Definitive guide

Helping you to start your own tech blog

How To Start A Tech Blog – Beginner’s Guide 2024

At some point, we all wonder how to start a tech blog. Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore because I have the answer for you in this article.

Many individuals regularly like reading tech blogs. It’s a terrific idea to launch a tech blog in 2023 because the market is only going to get bigger with time.

I will give you a detailed yet easy-to-follow guide on how to start your own tech blog. I know that this will save you some time since this article will contain 10 easy steps that you can just follow along and then, voila! You have your own tech blog now.

Does blogging still make money in 2023?

Blogging is one tactic that is still effective in the digital age. Technology is developing quickly. Therefore, new software that enhances online material will always be available.

For many bloggers who comprehend keyword research and competition analysis and consistently write two or more pieces of high-quality content each week until a site reaches about 200 articles, blogging has been and is very profitable.

As long as you have the patience to wait for the fruits of your labor, blogging is still profitable.

Why you should start a tech blog?

Before we start with the steps on how to start a tech blog, let us first shed some light on the reasons why you should make one.

Here I will give you 5 reasons why you should start a tech blog:

1. Letting your voice be heard

Using your blog as a creative outlet will let you tell the world what you think and how you feel. I truly understand this since I use my blogs to inform and educate other people because I want to share my knowledge with them.

2. Use it to improve your writing skills

Your writing abilities will grow as you continue to produce and post content on your blog, and you will be better able to define your individual writing voice and style. It is inevitable that you will surely sharpen your skills in writing if you start not just a tech blog but any blog since we all know that this really includes writing skills.

3. Explain technology to beginners

You may use your blog as a platform to educate beginners about technology if you have expertise and experience in that field. Since you are creating a tech blog, it will be nice to share your knowledge with beginners who may not be techy enough. Use your platform for something good and for sure everyone will love your works.

4. Evaluate tech products

One of the main advantages of beginning a tech blog for tech enthusiasts is the opportunity to evaluate a huge variety of items in your area of expertise. Since anyone might read your blogs, this is a great way to keep them on your site.

People nowadays love reading reviews, so I believe the best way to get them is to give them what they want. For sure, you will get their attention after doing so and they might come back to your page if they want to read another review regarding a product.

5. Make money

Last but definitely not least, you can make money by starting a tech blog. It’s nice to be able to support your hobby financially, and if you manage your tech blog effectively enough, you may even be able to do it full-time.

how to start a tech blog

How to start a tech blog?

Since we all want to know the steps on how to start a tech blog, I am giving you the steps now. Try to follow everything and for sure you will have a successful tech blog in the making.

1. Choose the subject of your tech blog

Of course, just like any other kind of blog, your tech blog must find a niche that you want to focus on. Your tech blog has to have a clear goal in mind. 

First of all, you may develop a reputation as an authority in your field by being totally focused on it. There won’t be as many questions about your particular field as there are about all of the technology, so you’ll be able to address most of them.

Here are some tech blog subjects that may help you to choose your focus:

  • Mobile technology
  • Tech recommendations and criticisms
  • News/trends about tech
  • The future of tech
  • New tech tutorials and guides
  • Expert interviews
  • Programming languages

2. Select your own tech niche

A topic or group of topics that target a certain market niche form a blogging niche. But you must consider it to be more than just a subject. It is the strategy you intend to use. Your target audience, how you communicate with them, and how you present yourself all matter.

Your blog’s emphasis may be more tightly defined, which will increase your Topical Authority in Google’s eyes. As a result, you rank better for keywords associated with that subject.

While covering a variety of subjects is fine, you shouldn’t go too far when shifting the focus of your tech blog.

About 3 to 5 areas of concentration are possible. Find a focus for your blog, but don’t immediately fixate on a single topic.

Listed below are kinds of tech niches that can help you from choosing what you really want to focus on:

  • Tech support with common issues
  • Tech repair
  • Tech company information
  • Mobile
  • Desktop
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Audio
  • Gadgets

3. Select a blogging platform

Software that enables you to organize and publish material is known as a blogging platform. With the aid of such a platform, you may write posts and articles, modify them, and then publish them.

You may host your website on a variety of blogging systems, both free and paid.

Among the many other free platforms are WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. However, it’s vital to keep in mind that before you join up on any of the free platforms, you should be aware of their limitations, which may restrict your potential to expand and monetize your tech blog in the future.

Although free blogging platforms are a big relief to you, this may cause you some setbacks as well such as:

  • Little variety of themes
  • Inappropriate domain
  • Limited capabilities
  • Paid ad removal
  • Hardly any technological control
  • Few opportunities for monetization
  • Limited support, analytics, and SEO

4. Choose your domain name

Your blog’s address is determined by its domain name. So when selecting a domain name for your tech blog, be creative.

This is crucial since it will be challenging (though not impossible) to change your blog’s name once you’ve picked it, made logos, social media accounts, and written content for them.

Therefore, make sure you love your name.

5. Select your hosting

To activate your recently bought domain, you require hosting. Your website’s database, which stores your website’s files like photos, is called hosting.

To get your blogging career started, picking a reliable host is essential.

You require a trustworthy web hosting provider that can offer you high-caliber services for an affordable price.

