Definitive guide

How to easily make a website for your Instagram account

How To Make A Website for Instagram? Ultimate Guide 2024 

I know at some point you want to know how to make a website for Instagram in order for you to establish your brand more or you just simply want to gain more potential customers. You don’t have to worry since this article will help you.

Through the years people are getting more creative in order to gain more customers for their brand such as creating a website and connecting it to their Instagram account. With the help of promotion on Instagram, people will instantly flock to your website and start browsing it.

That is a brilliant way of advertising and I know you are curious about how to do it as well but since we are already here to help, you don’t have to worry anymore because we will give you tips and tricks on how to make a website for your Instagram account.

All the steps and guides will be very easy to follow and we know for sure that you can make it yourself, well if you have the patience and perseverance to do so.

What makes Instagram a successful marketing tool?

Before actually going to the ultimate guide, let us first discuss why choose Instagram. 

Among younger users, Instagram is one of the most widely used social networking sites. But “Gen Z” may still ignore your image feed even now. Although frustrating, this is not an unsolvable issue.

One of the social media sites with the quickest growth is still Instagram. In reality, it has had a 5-6% increase in users in the United States over the past year, is still on the rise, and is more often used by teens than by adults.

Let’s lay down some numbers to impress you and convince you that Instagram is really a rising platform for advertisement.

Over 51% of Instagram users log in often, and 35% of users visit the site multiple times every day.

About 60% of users claimed to have discovered a product or service via Instagram.

Considering this, let’s analyze a few advantages of utilizing the Instagram app as a marketing tool:

  1. It’s visual. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is well known to us all and practically applies to Instagram.
  2. You can begin for free. You may sign up for a free account on Instagram in a matter of seconds.
  3. Integration is simple. It’s simple to integrate with other social media platforms. As a result, posting to several platforms only requires a few clicks.

Why make a website for your Instagram account?

Making a website just for your Instagram account is one of the best strategies to advance it.

You can share advice, sell goods, advertise clothing, offer jewelry, precious stones, and shoes, or offer services on your website. In other words, you have the opportunity to reach out to new audiences while also being as helpful as you can to everyone who is a part of your Instagram audience.

By doing this, you may reach a larger audience, gain more followers, and even persuade website visitors to buy more things from you.

You may partially monetize your effort by building an Instagram webpage. A dedicated website for your company profile enhances both your personal and professional development while lending legitimacy to your brand identity. 

Another advantage is that you will have your own website and total control over it regardless of what happens to the Instagram platform.

How to integrate the Instagram profile feed into your website?

No matter how large your Instagram following may be right now, continuous development is unquestionably the desired result. 

Your engaging postings will undoubtedly support the procedure, but why not strive to expand your following beyond the platform? There is a practical approach to accomplishing it.

You have the opportunity to showcase your professionally developed account to new website visitors by integrating your Instagram profile feed on your website.

  • Start by launching the browser version of your Instagram business account.
  • Select the 3 dots menu in the top right corner of the picture you wish to embed by going to it.
  • Copy the embed code that will be sent to you after choosing the Embed option.
  • Locate the page where you want that Instagram post to display in your WordPress editing window.
  • Paste the URL in the precise location where you want to put the code.
  • To preview how your integrated Instagram feed appears in the post, click Preview or straight Update.
how to make a website for instagram

How to make a website for Instagram?

Now we’ve come to the most awaited part and I know you can’t wait as well to know how finally make a website for your Instagram account. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and you’ll be done in no time.

1. Use SiteGround

We strongly recommend completing the following pre-processing procedures before beginning the site creation process:

  • Have a distinct notion for the domain name of the website. A nice idea would be to keep it brief and utilize certain keywords.
  • To be able to make purchases online, check sure your credit or debit card is valid and current.
  • A PC with a reliable internet connection should be ready.

Step 1: Invest in a domain name and hosting package.

  1. To receive discounted pricing, visit “” using our referral link.
  2. Click “GET PLAN” after selecting your preferred hosting package.
  3. Enter the desired website’s name and press “Proceed.”
  4. Fill up the relevant boxes with your account details and client information.
  5. Enter the payment and purchasing information.
  6. Once you have seen your total, check the “I confirm” box and press the “Pay Now” button.

