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Reddit Ads Statistics 2024 – 83 Mind-Blowing Statistics

In need of Reddit ads statistics so you could decide if you will advertise on the platform? Well, I not only have Reddit ads statistics but mind-blowing ones! But before I enlist what these are, let’s have an overview of Reddit ads and their benefits.

What’s new with Reddit Ads?

Reddit announced in late October its first partnership with four companies–adMixt, PMG, Sprinklr, and VidMob–for their Ads API Ecosystem. An effort meant to improve the benefits of advertisers through a stronger advertising infrastructure, Reddit explained.

Though Search Engine Land points to Reddit’s lack of a clear-cut advertising policy and Marketing Brew to its varying policies per subreddit that have threatened the safety of companies who choose to use the platform’s $10 billion value for their marketing goals.

The new partnership now streamlines the implementation and management of advertisements across the platform and enhances it with new features. This will truly enable advertisers to connect with Reddit’s 100,000 engaged communities, Social Media Today explains. This is on top of the 1,000+ targetable communities Reddit added for new and existing advertisers through their Ads Manager.

There are exactly nine new features in Reddit’s Ads Manager including a revolutionary Live Chat that, as per Social Media Today, no other social media platform currently has. The rest of the eight new features focus on providing advertisers with a tracking and monitoring system for their ongoing campaigns on the platform.

Thus, enabling advertisers to view Reddit ads statistics in real-time and make necessary changes to them where needed so they can achieve their goals. Sounds pretty amazing, right?! So let’s get into more detail on what these ads are and their benefits.

What are the different Reddit ads?

Reddit Ads are said to be the most complicated type of advertisement in the sense that platform users are empowered to keep it in existence. Users are famed to bash shameless marketing. Thus, advertisers need to take a thorough understanding of the forum-type platform in carefully crafting their creative assets that comply with it.

According to Jungle Topp, there are three types of Reddit Ads. These are Display Ads, Self-Serve Sponsored Links, and Sponsored Q&As.

1. Display Ads

These are banner advertisements that Reddit users can vote on and comment on concerning a given topic.

2. Sponsored Q&As

While Sponsored Q&As bank on Reddit’s famed question-and-answer content catered to a specific subreddit or topic.

3. Self-Sponsored Links

Finally, Self-Sponsored Links are often used for first-time advertisers on Reddit being affordable and flexible. This can either be an external or internal link that draws users to engage with an advertiser either through content they have posted within the platform or on their website.

Though Reddit Ads appear with the label “Promoted”, the platform has made a way to ensure advertised content is unobtrusive and appears like much of its informational content. This is shown to those who are truly interested in your content based on your topic or chosen subreddit it appears in.

JungTopp highlights that Reddit Ads range from $5 daily to $30,000 based on cost per mile (CPM) or a minimum of 1,000 impressions. They also offer bidding options for ads with each bid costing $0.20. Now, why advertise in the first place?

What are the benefits of Reddit Ads?

Reddit Ads enable companies to create their niche or community online through the content they provide. This is a unique feature Reddit provides advertisers since they can directly engage with their target market and get real-time feedback about their brand, product, services, undertakings, and even advertisements.

Through subreddits, companies can create a niche where a particular topic about their company, services, or brand-related content is discussed.

Redefine Your Marketing summarizes that Reddit’s huge user base and gathering quality leads are the main benefits of using Reddit Ads. This is against a platform that is generally intimidating for those accustomed to advertising on Meta’s social media platforms.

As per AffiliateInsider, the important thing about Reddit Ads is to provide content with value to users and not mere clickbait. Authenticity and integrity matter most in the platform where users despite ads as mere advertisements. Users value information and relevance that communicate directly to them in a way they appreciate and clearly understand.

By now, you already have a better perspective of what Reddit Ads are and how they work. Let me now move on to the statistics for you to see why, despite being complex, Reddit Ads placement is much sought for.

Reddit Ads Statistics

Why are Reddit Ads so popular?

Reddit ads are so popular because they provide companies with great brand insights through consumer-driven inputs seen in the discussion threads but also global visibility due to the vastness of its member base. In gist, Reddit Ads serve as a research tool on top of being a marketing leverage.

Plus, there are these mind-blowing statistics:

1. There are an average of 50 million daily active users on Reddit in 2022

Reddit registered 50 million daily active users in October 2022 based on Oberlo and StartUpBonsai reports. Though a 3.8% decrease from 2021’s registered 52 million daily active users, this data nonetheless showed a steady growth in users when compared to Reddit’s initial member base in 2005, which is the year it began.

Reddit has successively been growing in users at 258.33% as seen in the number of logins from 2015 to 2019. This is the result of the platform’s high-quality moderation of the forums despite the anonymity of users and the strong niche communities built in it.

2. Reddit has more than 3.5 million subreddits and growing as of 2022

Speaking of strong niche communities, Reddit had a minimum of 3.5 million subreddits in place last 2022. This number was expected to grow in the following months considering there were only 2.8 million subreddits in 2021.

Popular subreddits are those in the format of “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) that build communities based on a specific topic. These communities, despite the anonymity of users, are built on trust. Thus, companies have to make sure to only use this format when they can be transparent, authentic, and relevant to Reddit users aka their target market.

Reddit outdoes other social media platforms in community engagement and building, as well as, in being a valuable data resource. Scientists were able to mine 800,000 Reddit posts on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health. The data helped draft material for educational awareness on vaccine efficacy and immunology.

3. Reddit has 166M monthly visitors, a quarter of which are Gen Zs

If Reddit’s daily visitors average 50 million, its monthly visitors have been recorded at 166,277,100. HubSpot says that Gen Zs make up 26% of Reddit users and Millenials from the United States (aged 18 to 29 years old) make up 36% of users.

A majority of Gen Zs (51%) say the user-driven features of the platform attracted them the most. Some of the said user-driven features pertain to commenting, upvotes (positive feedback or rating of ads and content), and subreddit.

