Definitive guide

Website audit

How to Conduct a Website Audit to Improve User Experience

In order to give your website a thorough check-up, you need to do a website audit to find the areas that need improvement. In this article, I will teach‌ you how to conduct a website audit to improve user experience.

One of your most important assets for online marketing is your website. It serves as the online storefront of your company and frequently serves as the initial point of contact with potential customers. 

Conducting a website audit is one of the best methods to enhance the performance of your website. 

What is a website audit?

According to HubSpot, a website audit is a review of page performance. By doing an audit of your website, you can find out if it is optimized to meet your traffic goals and get a sense of what changes you can make to make it more effective.

Types of website audits

  1. Competitive website audit
  2. SEO link audit
  3. Lead conversion optimization audit
  4. Social media audit
  5. SEO website audit

How to conduct a website audit to improve user experience

Here are the steps you need to follow for you to conduct your website audit.

Review the design of your website

Examining your website’s design is the first step in doing a website audit. The design of your website should be both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. 

Look for ways to make your website’s design better, such as changing the color palette, the font, or the layout. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and that the design is the same on all the pages.

Check the user experience on your website

The success of your website depends on the user experience. Both the navigation and the content of your website should be easy to use. 

Verify any issues with broken links, sluggish loading, and other elements that may affect the user experience. Make sure your website is simple to use and intuitive.

Analyze the content on your website

The most essential part of your website is its content. Your writing should be interesting, educational, and pertinent to your readership. Verify the content on your website for accuracy and up-to-date. Make sure the material on your website is search engine optimized by adding keywords and meta descriptions. 

SEO review for your website

In order for your website to be successful, SEO is essential. In order to increase your website’s visibility on search engines like Google, SEO entails optimizing its content and architecture

By looking at your website’s keywords, meta descriptions, and titles, you may check the SEO of your website. Make sure the material on your website is search engine optimized.

Analyze the conversion rate on your website

Your website must have a high conversion rate in order to be successful. Analyze your website’s traffic and conversion statistics to determine the conversion rate. Find opportunities to increase the conversion rate of your website, such as by including additional calls to action or streamlining the checkout procedure.

Make sure it’s mobile-friendly

If your homepage is mobile-friendly, the rest of your website probably will be as well. If your website has sections that are radically different from one another, test a few pages. 

You should probably talk to a developer to fix the issue if it isn’t already mobile-friendly and you know that many of your users get your site using a mobile device.

Make sure your website loads quickly

Reviewing the most important ones first is advised if you have many slow pages. Sorting organic traffic from high to low is one approach to accomplish this. These pages probably stand to benefit the most from any optimization work.

You might use Google Analytics to determine which pages are most beneficial to you in terms of sales/revenue and give those top priority.

Look for broken links and pages

Besides wasting “link equity,” broken links and backlinks also degrade the user experience. You should use all means to identify and address them. However, this isn’t a one-time job; finding and resolving broken links and backlinks needs to be a continuous activity as part of your site’s routine SEO audits.

Check security and privacy

Make sure your website has a privacy policy in place, appropriate SSL encryption, and secure payment methods. Ensure users that their online transactions are safe and that their personal information is protected.


To accommodate users with disabilities, include a section on website accessibility. Make sure your website complies with accessibility standards by conducting an audit to check for things like alternative text for pictures, appropriate heading usage, and keyboard navigation functionality.

Performance optimization

Analyze your website’s performance and speed. High bounce rates and a poor user experience can both result from slow loading times. To enhance website performance, think about reducing HTTP requests, compressing pictures, and enhancing your code.


The user experience and conversion rates of your website can be greatly enhanced by doing a website audit. You can make sure that your website is operating at its peak efficiency and giving your users a satisfying experience by following these suggestions.

A user experience audit is not something that should be taken lightly; it takes a major commitment of time and human resources.


How frequently should I audit my website?

Depending on the size and complexity of your website, the frequency may change, but it’s ‌advised to perform an in-depth audit at least once every year. More frequent audits, however, might be required if you routinely update or modify your website.

Can I audit a website on my own, or do I need to hire a pro?

Using many internet tools and resources, it is possible to perform an initial website audit on your own. However, it is frequently helpful to work with an experienced web developer or digital marketing firm with experience in website audits for a thorough and in-depth analysis. 

What are some frequent errors to avoid while conducting a website audit?

Some common mistakes that you can avoid while conducting a website audit are relying heavily on automated tools, ignoring user feedback, and focusing on the design so much, and forgetting the functionality of the website.