2022 to 2023.

BloggingWizard reported that there are 16 million domain names registered in China by the year-end of 2022. This number has risen to 18,417,470 by June 2, 2023, as per Domain Name Stat, making China retain its ranking as the second-highest country for registered domains. The United States remains the leading country with the most number of registered domains in the world at 50 million.

14. A 27.1% decline in the number of ccTLD stocks for China from 2020 to 2021.

According to the AFNI, the number of stocks for .CN domains (ccTLD of China) decreased from 19 million in 2020 to 13.8 million in 2021. The 5.1 million decrease in China’s ccTLD for the said period is 27.1% below the 2020 data.

15. A 0.4049% increase is seen in China’s .CN domain name exension in 2021

China’s ccTLD .CN ranked third among the top domain name extensions in the world in 2020 with 24.7 million. This followed the TLD .COM at 150.3 million and .TK (Tokelau) at 27.5 million. In 2021, this number became 24.8 million for .CN marking a 0.4049% increase.

16. China encompasses 2.22% of the global web hosting market as of July 14, 2023.

HostAdvice reported that China ranks 8th in the top 10 countries for the global web hosting market share. Though ahead of Russia and Italy, China is six slots behind the United States with its 51.4% global market share. But when it comes to the number of hosted domains, China ranks second to the United States with 28,913,029 domains in 2020.

17. Locally, China’s .CN ccTLD comprises 48.1% of the total domain names in the country last 2021.

The China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC) reported on August 2021 that China had a total of 31.36 million domain names up to June of the said year. The said number is 48.1% of the national total for .CN domain names, which is 15.09 million. However, 2021 ended with China having 35.93 million domain names and 56.8% of which or 20.41 million were .CN domain names, as per CNNIC’s February 2022 report.

18. China’s annual growth rate in market size for the web hosting industry is 15.6% from 2021 to 2026.

The web hosting industry in China is projected to have a market size of $16.9 billion come 2026. Its annual growth rate is projected at 15.6%

19. Experts project an 18.23% CAGR for the web hosting industry in China from 2023 to 2028

China’s web hosting revenue continues to grow remarkably over the years. With a $1.34 billion revenue in 2016, the web hosting industry in China grew by 19.403% in 2017 totaling $1.6 billion. The web hosting industry in China recorded a $2.12 billion revenue in 2018, $2.58 billion revenue in 2019, $3.24 billion in 2020, $4.02 billion in 2021, and $5.06 billion in 2023. China’s web hosting marketing is projected by experts to grow at an annual rate of 18.23% from 2023 to 2028, totaling $14.36 billion in 2028.

20. There are 496,734 websites using hosting providers from China from among the top 1 million websites in the world

A Builtwith report dated June 24, 2023 reported that there are 496,734 websites from among the top 1 million websites in the world that use Chinese hosting providers. Of the said 496,734 websites, 71% are Tencent Cloud hosting at 6,046 websites, 13% are Baidu Cloud at 1,114 websites, another 13% is Huawei Cloud at 1,111 websites, and the remaining 3% are other hosting services (CNNIC at 154, 163 NetEase at 69, and West at 54).

21. 0.527% of the world’s WooCommerce users are from China as of July 14, 2023

According to BuiltWith, there are 3,334,178 WooCommerce users in the world. While 17,579 of it comes from China, which makes up a small fraction of the global WooCommerce users or 0.527%.

22. Aliyun’s website ranks 856th in the world and 39th in China

Canadian-based Aliyun is China’s top web hosting provider. Its website ranks 856th in the world, 39th in China, and 2nd in the Computers and Electronics Category. Aliyun has a minimum annual revenue of $200 million and its website received 46.2 million visits last June 2023. 90.77% of visitors to Aliyun’s website are from China, which increased by 2.15% in June 2023. In terms of gender and age, 77.39% of Aliyun’s visitors are male and 45.77% belong to the age range of 25 to 34 years old.

23. 6% of the global public cloud market in 2020 belong to China

International Data Corporation reported that $19.38 billion is the 2020 China public cloud market size, which makes only 6% of the $312 billion global public cloud market. The Chinese cloud market, over the last five years, was seen to grow an average of 60% year-on-year. Experts say this is 23.8% higher from the average year-on-year growth year of the cloud market in the United States.

24. 40% of the China Cloud Market belongs to Alibaba Cloud last 2021

Alibaba Cloud, also known as Aliyun, leads the Chinese Cloud market by 40% in 2021, ahead of Huawei Cloud that only has a 20% market share. Other players such as Tencent Cloud occupy only 14%, Baidu Cloud 7%, and other providers at 19% in 2021. These top four cloud providers make up 80% of China’s Cloud market. With such a market share, Alibaba reported that it’s Aliyun’s 2021 annual revenue was $109 billion. This is 50% higher year-on-year to that of 2020’s annual revenue.