4. Reddit is a trusted source of product information by 82% of Gen Zs

Valuable content remains the key feature of Reddit for its users, of which 82% of Gen-Zs say they trust the platform when it comes to getting more information on products they love or are interested in. This is definitely something new companies can tap on, making sure they provide useful and relevant information that’s not hard-sell or insincere.

In terms of your content, data shows that post titles with 20 to 80 characters attract more readers and engagement in the platform. Again, avoid using clickbait.

5. Reddit was one of the top-visited websites in the United States in 2022

Since its conception in 2005 as “the front page of the internet” in Virginia, USA, Reddit has grown in value from a $20 million company when it was bought by Conde Nast Publications from founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian in 2006 to a $6 billion one in 2019.

The factors that contributed to its net worth are the volume of traffic on the platform, the reach and activity of its community, and the diversity of content. These factors consistently pushed Reddit to be on the top of the most-visited websites in the United States, garnering the fifth spot in 2022.

6. 63.8% of Reddit users are male, almost half are in the United States in 2022

In terms of gender and location, most or 63.8% of Reddit users are male with 47.13% of them located in the United States as of January 2022. This shows that men are most likely to have the time to read informational content. Catering the communication of your advertisements toward this gender type would prove most helpful in achieving your marketing goals.

7. Redditors spend a shorter time on Reddit than on other social media platforms

Despite its gigantic community, Reddit users oddly spend only up to 24 minutes daily or an average of 10 minutes and 23 seconds on the platform than most netizens do on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. This is mostly due to Reddit’s content being more geared toward providing information than entertainment. Though 1.4 billion native videos are watched monthly by Reddit users.

8. Subreddits implement various advertising policies

A study showed that there are more than a dozen highly populated subreddits that do not allow advertisements. These are r/mileycyrus, r/mensrights, r/daftpunk, r/floridaman, r/mensrights, r/mdma, r/islam, r/israel, r/redhotchilipeppers, r/depression, r/archerfx, r/ska, and r/stopsmoking. The nature or topic of these subreddits gives a glimpse into why advertisements are not allowed in them.

While almost a dozen subreddits that normally allow advertisement also sometimes prohibit it. These are r/alcohol, r/crypto, r/religion, r/politics, r/neutralpolitics, r/ukpolitics, r/canadianpolitics, r/americanpolitics, r/internationalpolitics, r/liberal, and r/conservative.

The inconsistencies in the advertising policies in these subreddits have surfaced the controversy that the platform doesn’t have clear-cut policies in place. This also made it difficult for companies to advertise. Despite this one weakness, Reddit remains a sought-after platform among advertisers.

9. Reddit is forecasted to earn $520M in advertising revenues come 2023

In fact, Reddit is projected to earn more than USD 520 million in advertising revenues next year. This projection shows a 90% increase in its reported September 2021 online ad revenues of USD305 million. Reddit’s annual revenue for 2021 was recorded at USD350 million, which is twice what it earned in 2020 at USD161.4 million. Though this is by far smaller than Twitter’s USD5.58 billion advertising revenue for 2021.

10. Reddit daily active users increased by 14% in a span of two (8) months as of December 2022.

Reddit’s homepage highlights their more than 57 million daily active users or uniques as of the last quarter of 2022. Compared to the October 2022 data of 50 million daily active users, this shows a 14% or 7 million increase in a span of two months.

Monthly visitors on

11. 72.48% of Reddit employees are based in the United States

Reddit has a total of 3,063 employees as of August 8, 2023. A bulk of their personnel—2,220 to be exact—are located in the United States, particularly in California and New York. While 3.95% reside in Canada and 23.57% come from Europe.

12. had an average of 1.72 worldwide visits in a span of six (6) months as of April 2023.

According to Statista, Reddit had an average of 1.7 billion visits for November 2022 to April 2023. Global monthly visits to fluctuated from 1.6 billion to 1.8 billion, which occurred for two months in December 2022 and January 2023. The number of worldwide visits suddenly fell to 1.6 billion in February, which was the lowest for the period. Global monthly visits were at 1.7 billion in November 2022, March, and April.

13. 47.89% of’s global website visits come from the United States

As per Statista, the United States ranked first among countries in the world for creating traffic to’s online forum platform with 47.89%. The United Kingdom only came in second with 7.13% traffic, which was followed by Canada at 6.98%. While Australia was ranked fourth with a 4.14% share of website traffic and Germany was 5th with 3.19%.

14. Reddit has a combined 4.2 million followers across its social media platforms

For a top social media platform especially in the United States, Reddit only has a small following for all its social media platforms combined. Reddit has 319,541 followers on LinkedIn; 1.8 million followers on Facebook; 786,000 followers on Instagram; 237,000 subscribers on YouTube; and 1.1 million followers on Twitter. This totals 4,242,541 followers on all its social media channels. This is a pale number when compared to how many followers or users they actually have on their own platform, which is more than 57 million active users on a daily basis from December 31, 2022 to June 30, 2023. A number that surely increase in the months to come.

15. Redditors have a likelihood to talk positively about a brand online by more than 56%

Reddit released last June 2023 a new way of helping advertisers get higher income from their content-rich and community-thriving platform through Product Ads and Contextual Keyword Targeting. Product Ads target Redditors who are considered high-value customers on the platform.

Accordingly, Redditors have a 56% likelihood of speaking positively about a brand online. They also are more likely to trust a brand that is advertised on Reddit by 46%. Thus, prompting them to have 2.5 times more spending per purchase and 2 times more category purchase than non-registered system users.

While Contextual Keyword Targeting aims to harvest keywords used in conversation threads on a brand or related to it that businesses can use to plan the content they will provide on Reddit to direct users and Redditors to their website and make purchases or recommend their products and services.

