Definitive guide

Reviewed: the best Law Firm website templates

Best Law Firm Templates of 2024 | 21 Instant Downloads

Hero Website Example
Are you looking for the best law firm website templates of 2024? I got you covered! 😄 After months of thinking, planning, and discussing the moment is finally there. It’s time to build a law firm website. See, many people invest TONS of money to build the perfect law firm website. But I’ve got a better idea for you. Use what’s already out there. Use a pre-made law firm template and customize it to your preferences. Are you ready to start your adventure? Let’s dive into the best law firm website templates of 2024🎉 If you decide to purchase a tool I recommend, I earn a small commission from them at NO extra cost to you. Nice! PS: Looking for a free law firm template? Or a free law firm theme in 2024? I’ve got you covered!

21 best law firm website templates of 2024

1. Brown Template

The web designer of this template has done an exceptional job with the background aesthetic. I truly like how professional yet friendly the sites feel. Viewing the photos sequentially is also a treat. There is never any downtime here. Perfect for law firms!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • An inspiring, uplifting layout
  • Performs flawlessly 
  • Clean image placement 

2. Rider  Template

I appreciate the welcoming nature of this law firm template! The video positioned at the top of the page will definitely pique the interest and engagement of your visitors. As you continue to scroll, the texts are arranged in a manner that prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. In general, this one has a fantastic design!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Enlivens your  website
  • Beautiful color scheme 
  • Organized content 

3. Walters Template

The template’s designer demonstrates a clear understanding of the value of simplicity. I admire the way they have skillfully incorporated minimal design elements to create a sophisticated and user-friendly website. The pages are elevated through the use of exceptional typography and prominently displayed, high-quality images.

What we love about this law firm website template

  • It gives a distinct identity
  • Straightforward design 
  • Easy outline 

4. Mitchell Template

The main focus of this design is to enhance the user experience by offering a simple and user-friendly interface. The layout of the pages is designed to ensure easy and efficient navigation, allowing you to locate information effortlessly. I really appreciate the professional design that Wix offers!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Professional and approachable design
  • Perfect for focusing on your content  
  • Natural and calming vibes 

5. Owens Template

I admire the designer’s dedication to creating a lively template, even though law firms typically have a more formal tone. The color scheme of this one is quite vibrant and is guaranteed to inject some liveliness into the pages. Furthermore, the arrangement of the text is excellent and far from being overpowering.

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Eye-catching and colorful design
  • Entertaining layout with amazing animations 
  • Professional vibes 

6. Tessman Template

The design of this template is absolutely breathtaking! I’m amazed at how the designer skillfully combines aesthetically pleasing elements with prominent call-to-action buttons and a captivating “about” at the top of the page. In general, this design is fashionable and definitely worth your time and energy. Great job!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Well-organized template
  • Inspiring design 
  • Simple and organized 

7. Matthewson Template

Utilize this eye-catching layout to create a powerful initial impact. The selected background image, bold typography, and prominent buttons will motivate visitors to explore further about your law firm. Thanks to the template’s overall user-friendly design, it’s incredibly simple to achieve any task! How delightful!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Perfect for displaying content
  • WordPress compatible, easy to customize
  • Strong typography 

8. Ensta Template

Law firms will find this template ideal due to its polished aesthetic and well-coordinated color palette! Furthermore, the pages contain ample white spaces, making them ideal for showcasing various types of content. Check out this one and give it a whirl!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Cutting-edge design
  • Well-coordinated color palette
  • Vibrant background images 

9. Axis Template

This template exudes a strong sense of professionalism in all aspects. Despite its simplicity, you will find yourself captivated by its visually appealing color palette, which is both alluring and gentle on the senses. The designer effectively utilized negative space, leading to a polished and aesthetically appealing look.

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Top-notch layout design
  • Perfect for promoting services 
  • Interesting and inviting layout 

10. Klein Template

The design of this template is visually appealing thanks to its generous use of blank white areas. Moving between pages is a breeze and completely stress-free! Furthermore, the designer has integrated seamless-scrolling animations and effective call-to-action buttons to improve user-friendliness! 

What we love about this law firm website template

  • A fresh start for designing a website
  • It has all the features to promote your law firm professionally 
  • Professional-looking 

11. Brooks Template

This functional and skillfully crafted template includes all the components required to initiate an online presence. Effortlessly showcase your team, your services, and your esteemed clients! The designer consistently delivers a well-structured and visually appealing layout for you!

What we love about this law firm website template

  • Inspiring layout
  • Perfect for sharing details about your law form 
  • Large-sized texts

Want more law firm website themes?

Here are 10 other great law firm website templates you can use to build a law firm website theme design!


Now you've found some cool Law Firm websites

here are your next steps.

Ralph de Groot


Find a web designer, or do it yourself.

Install your chosen template on your own website, then customize it. A template is a great base to work from. You won't believe how many companies use templates! For additional inspriration, make sure to check out our website examples!

If you rather have a professional build your website, the team at My Codeless Website offers high-quality websites for fair prices.

We partnered up with 3 professional web design agencies to deliver jaw-dropping websites that are not just good-looking but conversion-focused.


Website hosting that I recommend.

Where should I host my Law Firm website? After trying many hosting services I found 1 which stands out

No technical knowledge needed
Easy to install

Ralph de Groot
Recommended Page Builder


Selecting the right page builder.

Analyze the best examples on this page and select a page builder that is powerful and isn't buggy.

Here is the one I recommend.

Law Firm website building
You can use these amazing Law Firm templates as inspiration for your own website. Use a template to work from and blend them into your perfect design.
Law Firm website design
I hope you enjoyed these Law Firm website templates. If you need help to design a website, make sure to request a free quote. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out!
Law Firm website builders
Are you looking for a Law Firm website builder? I'm a big fan of Divi. Honestly, I've been using it for 5+ years now. It's such a powerful tool, yet easy to use. I can't recommend it enough!

About the author

Ralph de Groot loves great web design. In fact, you can wake him up at night if you found an inspiring website. Besides writing at My Codeless Website he also loves to read and to travel.