Website Hosting Statistics 2023 – 120 Mind Blowing Numbers2

25. Public Cloud market share for Alibaba Cloud rose by 9.5% in April 2021, making it the third in the world

OnTechPost reported that Alibaba Cloud, also known as Aliyun, rose to the third spot in terms of global market share in April 2021. Aliyun has been climbing successively to the top over the last five years since 2016, during which its global market share is 3.7%.

This has grown to 5.3% in 2017, 7.7% in 2018, 8.8% in 2019, and 9.5% in 2020. This increase enabled Aliyun to outdo Google Cloud, which only had a 6.1% market share in April 2021, and lag behind Microsoft’s 19.7% and Amazon’s 40.8% market shares.

26. China’s 1st quarter 2023 cloud infrastructure spending makes up 12% of the world’s total cloud expenditure

A report from China Internet Watch highlighted that AI technologies have fueled the increase of cloud infrastructure spending by 6% in China for the first quarter of 2023. The overall costs amounted to $7.7 billion, which encompasses 12% of the world’s total cloud expenditure.

Leading the infrastructure development is Alibaba Cloud, comprising 34% of the said 1st quarter spending in China. Huawei Cloud comes in second with 20% of the spending, Tencent Cloud at 17%, Baidu AI Cloud at 8%, and other providers collectively at 21%.

27. India comprises 2.64% of the world’s WooCommerce users as of July 12, 2023

Of the total live 6,138,002 WooCommerce users in the world, 2.469% come from India with 151,568 websites based on real-time data from Builtwith last July 12, 2023. The highest tech spend for WooCommerce in India is more than $5,000 with a very high traffic brought in by social media networks of more than 1 million followers.

28. Similarly, the Asia Pacific region is estimated to be a $2.6 billion web hosting industry from 2021 to 2028.

Europe has 3,000 and Asia has 2,000 hosting providers for 2021. The number of hosting providers has increased since then and is even anticipated to skyrocket, especially in the Asia Pacific Region. Experts project the years 2021 to 2028 to bring the Asia Pacific web hosting industry the highest annual growth rate, which will exceed a $2.6 billion market value after 2026. This rapid growth, as per experts, is due to the region’s increasing use of online platforms alongside enhanced connectivity.

29. Germany encompasses 11.74% of the world’s web hosting market as of July 2023

As of July 2023, Germany ranks second in having a big market share of the world’s web hosting industry. 11.74% of the global web hosting market share belongs to Germany, leaving behind the United Kingdom at 4.07%, Japan at 3.42%, France at 3.25%, and the Netherlands at 292%. The United States remains at the lead with 51.42%, as per Host Advice.

30. IONOS is the top web hosting provider in Germany with a 7.8 rating as of July 2023

HostAdvice reported that IONOS, also known as 1&1, currently holds 25.79% of Germany’s web hosting market, which marks a decline of 0.7422% month on month. The rest of the top 10 providers in Germany’s web hosting market are STRATO (14.42%), Hetzner Online (13.13%), Host Europe (6.7%), InterNetX (4.98%), KasSever (3.17%), Amazon Web Services (2.33%), IONOS Website Builder (1.42%), Mittwald (1.36%), and Contabo (1.14%). Accordingly, 1&1 hosts over 12 million websites in their 90,000 services located in various places in the world.

31. WordPress comprises 78.69% of the CMS-hosted websites in Germany as of July 2023

In terms of the top 5 CMS-hosted websites, WordPress takes the lead with a 78.69% market share. Wix comes next with a 13.59% market share, Shopify with 3.19%, Drupal with 2.43%, and Joomla with 2.1% as of July 2023.

32. In 2022, Germany only ranked 5th in market value for the web hosting industry such that it was projected to generate $4,435 million

A group of analysts predicted that Germany would have a market value of $4,435 million in 2022 at the bottom of the top five countries with the largest web hosting revenue. The United States was predicted to have a revenue of $5,832 million, the United Kingdom $5,832 million, Japan $5,666 million, and China $4,930 million.

33. Germany ranked 3rd in the world in 2021 for countries with the most websites, totaling 12.87 million

RegistrarOwl’s August 2021 data of domains managed by registrars showed that Germany has 12,873,333 websites. This brought Germany to earn the 3rd rank in the world for countries with the most websites. The United States’ 133,361,676 websites made it to the top 1 and China’s 17,916,312 is 2nd. Germany is followed by Canada, India, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. While Israel takes 10th place.

34. Germany has 17.4 million registered domains as of July 11, 2023

Based on data from SiteEfy, Germany has 17.4 million registered domains in the world the .DE TLD. Germany only comes in second to China which has 18.0 million.

35. Germany’s global web hosting market share in 2021 was 11.65%

According to Finances Online, Germany only ranked second to the United States in March 2021 in terms of market share of the global web hosting industry with 11.65%. The United States had a 51.4% global market share at that time.

While the United Kindom had a global web hosting market share of 4.19%, Japan at 3.33%, France at 3.31%, and the Netherlands at 3.07%. Strato was the most popular web hosting company at that time in Germany with 1and1 by IONOS having the biggest market share of 18.29% among

36. In 2022, the United Kingdom’s $5,832 million market worth for its web hosting industry ranks 2nd in the world.

The United Kingdom ranked second in the world in terms of web hosting market worth, which was valued at $5,832 million in 2022. The United Kingdom, at that time, had three most popular web hosting providers. These were WebFusion, FastHost, and Similarly, the United Kingdom ranked second in the worldwide usage of WooCommerce with 146,667 websites back in 2021.