16. r/AskMen increased by 59% in views in 2022

Reddit community “r/AskMen” enjoyed a 59% increase in views last 2022 compared to “r/AskWomen,” which only had a 52% increase. Both communities, however, is a perfect place to inquire about issues, products, and services that one would like to be addressed for differences of perspective from a man or a woman.

17. The Reddit community “r/ukraine” experienced a 76,000% increase in views in 2022.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 sparked a global interest in the latter, including in Reddit. This prompted the Reddit community “r/ukraine” to garner 1.8 billion views in 2022, as well as more than 6 million posts and comments within the community. Similarly, the invasion pushed the Reddit community “r/worldnews” to the #3 slot of the most viewed community for the period.

18. Music as a Reddit category achieved the highest views in 2022 with a 161% year-on-year increase

The Entertainment theme in Reddit showed the most growth in 2022, especially for its Music category which registered an increase of views by 161% year-on-year. This was followed by the Movies category which increased in views by 55% compared to 2021’s. The Television category had the lowest increase in views 38% year-on-year. Movies and Television had a total of 13.2 billion views in 2022.

19. Reddit’s Sports category had a 23% increase in views in 2022.

With a total of 13.6 billion views in 2022, the Sports category increased by 23% in 2022 compared to that of 2021’s. The most talked about sports were “r/nfl,” “r/formula1,” “r/baseball,” “r/nba,” and “r/soccer.” The subreddit or community “r/formula1” was reported as the Sports category’s largest growth within the platform. Reddit explained that “r/formula1” initially was ranked #26 for its number of views but jumped to #13 in 2022, reflecting an 84% year-on-year increase.

20. Lavender ice cream was the Top Food Of 2022 on Reddit

“Lavender ice cream at Australia’s largest lavender farm” was the most talked about food in the “r/foodporn” community in 2022. It garnered 37,700 upvotes from its subscribers. While “[Homemade] I’m 15 and tried to make tonkatsu ramen” was regarded as the Top Homemade Meal Of 2022 for garnering 25,400 upvotes in the “r/foodporn” community.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2024_Reddit Sports

21. The number of subreddits decreased for the first five months of 2022 by 33.67% year-on-year.

Based on data from Front Page Metrics, the number of new subreddits from January to May 2022 was 33.6771% lower than the same period the previous year at 216,557 as against 326,519. The new subreddits for January to May 2022 were similarly lower than the same period two years ago (2020), which was at 311,688, which reflects a 30.5212% decrease.

This is despite the new subreddits from January to May 2021 showing a 4.75828% increase compared to 2020 data for the same period. Though, as per Reddit themselves in their global recap, the year 2022 was the most memorable as there were billions of conversations created by their more than 100,000 communities across the world.

22. The “r/place” subreddit was ranked #16 for garnering the most views globally at more than 1.1 billion in 2022.

Reddit showed the world how awesome its online community was when its annual 87-hour run for creating a digital canvass beat its 2021 record. The “r/place” subreddit garnered 1.1 billion views during the 4-day event that resulted in a total of more than 1.1 billion views. That’s thanks to more than 10.4 million Redditors who placed a tile on the digital canvass. Accordingly, there were more than 5.9 million tiles placed per hour, which led to the creation of more than 160 million tile digital canvases and more than 157 million place total canvas views. The event also received 434,300 upvotes.

22. The most upvoted Ask Me Anything topic on Reddit in 2022 was Nicolas Cage with 238,500 upvotes.

As reported by Reddit, the Most Upvoted Ask Me Anything (AMA) topic came from the entertainment category through the subreddit “r/movies.” The topic “Hello, I’m Nicolas Cage and welcome to Ask Me Anything,” garnered the most upvotes by the Reddit community “r/movies” at 238,500, which made it attain the top spot for 2022. This was followed by “I am Jon Stewart, host of The Problem With Jon Stewart on Apple TV+, and I’m here to talk with you about the stock market. AMA!” The said topic was posted by the “r/iama” subreddit and garnered 72,800 upvotes as of November 2022.

23. Men’s Fashion had an increase in views by 45% year-on-year in 2022

Intriguingly, Men’s Fashion was a hot topic under the Fashion and Beauty category of Reddit in 2022. Data showed that Men’s Fashion became a common thread across various subreddits and resulted in a 45% increase year-on-year in views. This surpassed Women’s Fashion, which only had an 18% increase year-on-year.

While the general Beauty category only had a 13% increase year-on-year in views. As such, the subreddits on men’s fashion interest groups “r/askmen,” “r/fitness,” “r/sneakers,” “r/malefashionadvice,” “r/frugalmalefashion,” and “r/malelivingspace” were the most viewed in 2022. Men’s and Women’s Fashion garnered total combined views of more than 2.2 billion in 2022.

24. The subreddit “r/gaming” is Reddit’s top 4 community that is most-subscribed to globally in 2022.

As per Reddit, the subreddit “r/gaming” has 30.9 million subscribers worldwide. This makes the community the most subscribed to globally in 2022. While the subreddit “r/eldenring,” another gaming community, became the #1 most-viewed in the world in 2022. “r/eldenring” dethroned “r/genshin_impact” who held the spot last 2021 as it dropped to the #5 spot for the most-viewed subreddit in the Gaming category globally.

25. Redditor-created posts increased by 14% year-on-year in 2022.

Reddit reported last December 31, 2022 that its more than 100,000 active global community created more than 430 million posts for the said year. This reflected a 14% increase year-on-year in 2022 on top of the 7% increase year-on-year for total comments. In particular, there were more than 2.5 billion total comments and more than 24 billion upvotes made by Redditors as of November 20, 2022.

26. 96% of Redditors’ shared content adhere to the community rules and Content Policy of Reddit in 2022

Reddit is known to strictly enforce its Content Policy and community rules. For several years, the platform has stringently banned communities that fail to meet up to sharing content that is free from bullying, harassment, and threats of violence, especially on the basis of vulnerability and identity. In June 2023, Reddit rolled out a new set of policies that adhere to global policies against human trafficking, child pornography, and information privacy.