As a result, Bluehost—the host that is great for beginners—will display your blog to everyone who enters the URL of your website.

6. Select a fantastic theme

After setting up your blog, you should give it a pleasing appearance and feel to make your tech blog come to life.

You may do this by giving your tech blog a lovely and eye-catching theme.

A theme establishes your brand and distinguishes your blog from the competition.

According to research, readers’ behavior might change significantly depending on a blog’s design or functionality. Most visitors to your site will have an immediate opinion based on how it appears, and that opinion will apply to all elements of your blog.

It’s a good idea to select a theme that is specially made for tech blogs so that you may personalize the blog more easily.

7. Make the important pages and the logo

Every blog or website should have a basic introduction that tells readers who you are, why they should follow your blog, and how to contact you if they have any questions or would want to collaborate.

Some of the important pages that your tech blog needs are the following:

About Page

This page is quite typical, although it frequently receives the most visitors on blogs. It includes details about you, including who you are, what you do, and why readers need to pay attention to you.

Contact Page

Include any relevant contact information for your audiences on your contact page, such as an email address, phone number, Skype, physical location for your social network profiles, or other ways of contact.

This page can also have a FAQ section with some of the most often asked queries.

Privacy Policy Page

You should educate your readers on this page about the kinds of data you get from visitors to your website. Additionally, you must specify how the data will be utilized. It’s crucial to use the proper terminology since this material must comply with the law.

Create a logo

It’s a good idea to concentrate on designing a logo for your tech blog at this time. There are many methods to accomplish this, you can try to use Canva for a free logo design.

Make sure to create a logo that will entice your audience and remarkable. But don’t forget to put your own personality on your logo to let everyone know who you are.

8. Start blogging

One of the key determinants of whether your blog succeeds or fails will be the material you provide. People don’t read blogs because they look good or because they update them regularly, after all (although both these factors help significantly).

They read blogs because they are interested in the responses, solutions, suggestions, advice, and other information provided by the blog.

Because of this, it’s critical that you produce quality material that will draw visitors to your brand-new blog and eventually enable you to monetize it.

These last two steps are optional, but you can try them as well in order to grow your tech blog more.

9. Promote your tech blog

It’s time to truly attract visitors to your website now that your blog is online. It doesn’t have to be difficult to draw in customers, but it does demand regular effort.

In fact, a lot of well-known bloggers think that marketing your material takes up more time than generating it.

Here are some options on how you can promote your tech blog:

  • Friends and family
  • Social media
  • Tech groups on Facebook
  • Guest posting
  • Tech forums and message boards
  • Email newsletter

10. Make money out of your tech blog

There are several methods to monetize your tech blog after it has gained traction.

Utilize the traffic and turn it into profit.

I’ve listed the many options to monetize your blog in this section.

How long should a tech blog be?

The optimal blog post length is between 1,500 and 2,500 words, with a sweet spot of just around 2,450 words, according to extensive industry research and analysis from a Wix Blog. Your posts are more likely to rank higher on search engines, receive more social media shares, and receive backlinks if you keep this average.

Although these figures are a decent place to start, there is no “one size fits all” answer because various topics call for various levels of information richness.

Can blogging become my full-time work?

Undoubtedly, blogging can be a full-time job. But creating a good blog requires a lot of time, effort, and effort. 

The amount of money a blogger makes depends on a variety of things, such as their topic, the size of their following, and how much time they invest in writing.

What should my tech blog contain?

Technical writing translates complex material into language that is understandable to a wide audience. Instructional manuals, technical documentation, sales letters, brochures, trade articles, and online assistance systems are all produced by technical writers.

How many tech blogs should I post in a month?

The majority of experts concur that writing a blog two to four times a week is the greatest approach to improve the reach of your content.

Depending on how rigid you are about when you upload new material each week, this translates to somewhere between eleven and sixteen posts every month.

This is not, however, the final count.

It’s critical to blog more frequently in some highly competitive areas, such as four to six times each week.

How do I pick an effective blog topic?

Find the subjects in your earlier articles that have attracted the greatest attention and interaction. Think about the blog themes that your clients will most likely contact you with questions about when they need a salesperson. Write about breaking news and the newest advancements in your sector to establish thought leadership.

Do people still read blogs?

Internet surfers claim to read blogs frequently. However, despite the fact that more people are reading blogs, the way we read them is essentially evolving. An average website visitor reads a blog article for about 37 seconds. It implies that the majority of readers are unlikely to read a full blog article from beginning to end. Instead, they read the article in order to obtain the data they want.

Wrapping up

Tech blogging is difficult. It’s incredibly difficult to stand out from the crowd since there is so much competition. 

However, I believe that the greatest strategy is to be really particular, grow into an authority in your field, provide in-depth, entertaining content, and use low-competition keywords. Then, depending on your scheduling preferences, blog consistently every week or every day.


How to monetize my tech blog?

They may make a tech blog profitable through affiliate marketing, the sale of courses and e-books, consulting services, display advertising, sponsored content, and the purchase of physical goods.

Should I start my own tech blog?

Make a tech blog, for sure. With a tech blog, you may display your abilities, help others kindly, share your knowledge with the world, expose yourself to new opportunities, grow better at writing, and make money.

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