Definitive guide

Switching website hosting provider

How to Switch Web Hosting Providers Without Losing My Website Data (Easy Guide 2023)

One thing that you want to avoid when switching web hosting providers is losing all your data. That is why, in this article, I will teach you an easy guide on how to switch websites without losing your data.

If you can find a more secured and well-matched website hosting that suits your visions, then it is not a bad thing to migrate from your hosting to a new one. Though it can be a demanding and long process, it can be priceless once you find your new and better home.

If you take the proper steps, moving your website to a new hosting provider can be a smooth operation.

How to switch web hosting providers without losing my website data?

Here are the important steps you must do when switching website hosting providers:

Step 1. Inform your audience

It’s a good idea to let website visitors and subscribers know in advance about the move if they are frequent visitors or subscribers. Email newsletters, website announcements, and social media posts can all be used to do this. Clear communication reduces any inconvenience brought on by brief disruptions throughout the relocation process and helps manage expectations.

Step 2. Find your next website hosting company

Determine which features and benefits best meet the needs of your website before switching hosts. Pricing, server uptime, storage capacity, loading speed, configuration, and service variety are all things to think about for a smooth transfer.

Keep in mind that the new web host has a lasting impact on your hosting experience, not only during migration. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider these long-term factors before deciding.

Step 3. Back up and move the website files

You must completely back up your website and transfer it to your new server after purchasing your new hosting package and before canceling your old one.

Download all of your files from the old server; their platform should have detailed instructions on how to do this, and then transfer them over FTP to the new site. Databases must also be backed up using SSH or a control panel to restore the database after obtaining the files and uploading them.

This step is essential to keeping your site’s integrity exactly as it was on the previous host.

Step 4. Backup your database

Your website’s database holds information on all the key functions of your site, including login information, order numbers, and usage history.

The database must be transferred to your new server after you have backed up these records. To access and export databases from one hosting provider to another, most hosting firms use the phpMyAdmin interface.

Make sure that the exported database’s config.php file is compatible with your new host before creating a new database.

Step 5. Import the backup file into the database

Once your new database has been successfully set up, you can use phpMyAdmin to import your old one. Always make sure there are no error messages and that they successfully completed the procedure.

Step 6. Check your database

The database on your new server may occasionally become corrupted if something goes wrong during the import of your database or otherwise.

In that situation, either try using phpMyAdmin to manually fix the database or upload your database again while overwriting the previously uploaded database. If that doesn’t work, get in touch with your new hosting provider because they might help you correctly configure your MySQL database.

Step 7. Send your new hosting company the authorization code

You will want an authorization code from your old host or online provider when moving your domain name to your new hosting business.

Wait for around six to seven days. You might not access your domain from the new provider until you get the authorization code. But as soon as your new web host has authorization, they’ll start the domain transfer process.

Step 8. Change your DNS to the servers of your new host

It’s time to transfer your website’s domain name system (DNS) to the servers of your new host when your database migration is finished. You can accomplish this by referring your domain to the nameservers of your new hosting company.

Your website is already up and running, so you need to complete the domain transfer as soon as you can. If they listed the domain name with your former provider, they should be able to assist you in moving it to your new server.

Step 9. Update your domain-specific settings

It’s crucial to update any domain-specific parameters, including email settings, SSL certificates, and domain redirects, besides altering the DNS to point to the servers of the new host. This makes sure that everything on the website keeps working properly following the migration.

Step 10. Check for broken links and errors

Have you ever opened a new page on a website only to receive a 404 error? This is a great illustration of a link that is broken or missing.

These kinds of problems most often occur when you alter the permalink structure of your website. It also occurs when content is moved to another location without being redirected to the new location.

Spend some time making sure that all the pages and links on your website are accessible to avoid this kind of hassle.

Step 11. Use a staging site

During the migration process, using a staging site may be beneficial. It enables you to test the new hosting environment and make any necessary adjustments without affecting the actual site. You can implement the updates on the live site once you have verified that everything functions properly on the staging site.

Step 12. Run a final test

Run a comprehensive last test to finish the migration procedure. Determine and address any problems that may have been overlooked during the transfer before canceling the previous hosting account.

Use a temporary URL to preview your site to make sure everything is functioning properly. For you to preview your site, several web hosting companies provide development platforms or staging environments.

Step 13. Wait for the changes to occur

Site changes may take some time to show up when you switch web hosting providers. There may be a difference in page load times between your current host and your previous host when the migration is finished.

Your domain network system settings will update completely in 24 to 48 hours.

Step 14. Close your old website hosting account

You are now in a secure position to cancel your old hosting account after taking all the required steps to secure your website. Make careful to discontinue only the hosting services associated with your account if you also registered the domain name with your previous host. Otherwise, you risk losing your domain name, making the difficult work of moving your website and minimizing downtime useless.


Migrating to a new hosting account is no longer unusual. There are many good reasons to move your website to a new location. You must choose whether you will transfer your data yourself or will let the other handle it after determining the optimal location for you to migrate.

A change in hosting provide initially feels frightening and unpleasant. However, with a little planning and organization, you may move your website to a new host with no one even realizing that something is going on behind the scenes.


Will my website experience any downtime if I move web hosting companies?

Your website may go down temporarily if you change web hosting companies. To avoid any disruptions in website availability, it’s crucial to pick a new hosting company that offers tools and expertise for a seamless migration.

Do I need technical knowledge to change web hosting companies?

Many hosting companies provide tutorials and materials to help users through the process or offer assistance with migrating. However, if you’re not confident with the technical parts, you might think about hiring a specialist or asking for assistance from your new hosting provider’s customer service.

What should I do if I run into problems while migrating?

It’s important to contact both your old and new hosting provider’s customer care departments for assistance if you experience any issues. They can offer direction, resolve any problems, and guarantee a successful move.