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37. was the most popular web hosting service in Hungary in 2021, with a market share of 10.3%.

In 2021, Hungary’s most popular web hosting service was The said company had a market share of 10.3%. The second most popular web hosting service is ATW, which has a 6.7% market share.

38. Australia topped WooCommerce users in the world in 2021 with 74,536 websites

The countries of Australia (74,536), Russia (74,536), Italy (61,038), India (49,514), Iran (48,393, Canada (42,181), and South Africa (40,857) succeed chronologically in the ranking of WooCommerce top users in the world for 2021.

39. Online commerce is projected to boost the digital economy of the Middle East and North Africa by 35% in 2030.

Arabian Business reported last January 2023 that online commerce is pushing the Middle East and North Africa’s digital economy to exceed the estimated $100 million projection made in 2022. Experts believe the digital economy will have a value of $0.5 trillion come 2023, reflecting a 35% increase.

40. The mobile market accounts for 52.1% of the world’s connectivity as of 2020.

Experts project that the mobile market would dominate global connectivity by 2023, which is expected to increase to 70% from 2020’s 52.1% market share.

41. The global cloud computing market experienced an 88.93% increase from 2015 to 2019

Data from Finances Online showed that the global cloud computing market grew at an average of 17.24% every year from 2015 to 2019, resulting in an 88.93% overall increase. This is based on the growth in the industry over the last five years with 2015 registering a $72.1 billion market value to 2019 attaining $136.22 billion in market value.

A 19.22% increase was seen from 2015 to 2016’s $95.96 billion, 17.74% in 2016 to 2017’s $101.21 billion, 16.55% from 2017 to 2018’s $117.96 billion, and 15.48% in 2018 to 2019’s $136.22 billion. The annual increase prompted experts to predict that 2020’s global cloud computing market value would be $156.4 billion.

42. Cloud hosting is the fastest-growing type of web hosting with an 18.3% compound annual growth rate from 2019 to 2025.

The fastest-growing type of web hosting is cloud hosting, which has a compound annual growth rate of 18.3% from 2019 to 2025. In the cloud hosting market, the Google Cloud platform is becoming increasingly popular. It is used by 38.6 million websites across the globe including Coca-Cola, Snapchat, and Spotify.

43. Amazon Web Service’s market share of the IaaS Public Cloud Services Market in 2016 was 44.2%

A Gartner report highlighted that, in so far as the IaaS public cloud service market is concerned, Amazon Web Service dominated it for attaining an annual revenue of $9,775 million. This comprised 44.2% of the $22,160 million 2016 annual revenue for the IaaS public cloud services market in the world.

44. Microsoft ranked 2nd in the IaaS public cloud services market in 2015 and 2016 with a 61.1% year-on-year growth rate

Microsoft’s IaaS public cloud services recorded a $1,579 million revenue in 2016, making it second in rank in the market. This reflects a 7.1% share for 2016 as compared to the $980 million revenue it achieved in 2015, during which it only had a 5.8% market share. Overall, the company experienced 61.1% year-on-year growth from 2015 to 2016.

45. Alibaba achieved the highest growth in 2016 for its IaaS public cloud services at 126.5%

Alibaba recorded a 126.5% growth year-on-year in 2016 for its $675 million annual revenue. Its 2015 annual revenue was merely $298 million, which gave it a market share of 1.8%. its 2016 market share in 2016 was 3.0%, making it 3rd worldwide for the IaaS public cloud industry.

46. Google attained 100% growth year-on-year for 2016 for its IaaS public cloud services

Meanwhile, Big Tech giant Google achieved a 2.3% market share in 2016 for its IaaS public cloud services achieving an annual revenue of %500 million. The company’s 2015 revenue was $250 million, which gave it a 1.5% market share of the IaaS public cloud services market. Overall, these reflect a 100% growth for the company in the said market.

47. The IaaS public cloud services market grew by 31.4% in 2016

According to Gartner, the IaaS public cloud services revenue for 2016 was $22,160 million. This is 31.4% higher than 2015’s annual revenue of $16,861. The market had five major players for the two-year period: Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba, Google, and Rackspace, whose combined market share is 58.8%. Other providers shared 41.2% of the IaaS public cloud services market in 2016 at $9,147 million, which declined from $8,074 in 2015.

48. Amazon Web Services dominates 64% of the cloud hosting market

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the clear leader in cloud solutions, with a 64% market share. On the other hand, Amazon’s Web Services encompass 41.08% of the top 100,000 websites in the world and comprise 6.2% of all websites globally as of June 2023.

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49. The Cloudflare Server is relied upon by 21.6% of websites in the world.