Thus, Redditors are careful in respecting the said policies with a majority or 96% found to really adhere to it based on the shared content across Reddit communities in 2022. While 4% of the content in Reddit was removed in 2022 by admins or moderators after it was found a violation of community rules or the Content Policy. Accordingly, 79.6% of those removed were due to spam.

27. There was a 62.5% average increase in Reddit for content removal requests globally in 2022.

Based on the 2022 Transparency Report of Reddit, global requests to remove content or product information on an account increased in 2022 at an average of 62.5%. This pertained to a 43% year-over-year increase in requests on copyright infringement, a 51% increase for legal removal of content from law enforcement or government agencies, and a 95% increase to remove content due to trademark notices. There was also a 61% increase in law enforcement or government agencies to legally provide information on an account based on content shared on Reddit.

28. 2022 also saw the biggest increase in subreddits removed in Reddit at 473%.

Reddit highlighted that, in lieu of the updates they made in their Content Policy Rule 3 last May 2022, there was a tremendous increase in the number of subreddits removed from the platform last 2022. The update in the policy resulted in a 473% increase year-on-year in subreddits removed and a 244% increase year-on-year of permanently suspended user accounts. Rule 3 prohibits the non-consensual sharing of sexually-explicit media on the platform, as well as, threatening posts or non-consensual revelation of confidential or personal information.

29. Total content created in Reddit in 2022 amounted to 8.3 billion.

Reddit highlighted that their ever-growing global community has created 8.3 billion content from combined chats, comments, private messages, and posts on the platform during 2022. To be exact, there were 492,326,496 posts with 2,881,705,332 comments created in 2022. While chats amounted to 4,047,126,363 and primate messages totaled 911,619,681 in 2022. Overall, this generated 8,332,777,872 content across the world in the platform for the said year.

30. 3.7% of Reddit’s total content in 2022 was removed by admins and moderators to keep the platform community-friendly.

According to Reddit, admins and moderators proactively employ efforts to keep the platform safe for all its users. Thus, there were 3.7% of the total content created in 2022 on Reddit that was removed including those removed by its bots for moderation. Of the 3.7%, 2.2% of Reddit’s total content was removed by moderators and 1.5% was removed by admins. Total removal was recorded at 316,781,583 in 2022.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2023 – 60 Mind-Blowing Statistics2

31. Moderator removal of content in Reddit increased by 4.7% year-on-year in 2022.

According to Reddit, there was a 4.7% year-on-year increase in the total volume of moderator removals in 2022. Manual moderator removals only accounted for 30.9% of the 2022 admin removals and totaled 56,889,633, which was a 21.2% decrease year-on-year. The decrease was due to the deployment of a moderating tool or bot that automatically removes non-compliant content from the platform. As such, automated moderator removals registered 69.1% of total moderator removals in 2022, totaling 127,301,586.

32. Moderators removed the biggest chunk of content in Reddit during 2022 at 58% of all removals.

Reddit provided a breakdown of the number of content removed from their platform last 2022. As per the data provided, 58% of removals or 184,191,219 were done by moderators including its AutoMod tool. While 123,591,023 of content removals or 39% were done by admins. Only 3% of removals or 8,999,341 were done through author deletion. The total content removed from Reddit for any reason, which included spam, then in 2022 was 316,781,583.

33. 98.3% of posts and comments removed in Reddit in 2022 by AutoMod were spam.

Spam content made up the most number of removals in Reddit last 2022, comprising 98.3% of posts and comment identified in violation of Content Policy by AutoMod and totaling 97,264,778. Ranking 2nd and 3rd are harassment at 69% of AutoMod removals or 314,625 of posts and comments and non-consensual intimate media at 60.6% of AutoMod removals or 173,879 of posts and comments, respectively. While 58.2% of AutoMod removed content were due to minor sexualization, comprising 266,473 of posts and comments removed in 2022.

34. “r/funny” is the #1 subreddit on Reddit as of June 29, 2023

According to WION News, people are looking forward to more of the lighter side in life these days. (Who wouldn’t agree?!) This is why the Reddit user-created community “r/funny” got the top spot among all subreddits for having 50 million members. Funny or humorous content is really something that draws people of all ages to read.

While the Learning and Education category in Reddit got the 2nd spot through the subreddit “r/AskReddit” for having 42 million members. The subreddits “r/gaming” and “r/aww” got the 3rd and 4th spot, respectively. “r/gaming has 37 million members and “r/aww” for the Animals and Pets category has 34 million. While “r/worldnews” and “r/todayilearned” hold a tie for the 5th spot for both having a member base of 32 million.

35. Reddit experienced a 36% growth rate in 2022 with its $510 million revenue.

Community-centric platform Reddit raised $1.30 billion in funding in 2022, raising its value to $10 billion. This comes after earning $510 million in revenue in 2022, which is reported as a 36% year-on-year growth for the social media platform company with more than 100,000 active communities worldwide.

36. Reddit’s annual revenue for the last five years ending 2022 has been growing at an average of 53.5%.

Data from Sacra show that Reddit has been growing at an average of 53.5% from 2018 to 2022. Reddit reported earning total revenue of $94 million in 2018, $132 million in 2019, $198 million in 2020, $375 million in 2021, and $510 million in 2022. Growth rate year-on-year in 2019 is 40%, in 2020 is 49%, in 2021 is 89%, and in 2022 is 36%. As such, the biggest growth rate experienced by Reddit over the last five years was in 2021.

37. Advertisers’ spending on Reddit grew by 31% in 2022.

As per Sacra, advertisers increased spending on Reddit by 31% in 2022. Advertiser spending, accordingly, has been fueling Reddit’s growth over the last two years. The number one social media platform for information and advice sharing out beat advertiser spending in Twitter (-13%), Pinterest (7%), Snap (16%), and Meta (22). Though all social media platforms lagged behind Tiktok’s 89% ad spending growth for the said year.