Step 2: Installing WordPress and a suitable website theme

  1. After logging in, select the “Websites” option. Then, click the “COMPLETE” button.
  2. Choose “Start a New Website,” then “Wordpress.” Choose “WooCommerce” to create an online store.
  3. Click “CONTINUE” after entering your new, distinct WordPress login email and password.
  4. If you don’t want to add any of the available options, click “FINISH.”
  5. In your browser, enter “” and log in with the WordPress email address and password you already set.
  6. Click “START NOW” on the welcome screen to begin.
  7. Select a theme that fits your site’s style, tastes, and needs by clicking “SELECT” as displayed.
  8. When prompted, click “CONFIRM” to install the theme.
  9. Add any free add-ons you choose to your WordPress site and click “COMPLETE” where indicated.
  10. Click “GO TO DASHBOARD” when you see the “Your site is ready” page.
  11. Greetings on your new website! Your WordPress dashboard is seen here. You may use it to alter the media on your site and modify it. Click “Appearance-> Themes” and then “Add New,” as displayed, to alter the theme once more.

Tips to build huge followers on Instagram

Of course, you need to build a name first before starting a website. You need to build a group of people that will believe in you and in order to do this, we will give you 5 simple tips.

1. Post consistently

Consistent posting helps your audience know they can always expect new information from you. They’ll also be more inclined to visit your feed frequently when they log on.

2. Use relevant hashtag

Certain phrases or words in a message can be made searchable by using the “hashtag,” often known as the “pound” symbol or “octothorpe.” Visitors will locate the material they’re seeking more easily as a result of the categorization this creates.

3. Post during the best times

It’s difficult to say that there is a set “best time” for Instagram posting. There are several distinct peak hours, according to data gathered by various marketing companies. The best strategy to pick the optimal time for your audience, though, is probably to gather some of your own data.

4. Cross-posting on other social media platforms

You may use this to publish blog entries on Instagram and vice versa. It’s a great approach to reach consumers who only use one specific platform and would otherwise lose out on your material, even if you manually cross-post your content.

5. Interact with your audience

Customers expect firms to engage with them; as a result, they are more inclined to buy from companies with active social media accounts. In fact, 76% of respondents claimed they are more inclined to select a brand they identify with than any other option.

What is the price of building a website?

You must first clearly understand the type of your website in order to determine how much it will cost to construct one.

After selecting the finest hosting company, it’s time to find the appropriate theme and plugins for your website, at which point you may determine how much it will cost to launch it.

Keep that in mind if free site hosting services and WordPress themes are also readily available.

Do I need to know how to program in order to build a website?

Most likely yes. Although it is advisable to have some programming expertise if you are thinking about making a website, there are other options that you can use to build your website without any programming experience.

Can I build a website for free?

Find a free WordPress and install it on a free hosting service to launch your free website construction.

The most challenging component of website creation is installing free plugins once your website has been put online. Finding trustworthy free plugins might be challenging.

Yoast SEO is one example of a freeware plugin that may perform some fairly excellent work, however most trustworthy plugins that are necessary for your website’s quality development and are widely used are not accessible for free.

How much time does it take to build a website?

In actuality, there is no definitive response to this query; instead, everything hinges on how high your aspirations are. If you’re considering starting a tiny blog, your website may be created in a single day. 

However, you will need to invest a lot more time if you are thinking of creating a sizable internet store or anything similar.


Now that we’ve discussed how to make a website for Instagram, it is very easy to follow and very easy to make as well, especially now that we have free sites that can help you do your own website. 

You can put the link of your website to your Instagram bio and let your audience visit your website and let them get to know you more.

If you have trouble creating your own website, you don’t have to worry since I can help you with that. Just message me and I can teach you how.


How much does it cost to make a website for Instagram?

If you are going to ask for help from other people, a website can cost you around $500 to $1000 maximum. But if you decide to do some research and maximize the use of free tools to make a website, then you can make a website for under $100.

Is it hard to make a website?

It actually depends on your skills and abilities. But with the tools provided online and thorough research then I believe that there will no such thing as hard in this world. Do not worry so much and just study about it.

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