The Cloudflare server ranks third with a 21.6% market share in the web hosting industry. Discord, Etsy, Fiverr, and Zoom are some of the websites running on the Cloudflare server. In addition, the biggest web hosting network is Cloudflare has servers located in 200 cities situated in 90 countries across all the continents.

50. A 53.06% increase year-on-year was seen in the number of businesses storing sensitive data in cloud servers this June 2023

The 2023 Thales Cloud Security Study revealed that the number of businesses that store sensitive or highly classified data in their cloud servers has increased by 53.0612%. Accordingly, 49% of businesses in 2022 stored more than 40% of sensitive data in their cloud servers as against 75% of businesses this 2023.

51. Public cloud security became a major concern for 75% of IT professionals during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

The majority of IT professionals or 75% were highly concerned for the security of public cloud services during the height of the pandemic in 2020, which resulted in a shift to a work-from-home setup across the globe.

52. A majority of cloud services or 71.3% are enterprise-oriented.

53. 38% of companies in the world identify SaaS applications as the primary target of hackers

Software as a Service applications often use din cloud servers have been identified by 38% of companies around the globe as the lead target of hackers. While 36% of companies said it is their cloud-based storage the hackers are after.

54. Only 45% of cloud data in the world was found to be encrypted

Despite the increase in storing sensitive data in cloud servers this 2023, many businesses still fail to implement proper security measures and controls. Data from Thales show that only 45% of cloud data, on average, was found to be encrypted. While 22% of IT professionals admit that at least 60% of their sensitive and highly confidential data stored in the cloud is encrypted.

55. There is a 37.5% increase in the number of enterprises using various Saas applications for their cloud servers in the last 2 years.

Companies across the globe are now using a variety of cloud infrastructure and SaaS applications. The number of companies reported to use more than 50 various SaaS applications is now 22%, which marks a 37.5% increase from 2021’s 16%.

56. Zero trust controls in cloud infrastructure are implemented by only 41% of companies worldwide.

As per Thales, only 41% of companies in the world implement zero trust controls for their cloud infrastructure. While 38% use such security measures for their cloud networks.

57. 25% of website owners in the world attest that the average server downtime per hour costs a minimum of $301,000 in 2019 and 2020

Statista conducted a survey from 2018 to 2020 on the costs incurred by various enterprises in the world whenever the website becomes inaccessible due to server downtime. The results show that the average hourly server downtime costs from $301,000 to $400,000 during 2019 and 2020, according to 25% of the worldwide respondents. Some enterprises (15% in 2019 and 17% in 2020) suffer even as high as more than $5 million. While a few (1% for both 2019 and 2020) experience losses of as much as $10,000 to $50,000, which happen to be the lowest cost that came out during the survey.

58. At least 1.6 hours of downtime are experienced by a majority or 60% of Fortune 500 companies every week.

59. Companies report a 4% increase in the data breach of their cloud environment this 2023

Thales, a worldwide security expert, released the results of their survey early this July 2023 that showed an increase of 4% year-on-year in the incidence of data breaches in the cloud environment of companies across 18 countries. The reported breach in 2022 was only 35% and this rose to 39% this year. The survey was answered by 3,000 professionals with either IT or security roles in the company they belong to.

60. 90% of organizations are projected to experience a data security breach by 2025

Data security expert Gartner assessed that sensitive data will be shared by 90% of organizations by 2025 if they fail to control the use of the public cloud.

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61. 90% of all hacked websites in 2018 were made from WordPress

ZDNet reported in 2018 that 90% of all hacked websites with content management systems were WordPress subscribers. This incident was repeated on October 8, 2022 when 4.6 million attacks were made in a month to 280,000 WordPress websites installed with the WPGateway plugin. In January 2023, a PHP backdoor hack was experienced by roughly 100 WordPress plugins and themes.

62. The web hosting market is projected to have an annual growth rate of 15.5% from 2020 to 2027.

Grand View Research released a report in 2019 on the web hosting services market size from 2016 to 2018 and forecasts from 2020 to 2027. They highlighted that the value of the global web hosting services market size in 2019 is $56.7 billion, which is expected to expand by 15.5% annually from 2020 to 2027. The web hosting industry is forecasted to grow into a $171.4 billion market size value by 2027. The increase in small businesses and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic were the two main reasons behind the growth of the web hosting market.

63. The compound annual growth rate of the web hosting industry worldwide is 18% in 2028.

A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18% is projected for the global web hosting industry in 2028, during which it is valued at $267.10 billion.

64. The web hosting market value was projected to grow by 5.67% from 2020 to 2022.

A 5.66667% global growth was estimated for the web hosting market from 2020 to 2022. The web hosting market was valued globally at $75 billion in 2020. This was projected to generate a revenue of $79.25 billion come 2022. An estimated $144.40 billion will be generated by the web hosting industry come 2027. This is primarily driven by the increase in small and medium businesses.

65. There was a 38081.8% increase in the number of web hosting providers from 2021 to 2023

There were about 330,000 web hosting providers worldwide as of 2021. Come April 2023, the number of web hosting providers has grown to 126,000,000, which marks a 38081.8% increase to that of 2021’s.