38. Reddit’s ARPU in 2022 increased by 46.91%

Sacra highlighted that Reddit’s growing popularity online is attracting more advertisers to invest in their platform, which is an opportunity for them to increase their Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU) moving forward. Reddit actually had a higher ARPU in 2022 when compared to the renowned social media Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Reddit had a 46.9136% increase in its ARPU for its active monthly user at $1.19 in 2022 as against 2021′ $0.81. The other social media platforms experienced a declining ARPU for their respective active monthly user–Facebook at -$45, Instagram at -$35, and Twitter at -$10–due to their declining popularity.

39. The #1 block to higher advertising spending in Reddit is explicit content.

According to Sacra, advertising is the primary source of revenue for Reddit. But advertisers are not as free to promote on their community-driven content platform where authenticity is highly valued. Plus, the anonymity of users is also a block for advertisers particular to cybersecurity threats and getting demo data that are important in formulating marketing plans.

More importantly, a big chunk of content in Reddit is Not Safe For Work (NSFW), particularly almost a quarter or 24% of Reddit’s subreddits. Explicit content is something advertisers don’t want to be associated with their brand.

40. Reddit cryptocurrencies grew at an average of 48.5% in August 2023

Coindesk reported that two of Reddit’s community tokens leaped to an average of 48.5% in crypto exchange Kraken last August 7, 2023. The two native Reddit tokens were MOON, which is used in the reddit r/CrytoCurrency as a reward for posts and comments, and BRICK, which is the token used in the subreddit r/Fortnite.

MOON’s value became 42 cents (47% growth) and BRICK’s value became 4 cents (50% growth) for the said period. Coindesk explained that the tokens are stored in the Ethereum-based wallet of Reddit that users can use to unlock exclusive features and trade with others in Kraken and Kraken Pro for Euros or US Dollars.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2024_Reddit Crypto Currency

41. 37% of Reddit Football Communities are NFL fans

Advertisers looking for more brand engagement are encouraged to go to Reddit instead of the usual social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Reddit highlighted in a released 2022 statistics that their platform is consistently the biggest for NFL conversations from predictions and discussions to highlights during NFL season.

Accordingly, Reddit’s Football Communities are 37% NFL fans that are higher compared to Facebook’s 16%, Instagram’s 22%, and Twitter’s 31%. There are 4.3 million visitors every month in their Football Communities where views reach as high as 202 million monthly. This data even increases in views by 50% every Monday and by 26% every Sunday during the NFL season.

42. Reddit Ads result in as much as 0.77% VTR for advertisers.

Llama Lead Gen rolled out an 8-month advertising campaign on Reddit using traditional ads and banking on its Ask Me Anything (AMA) format for COVID-19 vaccine education in 2021. The campaign, composed of three phases that employed a total of 115 ads, 2 AMAs, and 1 Megathread from April to November 2021, resulted in 85,797,746 impressions and a click-through rate of 0.19% with a 2,813 FAQ clicks.

Llama underscored that the campaign in Reddit was the highest it had across all its channels with a view-through rate (VTR) of 0.77% with 71,781 site visitors. This also lead to a 1.64 average pages visited and 0:17 average session duration due to the campaign.

43. Reddit Ads can increase conversion rates by as little as 3x than other top-performing platforms

Adobo used Reddit Ads in 2022 to tap design talents from within the Reddit community. As per Reddit, the partnership resulted in a higher conversion rate for Adobe by as much as 3x than its other top-performing platforms. The campaign also resulted in 110% higher click-through rates for Front Page Takeovers, 40% higher click-through rates for Promoted Posts, and 14% lower cost per click for Promo Posts as against standard creative.

While HP deployed a low-funnel strategy in Reddit to increase subscriptions for its Instant Ink Program in the United Kingdom. The partnership led to eight times higher conversion rates and a 42% higher efficiency in cost per enrollment as against other social media platforms.

44. Reddit Ads help increase a website’s unique visitors by as much as 99%.

Mitsubishi Motors Canada used videos in its Reddit Ads for the new 2022 Outlander SUV to create awareness and achieve incremental reach for the product in Canada. The result was an increase in Mitsubishi’s website’s traffic with 99% new users, 45% higher click-through rates on mobile for Category Takeovers, and 62% higher reach per dollar as against other social media platforms.

45. Reddit achieves 2.8x higher ad recall than Kantar norms

Xfinity wants to tap GenZs using Reddit with its university campaign for exclusive offers during the move-in season. The campaign employed static creatives and short videos using the Reddit lingo to ensure the authenticity that its target Redditors look for. Xfinity was able to achieve 2.8 times higher ad recall and 3.7 times higher brand awareness (unaided) as compared to Kantar norms during the campaign. They also achieved a 68% higher video completion rate (VCR) compared to Reddit’s given benchmark for the campaign.

46. Reddit Ads can achieve higher CTR by as little as 22%.

Vonage partnered with Reddit for a cheeky and fun campaign meant to highlight their cloud communications. The campaign resulted in 22% higher click-through rates than what Reddit expected it to be, exceeding 3.5x Kantar’s industry norms. This enabled Vonage to experience higher website traffic, an additional 10.8 lift in favorability, and an additional 9.6 life in consideration intent.

47. Reddit Ads can boost ROAS by as much as 17x.

Liquid I.V., a brand that claims to hydrate faster than water, used Reddit Ads to increase sales for their products. The partnership resulted in 94% less cost per action while increasing Return On Ad Spending (ROAS) by as much as 17 times. While vegan food seasoning brand Yes Milady! shifted to Reddit and stopped all paid advertising with other channels after getting 7.5 times higher ROAS in Reddit for an ad campaign involving vegan and vegetarian subreddits.

