Definitive guide

Offline Marketing Statistics

Offline Marketing Statistics 2024 – 23 Key Figures You Must Know

Are you looking for offline marketing statistics?

Perhaps you want some actual numbers on offline marketing to back up an article you’re writing. In any case, you found the right article.

Let’s dive into some actual key figures and facts about online marketing statistics.

1. 39% of marketers said offline campaigns were vital to marketing. 

Offline marketing fosters trust more quickly. Any company that uses high-quality conventional marketing media appears more credible to customers.

2. 10.5% of marketers in the United Kingdom said they had spent their marketing budget on offline media. 

Any advertising utilizing conventional offline media, such as television, billboards, and radio, is offline marketing. In contrast to online marketing, which uses media sources that are accessible online, offline media doesn’t always require an internet connection to run a campaign properly.

Traditional offline media channels are still significant, even though many advertisers concentrate on digital marketing and advertising. Knowing which offline strategies are still effective and allocating a portion of the advertising budget are the keys to offline media optimization.

3. Approximately 7 out of 10 drivers make purchasing decisions while driving.

Offline marketing, such as billboard ads, is hard to overlook.

4. There are 300,000 billboards in the United States, making offline marketing an excellent investment.

The goal of offline marketing is to establish human contact without technology. When you meet people, you can engage with potential customers by handing out flyers or business cards. Your brand feels more authentic as a result.

5. Today, 68% of marketers intend to expand their digital strategy into TV commercials.

TV is frequently the first medium that comes to mind when considering how to reach many people shortly. You might believe that television advertising is outdated. You’d be mistaken. Online advertising is consistently outperformed by TV’s unmatched capacity to reach enormous audiences.

The largest investors in TV advertising in 2021 were online businesses, who upped their spending on TV advertising by 41% annually.

6. Print advertisements are trusted by 82% of customers.

Since they have been there for so long and are still in use today, newspapers, magazines, flyers, and other printed products are not going anywhere. Print media is still a powerful and efficient means of informing people, even in the digital age.

7. Belgium’s offline marketing campaign spending reached 1.77 billion euros in the first half of 2021. 

8. In 2021, Canada’s radio advertising revenue was predicted to be around 1.06 billion US dollars.

Radio is a tried-and-true medium for connecting with an engaged audience in a clutter-free environment, regardless of genre or season.

9. In the United Kingdom alone, listeners spend an average of 23 hours per week listening to the radio.

Radio remains one of the market’s most versatile technology and fills a significant customer need.

10. Television advertising in Singapore accounted for 30.3% of overall advertising in 2018.

For many years now, televisions have been a mainstay in the typical home. People use them for news, entertainment, and even education. But television is also frequently used for advertising. Advertisers have used television ads for a long time to promote their goods and services to customers.

11. In 2020, Germany’s large-scale posters earned net revenue of approximately 218 million euros.

Huge posters are useful for connecting with more customers at once, typically in a public location. Posters are a traditional marketing strategy perfect for tiny and medium businesses to get their message through to prospective clients in a simple yet effective approach.

12. The market size of newspaper advertising in the Philippines was 3.6% in 2018.

In the Philippines, newspaper advertising made up 3.6 percent of the market in 2018, a steady decline from 2012. The sector is expected to decline by -7.7 percent growth by 2024.

13. Direct mail has the 3rd most significant ROI, after only email and social media.

Direct mail is opened by 80–90% of recipients, whereas ad emails are opened by 20–30%.

14. In Norway, the advertising revenue from printed newspapers fell from approximately five billion Norwegian kroner in 2014 to around 1.9 billion Norwegian kroner in 2020.

The Norwegian newspaper industry’s advertising revenue has steadily declined since 2014, and it will only be roughly 3.7 billion Norwegian kroner in 2020. In contrast, the revenue from advertisements in 2014 was almost twice as much.

15. Investing in television can enhance advertising effectiveness by 40%!

TV is the most effective medium since investing in it enhances efficacy by 40%. With an average market share increase of 2.6% per year when employing TV advertising, top-line growth that drives profit is best produced by TV advertising.

16. Belgium’s offline advertising spending climbed by 16.5% from 3.31 billion euros in 2020 to 3.87 billion euros in 2021. 

Belgian spending on offline advertising increased from 3.31 billion euros in 2020 to 3.87 billion euros in 2021, a 16.5% increase. The amount had exceeded four billion euros years prior but has been steadily declining.

17. In 2021, offline media in the United States garnered 196 billion US dollars in media spending. 

The amount of money spent on offline media in the United States in 2021 was 196 billion dollars, an increase of 14 billion dollars from 2020 when the COVID-19 epidemic hurt the sector.

18. The total amount spent on advertising and marketing in the US in 2021 increased by $77.4 billion from the previous year, or 21.6%, to $436.3 billion.

According to a study by the Winterberry Group, offline media increased to a total of $196 billion by 2020, expanding by 7.6%.

19. Digital marketing accounts for 55% of all marketing. In 2021, $436 billion was spent overall on digital advertising, compared to $196 billion for offline advertising.

20. Between February and March 2022, a survey from large companies in North America, the UK, Germany, and France showed that 18.8% of offline marketing budgets were spent on event marketing.

At that time, 15.3% went to advertising, and 14% went to TV. For those unfamiliar, “event marketing” refers to promoting a good, service, cause, or organization by creating a themed exhibit, display, or presentation. Its main selling point is the personal interaction it provides with customers. Things can happen both online and offline. You can participate, help fund, or even organize the event.

21. In 2021, offline marketing spending in the US grew by 7.6%.

The two media that grew the most in the given year were addressable TV (33.2%) and experiential/sponsorship (27.6%). The same two media types are expected to grow the most in 2022.

22. In 2021, people in the United States spent 196 billion U.S. dollars on offline marketing.

This data was 14 billion more than in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hurt the business.

23. In 2021, $436 billion was spent on digital advertising, while only $196 billion was spent on traditional (offline) marketing.

Despite a rise in 2021, total media expenditures continued shifting toward online outlets. These days, online channels receive more funding than their offline counterparts. According to Zenith’s research, digital media will have faster yearly growth than offline media from 2021 to 2024.