66. 34.2% of websites use Nginx for server technology

While Nginx is the most renowned server technology in the web hosting industry. It comprises 34.2% of websites including Zoom, Alipay, and TikTok. Apache ranks second to Nginx with a 31.2% market share for server technology in the web hosting industry. It is used by popular websites such as Dropbox, Salesforce, and Spotify.

67. The annual growth rate of dedicated hosting for 2021-2026 is 11.1%.

Dedicated web hosting has a market share of $6.53 billion in 2020. This type of hosting comprised 25.5% of the entire web hosting market worldwide in 2021. Accordingly, the dedicated hosting market has an annual growth rate of 11.11% from 2021 to 2026.

68. The shared hosting market is predicted by experts to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15% and will have a market value of $72.2 billion by 2026.

A web hosting service allows you to develop websites accessible via the Internet. Thus, web hosting is available on every continent except Antarctica. Yet the most popular type of web hosting is shared hosting. Experts predict that it will have a 15% compound annual growth rate by 2026, which will be at a market value of $72.2 billion. Shared web hosting fees range from $2 to $8 per month.

69. 2% of websites in the world were hosted by Squarespace in 2022

Squarespace services 2% or 4 million of websites with hosting solutions in 2022, which is a big jump from its 0.3% market share in 2016. This includes 1.36% of the top 100,000 websites or 3.16% of the top 10,000 websites in the world.

70. The value of the global web hosting market size will exhibit a 20.3% compound annual growth rate by 2030

Fortune Business Insights reported in May 2023 that the projected web hosting services market size value of $108.54 billion in 2023 will increase by 20.3% in 2030. This is anticipated to be $395.84 billion by the said period, which is far greater than the 2022 actual market size value of the web hosting industry of $94.64 billion.

71. The top ten web hosting companies control 56.4% of the worldwide web hosting market.

According to HostAdvice, the top 10 web hosting companies in the world as of July 2023 are GoDaddy, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, IONOS, OVHcloud, Wix Website Builder, Squarespace, HostGator, Bluehost, and Hetzner Online. These providers encompass 56.4% of the global web hosting market.

72. Studies show that high-performance user experience is a determining factor for 88% of customers when choosing a web hosting provider.

High-performance user experience pertains to smooth navigation, fast loading time, and 100% uptime. It is a major determining factor for customers when choosing a web hosting provider, according to 88% of respondents to a survey conducted by Website Builder Expert.

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73. There was a 3.51% decrease year-on-year in the number of websites globally as of June 2023.

Netcraft released the results of their June 2023 Web Server Survey the week of July 11, 2023 that highlighted the number of websites have declined to 1,106,671,903 from June 2022’s 1,146,976,964. This showed a 3.51% decline in the number of websites globally. A probable cause of this would be the COVID-19 pandemic, which pushed many businesses around the world to close down along with their websites.

74. As of July 2023, there are 1.11 billion websites in the world which increased by 252,000 daily.

Notwithstanding the year-on-year decline of websites by 3.51% as of June 2023, Siteefy underscored that websites now grow at a rate of 252,000 every day. This means that three (3) websites are made every second, 175 every minute, and 10,500 every hour. Though the increase in websites has been sluggish compared to the first time its global number reached 1 billion in 2017, which was six years ago.

75. The number of websites globally has been declining at an average rate of 8.73% year-on-year since January 2019

Despite the number of websites increasing by three (3) every second this 2023, data provided by Siteefy as of July 11, 2023 show that there is a steady decline in the number of websites globally since January 2019. The data showed that in January 2019 there were 1,518,207,412 websites, which was 15.9009% lower than the recorded number of 1,805,260,010 websites in January 2018.

The number of websites decreased by 14.6379% in January 2020 to 1,295,973,827 compared to January 2019’s data. While the January 2021 data showed there were 1,197,982,359 websites, which was a 7.56122% decline year-on-year. In January 2022, there was a 2.52652% decline year-on-year in the number of websites to 1,167,715,133.

There were 1,132,268,801 websites last January 2023, resulting in a 3.03553% decline year-on-year. Overall, the average decline in the number of websites from January 2019 to January 2023 is 8.732414%.

76. The year with the highest rate of increase in the number of websites globally for the last 15 years was 2012 with 113.21%.

Based on data provided by Siteefy, there was a 113.214% increase in the number of websites year-on-year in January 2012 with 582,716,657. This is compared to January 2011’s recorded 273,301,445 websites globally. 2012’s data proved to be the highest in a span of 15 years beginning January 2008 when the number of websites globally was 155,583,825 until January 2023 with 1,132,268,801.

77. January 2018 showed the smallest rate of increase at 0.289598% over the last 10 years.

There was a 19.2265% increase year-on-year in the number of websites in January 2009 to 185,497,213. This number increased by 11.4529% year-on-year in January 2010 to 206,741,990 and by 32.1945% year-on-year in January 2011 to 273,301,445. While data for January 2013 showed an 8.10386% increase year-on-year to 629,939,191 and for January 2014 showed a 36.74% increase to 861,379,152.