48. Advertisers get lower CPM by as much as 29% with Reddit Ads.

Caribbean black spiced rum brand The Kraken jumped into Reddit’s techie community to address its consumers’ desire to learn and experience NFTs (Non-Fungible Treasures) through exclusive access and product offerings. The campaign outperformed The Kraken’s expectations as it delivered 29% lesser cost per thousand (CPM) and 41% lower cost per click (CPC). In addition, the campaign resulted in twice higher click-through rates than set targets.

49. Advertisers can increase their VCR by as much as 89% with Reddit Ads.

Universal Pictures through its Media Communications arm partnered to roll out Reddit Ads for the cinematic release of the 2022 movie, “Firestarter.” The campaign used videos targeting Reddit’s extensive community base of movie fans. Universal Pictures reported a considerable increase in video completion rates by 89%, increased efficiency in cost per thousand by 28%, and increased efficiency in cost per click by 33%.

50. Advertisers on Reddit experience at least a 38% increase in brand favorability.

California-based Lagunitas Brewery, a subsidiary of Heineken International, tapped Reddit’s beer lovers with a campaign that ended on National India Pale Ale (IPA) Day. The campaign increased brand awareness by 23%, lifted brand favorability by 38%, and convinced Redditors by 33% higher on Lagunitas as the beer of choice. In addition, the campaign enabled Lagunitas to come up with a new product (double IPA) based on community interaction.

Similarly, Rayovac’s lower funnel campaign in Reddit to enforce strong branded resulted in 4.6 times higher brand favorability based on Kantar Benchmarks. The campaign also increased brand exposure by 1.6 times and improved positive consumer perception by an additional than 11 points.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2024_Reddit Ads

51. Advertisers enjoy higher CPEs through Reddit Ads by as much as 42%.

Hewlett Packard ran a low-funnel strategy using Reddit Ads to increase subscriptions for its Instant Ink Program in the United Kingdom. The campaign improved cost per enrollment (CPE) by 42% higher than other platforms. While conversion rates were 8 times higher than other social media platforms. Overall, the results exceeded HP’s expectations.

52. Reddit Ads increased consumer purchase intent by an additional 10 points.

Adidas ran a multi-ad campaign for its X Speedportal soccer on Reddit using creatives with a Rick and Morty theme. The campaign tapped into the interest of Redditors with 15 videos that prompted questions about their products from the community. The campaign particularly impacted male Redditors with a 27% increase in purchase likelihood and a 31% increase in Adidas’ 4DFWD. Plus, Redditors were also seen to have a 34% increase in brand perception as being innovative.

53. Purchase frequency for companies can also increase by 40% through Reddit Ads.

Finnish computer program Wolt was astounded by achieving 100% higher click-through rates after using localized ads in Reddit, which enabled them to break into smaller territories in Finland. The campaign also resulted in a 10% higher average basket value (AVB) and 40% higher purchase frequency when compared to other channels and social media platforms. Wolt also achieved a lower cost per installation (CPI) by 10% in comparison to other channels and social media platforms.

54. Website traffic can skyrocket by 277% through Reddit Ads.

Austria’s World Heritage Site The Belvedere tapped Reddit to promote NFTs through “The Kiss” with a two-phased advertising campaign. “The Kiss” is an oil-on-canvas painting by Gustav Klimt, Austria’s Symbolist during the 1900s. The campaign drove tremendous traffic to their website by 277% higher during the peak budget and by 36% during the display phase. The Belvedere also enjoyed a 73% lower cost per thousand during the prospecting phase as compared to their competitors.

55. Reddit Ads generate higher top-of-mind awareness by an average of 24%.

Renowned battery brand Duracell created a series of Reddit Ads simultaneous with several video game releases to improve its brand credibility. The campaign not only increased consumers’ perception of Duracell as a trusted brand by 4% but also increased top-of-mind awareness of the brand by 17%. While active Reddit gamers even registered a 31% top-of-mind awareness for Duracell.

56. Advertisers using Reddit Ads increased website traffic by as much as 5x.

Focus Features wanted to create buzz for the theatrical release of “The Northman” through Reddit Ads. The company tapped into Reddit’s r/movies community and even employed a live talk event that was attended by more than 12,000 listeners resulting in more than 35,000 minutes of listening. Overall, the campaign generated five times more website traffic for “The Northman” and a 2.1 times higher click-through rate.

57. Reddit Ads achieved an increase in mobile click-through rates by 256%.

Discover Financial Services demonstrated its knowledge of Reddit terminology and community through an advertising campaign rolled out in partnership with Dentsu x/360i and TBWA\Chiat\Day. The campaign went overboard Discover’s targets by 742% including higher click-through rates by 111%. Besides having a 22% lower cost per click, the campaign also achieved an increase of 256% in click-through rates on mobile.

58. Reddit Ads also increase ad awareness by an additional 30%.

Nespresso, a brand of luxury espresso and coffee machines, harvested coffee-loving Redditors’ experiences on various interests through an advertising campaign rolled out in various subreddits. Using various creatives including videos, the campaign’s year-on-year performance for Nespresso included an increase in ad awareness by an additional 30% among coffee drinkers. There was also an additional 46% increase in brand association for iced coffee and an additional 15% consideration among daily drinkers of coffee.

59. Cost per click is 52% lower in Reddit Ads than in paid social media ads and competitor displays.

Italian bank Fineco, renowned as an online brokerage, increased its lead generation through Reddit Ads during a low season for savings (December 31, 2021) in Europe. The campaign enabled Fineco to encourage online trading and online account openings among Redditors for the period, resulting to increased efficiency in e-cost per thousand by 19%.

Fineco also achieved 60% lower cost per click in Italy and 52% lower cost per click in the United Kingdom as compared to paid social and competitor display. Overall, CPC was 64% higher than the benchmark set by Reddit for the campaign. Fineco also enjoyed an additional 28% increase in click-through rate in Italy and an additional 22% increase in click-through rate in the United Kingdom due to the campaign.

