Definitive guide

A business guide for starting web designers

Web Designer Business Card 2024 – Top 5 Dos & Don’ts

There are a lot of Google search results on recommended website design business card templates. However, there’s not one on the top results that guide web designers in making their own. So here are web designer business card do’s and don’ts for beginners.

Dos & Don’ts In Making A Web Designer Business Card

You might think that web designers know everything already when it comes to design. Not really. As with any professional, web designers become experts in their field over time.

Newbies do need to know what designs work to ensure they hook in the right clients for their budding business. Thus, here are the basics:

1. Dos In Making A Web Designer Business Card

a. Do include your important information

These are your name, business name (if any), postal address, contact numbers, email address, website address, and social media platforms.

b. Do incorporate technology

In addition to your important information, it would also be recommended to add your QR Code to make it easy for people to get in touch with you.

The QR Code should lead to a landing page containing your web links such as a LinkTree account, which serves as a one-stop-shop information house about you.

QR Codes are so commonly used these days thanks to the onset of mobile technology so take advantage of it.

c. Do follow what’s in your business’ Communication and Design Manual

Of course, how you put your important information and incorporate technology in your web designer business card will largely depend on your Communication and Design Manual. This document is handy to have when starting and throughout your business or freelancing career when it comes to branding. The manual contains the tone of writing you’ll use in all your communication.

Thus, it also contains the typography or fonts, color scheme, logo, tagline or slogan, and other elements of design that you’ll integrate into your communication and creative projects. The manual is something you need to update over time as your identity develops or business expands.

99Designs highlights that the logo and brand color scheme are two important components that must be integrated into your web designer business card. This is necessary for branding, which you’ll easily do once you have the manual with you.

d. Do apply the basic principles of design while being creative

The business card, as commonly known, serves as a web designer’s canvass though it is limited in size, shape, and space. The goal is to capture your creative genius in a small piece of paper that serves as an extension of yourself.

First impression lasts, as they say. So you better put your best foot forward through your business card in a way that will haul clients in.

Creativity can come in choosing a unique shape for your business card, having die-cuts in it, making it functional, or using an outstanding material in making your web designer business card.

Adding special elements such as embossing, letter pressing, foil stamping, and spot UV coating are also recommended for an added oomph to it.

Most essential is using quality material and a quality printing press for your web designer business card. Again, credibility and quality must be seen at the onset. CreativeBlog.Com underscores the importance of quality-printed business cards in giving a more professional impression. These could be seen in the long-lasting color of the print and the durability of the material.

For material, you can use practically any these days from thick board paper to plastics, wood, metals, and what-have-yous. A good material allows you to use special dies and incorporate unique shapes.

e. Do make a digital version

Once you’re done designing your web designer business card, it would be good to upload a digital version of it and use it also for your online communication for consistency.


Want to know more about business cards? Techs Pro Hub wrote a cool article!

2. Don’ts In Making A Web Designer Business Card

a. Do not use technical terms to indicate your contact information

As a strategy, it would be wise to use call-to-action words for these instead. For example, don’t use “URL” then followed by your website address but use “Visit.” Or you may simply drop the “URL” and “Visit” together and just place the website address.

b. Don’t forget branding

You might get caught up in designing a very fancy business card that you end up missing out on embodying your branding. You don’t need to incorporate everything about your branding though.

What your web designer business card should convey, Business.TutsPlus.Com says, is an overall feel and look that captures your identity as a creative individual who can deliver their website design needs.

So keep it simple for this gives a sense of elegance. If you can do this while making it stand out or be easily recalled by the recipient as you or your company, that would surely be great.

c. Don’t underestimate functionality and convenience

Besides going overboard with the design, some also overdo the aspect of making the business card stand out. Creating web designer business cards that are three-dimensional such as a cube is surely cute and fancy but it underestimates the convenience of handling or storage.

A web designer business card, as with any professional business card, must be something your potential client can easily store in the pocket, wallet, or planner. Anything more may become an inconvenience to them and, in the long run, be taken against you.

It would also be good to remember to make your business card as functional as possible like one that converts into a phone stand or a bottle opener would be outstanding. You may also include braille to make it readable for those who are blind. But, again, don’t overdo it.

d. Don’t hesitate to use both sides of your business card

You could always be unconventional without overdoing the design by maximizing the space your material allows you. Use both sides of your web designer business card and have fun doing so. Show off your creativity this way by using the extra space to highlight your logo, tagline/slogan, QR code, or product.

e. Don’t skip editing and rechecking your web designer business card

If there’s one thing you can overdo, it’s editing and rechecking your web designer business card for possible typos or errors. Be keen on ensuring your details are complete and correct.

Be persistent in implementing the business card’s design that complies with your Communication and Design Manual, especially when it comes to your color scheme and imagery. Also, consider checking the clarity of the text, so that it is easy to read especially for the visually challenged.


At the end of the day, your web designer business card should clearly represent who you are and your skills to potential clients. Making a web designer business card incorporates the basics of design alongside the practicality of its handling or storage by whom you give it.


What tools can you recommend for newbies when it comes to making a web designer business card?

For beginners, you can check on Envato Elements and Canva. These are some of the useful tools available online to assist beginners in website design to create their business cards. There are also limitless articles and online resources such as Unsplash where you could get inspiration for business card templates, backgrounds, and designs.

Are there web designers you can recommend to inspire newbies?

I definitely do! I don’t have only one but three award-winning web designers to inspire any newbie not only in making business cards but also on websites. These web designers are veterans in the field and have hundreds of satisfied clients. Check out their portfolios here.


If you have other questions, feel free to drop me a note. I’ll be sure to answer you the soonest!

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