The number of websites globally in January 2015 was recorded at 876,812,666, which showed a 1.79172% increase year-on-year. While the number of websites globally in January 2016 and January 2017 were 906,616,188 and 1,800,047,111, respectively. This showed a 3.39908% year-on-year increase in January 2016 and a 98.5457% year-on-year increase in January 2017.

The number of websites globally for January 2018 showed the smallest rate of increase in a 10-year period beginning January 2008 at 0.289598% with 1,805,260,010.

78. The average increase in the number of websites globally in a 10-year period is 32.50% from 2008.

According to data from Siteefy, the number of websites fluctuates globally–either increasing or decreasing due to a number of factors. Data showed that despite the fluctuation, there was a steady increase in the number of websites globally from January 2008 to January 2018, which averaged 32.50% year-on-year. This is clearly shown in the data detailed in the previous item (#77) to this entry.

79. Of the 1.11 billion websites in the globe as of July 2023, 18% of them are active.

As of July 11, 2023, there are exactly 1,106,671,903 websites in the world based on the survey conducted by Netcraft last June 2023. But not all the 1.1 billion websites are actually active—that is maintained and updated. There are only 202,900,724 active websites in the world as of January 2023, which increased to 201,898,446 websites as of July 11, 2023. This reflects 18% of the actual number of websites globally. While 82% or 904,773,457 are tagged as inactive websites as of July 11, 2023.

80. A 197.185% increase in the number of active websites over the last 15 years from January 2008.

As the number of websites increased globally, so does the number of active websites that grew over the years. There were only 68,274,154 active websites out of the recorded 155,583,825 websites in the world last January 2008. This showed that 43.88% of websites in January 2008 were active as against the 17.92% active websites in January 2023 of 202,900,724 out of the 1,132,268,801 websites in the world. Comparatively, the January 2023 data showed a 197.185% increase in the number of active websites in a span of 15 years from January 2008.

81. Approximately 50 billion web pages are indexed globally.

The Tilburg University, a Netherland-based educational institution conducting a daily research project on the internet, stated that there are at least 4.77 billion indexed web pages in the world as of May 9, 2023. The actual number of indexed web pages is said to be more than 50 million since it changes in real time and there are many that get deleted or added daily.

82. 10.8% of WordPress users have GoDaddy as their web hosting service.

GoDaddy dominates the number of WordPress users in the world in terms of web hosting services. The top five most popular hosting services among WordPress users are GoDaddy (10.08%), BlueHost (9.61%), HostGator (5.01%), Hostinger (4.08% ), and NameCheap (2.6%).

83. GoDaddy hosts around 15.2% of all websites.

GoDaddy is the world’s largest web hosting company, hosting over 52 million websites. In October 2022, GoDaddy and UAE Telco DU entered into a partnership to level up the digital presence of small office home office (SoHo) entrepreneurs and SMEs. This is said to be one of the key industry developments during the said year for the web hosting industry.

84. 78.5% of the GoDaddy Group that provides hosting services in the world are served by the GoDaddy brand.

GoDaddy Group owns several hosting companies besides its GoDaddy brand. These include Media Template and Host Europe. Yet the GoDaddy brand leads its web hosting companies since most of the websites the Group services–78.5%–are under it. This translates to 41 million websites globally serviced by the GoDaddy brand.

Website Hosting Statistics 2023 – 120 Mind Blowing Numbers7

85. 47.53% of the domain names market belongs to GoDaddy

The top 10 domain name registrars are GoDaddy, Cloudflare DNS (17.49%), Google Domains (4.16%), Google Cloud DNS (4.16%), Amazon (4.11%), NS1 (3.88%), Network Solutions (3.47%), OVH Domains (3.18%), DNS.Com (1.47%), and Enom DNS Hosting. The majority of the market belongs to GoDaddy with a 47.53% share while the minority belongs to Enom DNS Hosting with a 1.29% share.

86. GoDaddy also dominates the Virtual Private Server market by 23.33%

The top Virtual Private Server web hosting providers are GoDaddy (23.33%), DreamHost (1.46%), Digital Ocean (1.23%), and 123-Reg (1.20%) by the size of their market share as of June 2023.

87. GoDaddy has a 12.77% share of the number of domains registered in the world.

GoDaddy is considered the most popular domain registrar in the world with its 12.77% share of domain names that have been registered. This comprises a total of 78 million registered domain names. Next to GoDaddy, Namecheap has a 2.87% share of the global domain name registry. It ranks second in popularity as a domain name registrar with more than 17 million under its listing.

88. 75% of the global shared hosting market belongs to GoDaddy.

GoDaddy dominates the shared hosting global market at 75%. While it only encompasses less than a quarter or 21% of websites under a VPS hosting plan. This is partly due to GoDaddy owning Media Temple and Host Europe Group, two other web hosting companies.

89. 35% of the global dedicated hosting market belongs to GoDaddy.