60. Reddit Ads increased conversation placements with an additional 93%.

Back Market, an advocate against e-waste through the online selling of refurbished devices, deployed an audience-targeted campaign that tapped on the cultural and humor references of Redditors. The campaign allowed Back Market to enjoy an 87% higher click-through rate above Back Market’s goals for the campaign and Reddit’s given benchmarks. In addition, the campaign also proved to be 93% higher than conversation placements for Back Market’s click-through goals.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2024_Back Market

61. The highest surge in Reddit global advertising revenue took place in 2021 at 148.53%.

Based on data from Statista, Reddit advertising revenue reached its peak in 2021 when it was recorded at US$439.17 million from US$176.71 million the previous year. 

This translates to a 148.53% increase compared to the 61.38% increase from 2019 to 2020 and 48.59% increase from 2021 to 2022.

Reddit global advertising revenue grew by 80.7527% in 2018 to 2019 and by 20.8747% in 2022 to 2023.

62. Reddit global advertising growth dwindled by 99.93% year on year for 2022 when compared to 2020.

Reddit’s global advertising revenue, when compared year on year, dwindled from 2021 when it reached its highest peak.

The global advertising revenue in 2022 increased to $652.56 million from $439.17 million in 2021, a 48.5894% growth. 

However, this declined by 99.93% when compared to the year on year growth from 2020 to 2021 that was at 148.526%.

63. Global Reddit advertising revenue is projected to increase by almost 30% year on year by the end of 2024.

Statista reported that global Reddit advertising revenue was US$788.78 million in 2023. This is expected to reach US$1,011.27 million by the end of 2024, which translates to a 28.21% increase.

64. Global Reddit advertising revenue grew at an average of 60.02% over the last six years since 2018.

Reddit’s global advertising revenue was recorded at US$60.58 million in 2018. This grew by an average of 60.02% at the end of 2023.

Global Reddit advertising revenue was recorded at US$109.50 million in 2019, US$176.71 million in 2020, and US$439.17 million in 2021.

This further grew to US$652.56 million in 2022 and US$788.78 million in 2023.

65. Reddit global advertising revenue is projected to increase by 26% come 2026.

Experts predict that the global advertising revenue of Reddit will attain a 25.76% increase in 2026 at US$1,568.26 million.

This is based on the 2024 projection of US$1,011.27 million (28.21% increase year on year). 

For 2025, Reddit global advertising revenue is expected to increase by 23.31% at US$1,247.03 million.

66. Reddit’s visibility index jumped by 923 points in a span of eight months from July 2023.

According to Amsive Vice President for SEO Strategy and Research Lily Ray, she used SISTRIX to get the Visibility Index of Reddit for the United States last May 2024. The result showed Reddit jumping from a visibility index of 77 VI points in July 2023 to 1,000 VI points in May 2024.

The visibility Index surge of Reddit has pushed its standing to 6th biggest SEO site on in May 2024 to a mere 80th ranking last year.

Ray pointed out that this proves Reddit’s visibility in Google’s search results did dramatically increase by 923 points in such a short span of time, which was totally unheard of in Google history.

A report from SmartBrief revealed a controversy currently circulating on Reddit’s increased Google search visibility as something internally pushed by the latter for long-term personal gain at the expense of fair practice among legit followers of its Algorithms guidelines.

Google is training its AI tool using Reddit’s platform after signing a content licensing deal last February 2024 that costs $60 million annually.

67. Reddit’s stock increased by 11% in May 2024.

Reuters reported that Reddit’s Google AI deal was seen as beneficial by the market, pushing an 11% increase in its stocks last May 2024.

Add to this is its growing digital ad market standing such that Reddit’s stock median view increased to $55.00 in May, just two months after it offered its first IPO in March at $34.00.

68. Reddit’s stock crashed by 25% in March 2024.

Prior to an 11% increase in stocks last May, Yahoo! reported that Reddit stocks immediately crashed two days after its IPO was rolled out in March 2024.

Experts announced that Reddit’s IPO offering of $34 per share was excessive than its actual value, bringing stocks down by 25%. Reddit initially planned to offer its IPO at $65 per share but rested at $34.

69. Reddit’s DAU increased by 34.62% in December 2023.

Based on data from SocialMediaToday, Reddit enjoyed an increase in its Daily Active Users (DAU) in December 2023 to 70 million. This is up by 34.6154% from 2021’s 52 million.

Reddit’s DAU has been erratic in growth despite the constant increase of its global advertising revenue. The renowned forum platform reported in 2019 that its DAU was at an average of 200 million, totalling monthly active users at 430 million.

70. Reddit’s DAU is relatively lower by an average of 54 million annually compared to that of SnapChat and Facebook.

Statistics show that the DAU of SnapChat is growing by 50 million annually. While the DAU of Facebook is growing by 70 million annually.

This compares relatively higher than the 6 million annual DAU Reddit is experiencing in its platform, which is lower by an average or 54 million annually compared to the two platforms.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2023 – 60 Mind-Blowing Statistics

71. Reddit’s target IPO valuation for 2024 is lower by an average of $8 million than SnapChat’s and Facebook’s.

Reddit announced that its target valuation for its IPO is $15 billion in 2024. Experts say this target is impractical considering its annual DAU is lower than SnapChat and Facebook.

The latter giant social media platforms currently enjoy an IPO valuation of $19 billion and $27 billion respectively due to its annual DAU growth.

72. 50% of Reddit’s ad revenue for Q4 2023 came from performance-oriented aiming advertisers.

Digiday reported that performance-oriented targeting advertisers made up 50% of Reddit’s advertising revenue for the last quarter of 2023.

Reddit reportedly earned an annual advertising revenue of US$788.78 million and a total annual revenue of $804.3 million for 2023.