Similarly, GoDaddy is popular for websites using a dedicated hosting plan, encompassing 35% of the market globally. Interestingly, GoDaddy’s Phoenix, Arizona facility is said to be the biggest with 270,000 square feet. The company has 37,000 servers globally including those in their facilities in Amsterdam, Ashburn, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Singapore.

90. 22.23% of the top 1 million websites in the world are hosted by Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services hosts 22.23% of the top 1 million websites. This includes eBay, Netflix, Reddit, TikTok, Twitch, and Zoom. Interestingly, Amazon Web Services achieved a 12% increase in its annual revenue for 2020 at $40 billion from its 2019 revenue.

91. GreenGeeks provides 0.1% of hosting services to websites in the world

GreenGeeks is said to be the most sustainable and eco-conscious web hosting company. This 15-year-old company uses wind energy to power the 600,000 websites it hosts owned by more than 55,000 customers.

92. Interestingly, more than half or 50% of websites are run by servers using open-sourced software.

This is mainly due to open-sourced software being distributed freely with the flexibility of being changed, extended, and even redistributed by the users following a creative commons collaboration that is beneficial to its community of users. This is why the open source market ranked #1 in usage globally for 2022.

93. WordPress has an open-source content management system that is used by 78.65% of websites globally.

The top five hosting companies on the basis of their market share for their content management systems are WordPress (78.65%), Wix (11.56%), Sitefinity (3.84%), Joomla (3.15%), and Squarespace (2.81%).

94. Of the top 1 million websites globally, 0.75% is provided by Namecheap and 0.5% by Hostinger.

Namecheap provides web hosting to 0.75% of the top 1 million websites in the world. Their overall market share in the web hosting industry is only 1%, totaling more than 5 million websites as of June 2023. Hostinger provides more than 1 million websites or 1.3% of all websites with web hosting. This includes 0.5% of the top 1 million websites in the world. Namecheap and Hostinger are tagged as the cheapest web-hosting providers as of 2021.

95. 2.2% of all the websites in the world under a managed hosting plan are provided by WPEngine.

The WP Engine Group, on the other hand, has two web hosting companies: Flywheel and WPEngine. The Group provides web hosting to 2.2% of websites globally. Of the two hosting companies of WP Engine Group, WPEngine provides 81.5% and Flywheel provides 1.5% of the websites their mother company serves. WPEngine provides 2.2% of all websites in the world under a managed hosting setup.

96. 1.4% of all websites in the world are hosted by HostGator.

The Newfold Digital Group, previously called Endurance International Group, is the mother company of HostGator, Bluehost, Vodien, and BigRock. HostGator is the most popular brand of the Newfold Digital Group serving 30.8% of its web hosting clients. HostGator has a 1.4% market share of all websites in the world.

Website Hosting Statistics 2023 – 120 Mind Blowing Numbers8

97. 1.2% of all websites in the world are hosted by Bluehost.

Bluehost, HostGator’s sister company, services 1.2% of all websites in the world. This translates to more than 2 million websites. Bluehost comprises 27.4% of the Newfold Digital Group’s web hosting clients. This includes 0.39% of the world’s top 1 million websites based on traffic.

98. The compound annual growth rate of the Virtual Private Server hosting market is projected at 16.2% in an eight-year span ending 2026.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting, which minimally costs $20 per month on average, is expected to have a market size of $8.2 by 2026. This growth is seen to be a result of a 16.2% compound annual growth rate from 2019 to 2026. Its market value in 2025 is expected to spike to $2 billion and at $8 billion in 2026. While Managed Virtual Private Servers will also experience a similar growth for the same period of 2019 to 2026 at a 16.5% compound annual growth rate.

99. The number of domain names increased by 2.6% year-on-year in 2022.

Siteefy said that the number of domain names increased by 2.6% year-on-year to 8.7 million in 2022. This number accordingly was less by 16 million or 4.3% when compared to the fourth quarter of 2020. In terms of the number of domain registrations, there were 350.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2022.

100. The .com and .net domain names increased by 0.2% year-on-year in the last quarter of 2022.

The top-level domain names .COM and .NET increased by 0.3 million or by 0.2% in the last quarter of 2022. This translates to 173.8 million domain names registered for the said top-level domains (TLDs).

101. 76.17% of the top websites in the world in 2018 are mobile friendly

According to Alexa, 76.17% of the top 1 million websites in the world last 2018 are mobile-friendly. While 23.83%, which is quite a few, are not mobile-friendly.

102. 14% of desktop traffic generated globally in 2021 was generated by Amazon.Com

Amazon.Com topped the world’s e-commerce subcategory for desktop traffic in 2021 by generating 14% of it. Ebay.Com ranked second with 3.5%.

103. 10.5% of desktop traffic globally came from Twitch.Tv in June 2021, a leading gaming website, accounted for 10.5% of the total desktop traffic in the world for the games subcategory in June 2021., another gaming website, came in close with 10.4% of the global traffic for the gaming subcategory under its fold.

104. The global annual internet protocol traffic grew to 4,800 zettabytes annually in 2022.

In 2022, the annual global IP traffic has grown to 4,800 zettabytes per year. This is a result of the growing number of websites, which has been recorded to be 576,000 new ones daily.