This allegedly prompted Reddit to roll out its IPO in March 2024 and to announce a target IPO valuation of $15 billion for 2024 after heightening sales efforts.

73. Reddit’s 2023 annual revenue is $73,829.333 billion lower on average than Meta, SnapChat, and Tiktok combined.

Experts are bashing Reddit for its allegedly ambitious 2024 IPO target valuation of $15 billion when its 2023 annual revenue is only $804.3 million.

The renowned forum platform’s income is, on average, US$73,829.333 billion lower than Meta, SnapChat, and TikTok.

Accordingly, the 2023 annual revenue of Meta was $134.90 billion. SnapChat’s and TikTok were at $4.6 billion and $84.4 billion for 2023, respectively.

74. The United States drives almost 50% of website traffic to

December 2023 statistics show that the United States is the leading country driving traffic to Reddit.Com. 48.46% of Reddit.Com’s website traffic come from the United States, which was 41.3% ahead of that of the United Kingdom’s.

The United Kingdom came in second as it drove 7.16% of traffic to Reddit.Com. This was a few notches higher than Canada’s 6.97%.

While Australia and Germany drove only 4.05% and 3.22% of traffic to Reddit’s website for the period. 

75. Reddit has more than 100 million downloads in Google Play Apps as of July 2024.

According to Google Play Apps, Reddit was downloaded at least 100 million times as of July 2024. The renowned forum platform is rated with 3.7 stars coming from 3 million reviews.

76. The length of time spent by a user on Reddit per session globally increased by 27% in the last two years.

Based on data from Statista, the length of time a Reddit member spent on the platform per session globally increased by 26.78% from 2022 to 2024.

Worldwide records show that a Reddit member spent 859 seconds or 14.32 hours per session on the platform in April 2022. This jumped to 1,089 seconds or 18.15 hours per member session globally in January 2024.

77. There was a 4.39% decrease in the Reddit member session registered in January 2024 compared to the peak session recorded two years ago.

Reddit’s recorded 1,089 seconds per member session in January 2024 was 4.389% lower when compared to that recorded in 2022.

A Reddit member spent 1,139 seconds per session on the platform in November 2022. The January 2024 record was close to that registered for September 2022 at 1,080 seconds per member session and for May 2023 at 1,099 seconds per member session.

78. A Reddit member spent an average of 18 hours per session on the platform in 2023.

Statistics show that the average global length of time a Reddit member stayed on the platform is 1,056.83 seconds or 17.61 2023.

The highest recorded per member session worldwide was in May of the said year with 1,099 seconds, which reflects a 1.76% increase month on month.

September and October 2023 followed, registering a per member session worldwide of 1,075 seconds (17.92 hours) and 1,079 seconds (17.98 hours), respectively.

79. 77.94% of global traffic to Reddit.Com in January 2024 came from mobile devices. 

Global visitor traffic to Reddit.Com in January 2024 was dominated by mobile devices at 5.9 billion. This comprised 77.94% of the total global visitor traffic of 77.57 billion.

Desktop devices, on the other hand, registered a mere 1.67 billion global visitor traffic for the period.

80. Three countries under Eastern Europe’s Balkan Peninsula are projected to have a combined increase of Reddit members by more than 28.49% in 2028. 

Reddit members from the Balkan Peninsula countries of Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria are projected to increase by a combined 28.49% by 2028. 

Projections from Statista indicated that Reddit will experience a more than 6.37% increase in users in Romania between 2024 and 2028. The number of users will then reach 1.62 million by 2028.

Similarly, Serbia Reddit members will increase by more than 9.62% between 2024 and 2028. A new peak in members at 1.11 million is expected by 2028.

Bulgaria is seen with the highest growth rate for the period with a more than 12.5% increase in members. However, this is seen to reach only 0.91 million Reddit users come 2028.

Reddit Ads Statistics 2024_Reddit Dot Com

81. Reddit users in Brazil are projected to increase by at least 16.83% in 2028.

Experts project that the number of Reddit users in Brazil will reach 27.8 million in 2028. This translates to at least 16.83% increase in Reddit members expected by the end of 2024.

82. 44% of Reddit U.S. members are aged 18 to 29 in Q3 2023.

Reddit members aged 18 to 29 from the United States comprised the biggest bulk of its users (44%) as of September 2023.

The said age group had a 13% advantage over US-based members aged 30 to 49 and a 33% leading for US-based members aged 50 to 64.

US-based Reddit members aged 65 and above were far behind those aged 18 to 29 by 41% for the said period. 

Accordingly, older members of Reddit spent less time and engagement on the platform than their younger counterparts.

83. 27% of Reddit US-based members are male as of September 2023.

Data from Statista highlighted that the majority (27%) of Reddit members from the United States are male. While 17% of Reddit members from the said country are female during the same period.


Reddit ads statistics show promising returns for companies—both old and new—wishing to advertise on the platform. Thorough knowledge of how the platform works and the culture users have therein, especially in each subreddit, is essential to the success of a Reddit ads campaign.

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Is it costly to advertise on Reddit?

No, not really. Reddit ads are available in various payment schemes. There are Reddit ads that can be bought based on every 1,000 impressions or cost per mille. There are per-day rates at a minimum of $5. While there are also ads bought per bid at $0.20 or more, which depends on the number of advertisers vying for the same target audience. Reddit also offers the option to work with their sales team, which minimally charges $30,000 for advertising placements. Ladder adds that this may even range to $50,000 per quarter for large-scale advertisers.

How do “Promoted Ads” work on Reddit?

According to Ladder, Promoted Ads create an opportunity for a community or particular subreddit to comment on it. What happens is a user will create a post on a particular brand-related content. This is meant to draw a company’s attention to make use of that particular post as part of their promoted advertisement aka promoted post. The company gets the permission of the post’s author for such an undertaking and implements it once they do. Voting and commenting on the advertiser’s post will be linked to the original one while the former enjoys the benefit of exposure to users from the latter.