105. As of 2021, more than half of websites in the world or 51.3% do not employ a content management solution.

106. Experts project a 13.92% year-on-year increase in the global web hosting industry value.

Experts projected that the web hosting industry would hit $90 billion globally this 2023. This is an $11 billion increase from 2022’s $79 billion, reflecting a 13.9241% year-on-year increase.

107. The global computing market is expected to increase by 112.73% in 2026.

The global cloud computing market was valued at $445.3 billion in 2021. This is anticipated to achieve a market value of $947.3 billion come 2026, which is a 112.733% in a span of 5 years.

108. A website loses 11% of pageviews for every 1 second loading delay

Websites lose 11% of their pageviews for every one-second delay in loading a webpage. While a 7% decline in conversion rate occurs for every 100-millisecond delay in the loading of a website.

Website Hosting Statistics 2023 – 120 Mind Blowing Numbers9

109. The number of web hosting providers grew by an average of 104,187.9245% in a span of 32 years from 1969 to 2001.

Based on data from First Site Guide, the number of web hosting providers took a quantum leap from the time it began in 1969 to 2001. There were only 4 web hosting providers in 1969 and this increased by 5,150% come 1981 when it became 210. The industry further grew dramatically in another seven years (1989) by 61,804.8% to 130,000 web hosting providers globally. The number of hosting providers climbed to 992,000 in 1992, resulting in a 663.077% increase.

From here, the rate of growth of the web hosting industry decreased though the number of providers increased continuously. There was a 565.323% in 1995 with 6,600,000 hosting providers to 37,000,000 in 1998, which is 460.606% for the three-year period. Compared to 1998’s data, web hosting providers increased to 126,000,000 or 240.541%, which translates to 30 million domains for 28.2 million websites globally. The number of web hosting providers, overall, grew by 104,187.9245% in 2001 when compared with the 1969 data.

110. The global web hosting services have grown from a $32.12 billion market in 2017 to a $76.2 billion market in 2023.

111. Wix leads the website builders market with a 31.05% market share in 2023.

When it comes to website builders, the top providers are Wix (31.05%), Squarespace (18.92%), and Shopify (13.34%) according to the size of the market share. There are 91 companies that produce website builder technologies in the world.

112. As of September 2022, there were 1,881,331,200 websites hosted by 330,000 providers globally.

113. WooCommerce leads 30% of the e-commerce technology usage in the global market.

The e-commerce technology is dominated by WooCommerce, which makes up a 30% share of the market. Shopify follows at 18% and Magento at 9%. The rest of the e-commerce technology providers make up 43% of the global market.

114. While WooCommerce Checkout is used by 33,553 websites out of the one million top websites in the world.

115. Shopify experienced a 2.6% growth rate for the years 2020 to 2022.

Shopify encompasses 19,989 websites, Magento 10,609 websites, PrestaShop 2,944 websites, OpenCart 2,676 websites, and Shopify Plus 2,504 websites out of the top one million websites in the world. Shopify, on the other hand, provides 4 million websites with hosting solutions. The company’s market share grew from 1.8% in 2020 to 4.4% in 2022, totaling a growth rate of 2.6% for the said period.

116. The average speed for fixed broadband connections was 97.52 Mbps for download and 51.79 Mbps for upload globally in 2020.

117. Top Level Domain registration increased by 1.0% in the 1Q 2023

Verisign reported last June 2023 that top-level domains across the globe increased by 3.5 million registrations in the first quarter of 2023 to 354.0 million. This translates to a 1.0% increase to the 350.5 million registrations in the last quarter of 2022.

In 2022, there were approximately more than 312 top-level domains for various specific countries but the most popular are .de, .eu, .us, and .uk. There were roughly 900,000 new domain names registered globally every week for the same period.

Plus, there were 252 domain names that were registered without country information. While 4 million domain names use the domain name system security extension that stops hackers from stealing valuable information.

118. Business.Com was sold almost 600% higher than CarInsurance.Com

Business.Com and not CarInsurance.Com is historically, so far, the highest-bought domain name of all time. RH Donnelly bought Business.Com was bought by a US-based Yellow Pages publisher in 2007 for $345 million. This far exceeded the purchase price of CarInsurance.Com for $49.7 million in 2010 by QuinStreet. Both Business.Com and are top-level domains (TLD), which comprise 37.20% of all domain names registered globally.

119. The global data sphere is projected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025.

This would require new infrastructure to accommodate the 7.5 billion people expected to be online by 2030.

120. Public websites comprise a big chunk or 48.2% of the market serviced by web hosting companies worldwide in 2022.

According to Fortune Business Insights, public websites make up 48.2% of the global web hosting services market. While approximately 30% of the web hosting services market are used for mobile applications, roughly 15% for online applications, and the remaining 6.8% for intranet sites.

Website Hosting Information – Conclusion

Every website on the internet relies on web hosting. With that, the web hosting sector will continue to grow at a rapid pace as the number of internet users grows.

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